Templar Vault Chamber located in New Ross, Nova Scotia

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quote: ' OK its easy to see you did to much drugs over the years

Fool to comment in this way .

Lot of dignity right ?

Easy to understand what I stated , do not instigate argument ,

same with Loki

what is it about you people that in conversation , you cannot manage to refrain from insult and argument ?

Ton's of that Garbage is all over this site out of both of you , directed at anyone whom contest your statements .

Reading through this forum , your statements collectively , Read as though you're either Demented children ,
or you have serious drug problems your self .

that out of the way

Try an answer to my query without infantile emotions highlighted all over the reply .

can you manage that , or shall I hire you a Caretaker who can respond for you .

easy to do my boy , you just simply answer the query with a few logical words .

No need for you to slide off the scale as you always seem to do every time a member questions you ,

just answer,,,, give a simple non complex answer , you do not even need to spell check it first . I can Translate your scribbles .

Same for you loki , your as well invited to give a coherent response to the question .

Unrealistic expectations of me to think you can manage that on your own , but as I said , I have a great deal
of Tolerance with the Intellectually Handicapped .

Would you like to try again ?

if not , not a Problem .

It's disturbing to watch you consistently defend yourself against what your mind perceives as attacks , I feel for you ,
I've been in Cities where a mass amount of people suffer Paranoid Delusions .

So , ahead of time , let me asure you , to give the answer will not bring down upon you the Wrath of the Gods .

OK ? Feel better now ? it's gonna be alright ,,, just fine ,,, I swear , we are not out to take your Binkie ,,, all the members
here have outgrown Binkies decades ago .
You're safe to respond now , I'm here to protect you, I really am .

The question was : " What do you believe was the Motive , Intent , of the Gentlemen who secreted these Vaults ?

or another way to phrase it , They built Vaults , filled them with Treasure , walked away from it , abandoning all that
beautiful precious Wealth , never to return and recover ,,, Why ?

Were they Insane ?

To what reasoning , were their actions justifiable to them ?

I just have to ask you that , owing to your statements about this Fiasco , you surely have the answers .

So , again , Please , pretty please with Sugar Drops and Chocolate Sprinkles on top ,,, can we receive and answer ?

Thank's in advance for a Logical non-combative , simple and concise answer .

R. Allen Snow

Lol, and you call me argumentative. And, although I am trying to resist, I must answer, I can't help myself. There were no vaults and nothing was ever hid on Oak Island, well maybe lately. And btw Solomon lived far longer than 2000 years ago.
Cheers, Loki

Finders , I'll try to help you out a bit here , with some logic .

" The moment you begin to defend yourself ,,, you've already lost "

Long explanatory Defense statements , Create suspicions in people who hear them .

Ok ?

You are not on trial , not being interrogated for a crime , or suspected of committing an Offense against Humanity .

It's a Forum buddy , just a discussion , really , I swear , it's not a Legal Document signing , you will not
be held civilly Responsible for any statement you make .

Again , all I ask is a very innocent question , nothing so serious as revealing the Secrets of the Universe .

PLEASE understand , Your answer does not have to be accompanied with a Statement of Defense .

ok ?
again , thank you .

Jebus , alright , I'll give it one more try .

I am not speaking of Oak Island

I am speaking of these supposed Templar Vaults you Referred to in your Title Header .

As the Templar Vault located in New Ross as you have put it .

Ok ?

Here's the query : Why and what was the purpose of these Knights , to build these vaults , fill them with supposed
treasure , seal the vaults , and walk away abandoning these supposed Vaults ?

If the way I illustrate the query is too abstract to comprehend , I can reword it in any way you'd like .

Thank you for a simple answer , Like : They did this because ______--------- "

Alrighty ?

Jebus , alright , I'll give it one more try .

I am not speaking of Oak Island

I am speaking of these supposed Templar Vaults you Referred to in your Title Header .

As the Templar Vault located in New Ross as you have put it .

Ok ?

Here's the query : Why and what was the purpose of these Knights , to build these vaults , fill them with supposed
treasure , seal the vaults , and walk away abandoning these supposed Vaults ?

If the way I illustrate the query is too abstract to comprehend , I can reword it in any way you'd like .

Thank you for a simple answer , Like : They did this because ______--------- "

Alrighty ?


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LOL exactly , it's taking on an entire 200 gigs of data bytes , just to get a simple answer
to a very simple question . Christ on a Corn Dog ,, I may starve to death waiting for it .

Never mind Finders , I give in , you won , you can keep your secret .
so sad . mindful of those times I struggled with changing Diapers on Sasquatch Children . Just round and
Round they'd run ,,
I never did get many of those Diapers changed out ,,
Probably why I was fired .

Frankly it's much sadder you are pasting stuff you wrote on a defunct website 13 years ago. Grow up.

I don't have the answer you are looking for :dontknow: I think they all died from the Bubonic Plague and I believe I can prove it now, but that's just my thoughts .
I think the first thing they did was to dig the water lines from up hill down to the castle site because they needed water for mortar to build. At the same time they dug the vault chambers to hide what they had removed from Oak Island. Then they started building the Castle. I have proof the church and castle may not have been finished. WE located the spot were there should be over 50 dead bodies in a trench at the site. If there is a trench full of bodies and with the other proof we have I think it will show they all died from the Plague. We are not allowed to hunt for treasures or artifacts so we can not dig at these locations. We are after minerals and when we are done we will show and tell the government everything. Again we do not know if anything is in the vaults chambers if they are even vault chambers. There was a lot of gold mining in Nova Scotia and New Ross had its share. This could just be a gold mine tunnel. If we knew there was treasure in one of the vaults we would of been digging long ago:BangHead:

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my. my gentlemen, is it that important to have the last word ?? I have been flatly called straight out Liar' n the past , but then was vindicated later.. Just remember there isn't a single statement that you can make that someone doesn't have an issue with. So relax . :laughing7::coffee2::coffee2::coffee2::coffee2: _--- enough of God's gift to mankind to go around..

Just for the record, I returned from my self-imposed exile because the signal-to-noise ratio in this forum had become unacceptable again. That's basically my Bat-Signal.

The last page or two of this thread has me questioning my motives. I've seen all sorts of crazy on Tnet over the years, but we may be pushing into new territory. Consider me impressed. I've got nothing.

WE located the spot were there should be over 50 dead bodies in a trench at the site. If there is a trench full of bodies and with the other proof we have I think it will show they all died from the Plague. We are not allowed to hunt for treasures or artifacts so we can not dig at these locations. We are after minerals and when we are done we will show and tell the government everything.

So you're not allowed to dig for treasures, but you're allowed to dig for ore?

Seems to me like there's probably some likely ore under that trench of yours. If you hit something else on your way down to it...well, accidents happen.

I'm no geologist, but it's my understanding that minerals occur just about anywhere that someone would want to dig a hole at. If you've got mineral rights, you can dig a hole, right? If you find something besides minerals, that's hardly your fault.

Just saying.

So you're not allowed to dig for treasures, but you're allowed to dig for ore?

Seems to me like there's probably some likely ore under that trench of yours. If you hit something else on your way down to it...well, accidents happen.

I'm no geologist, but it's my understanding that minerals occur just about anywhere that someone would want to dig a hole at. If you've got mineral rights, you can dig a hole, right? If you find something besides minerals, that's hardly your fault.

Just saying.
Dave you are 100% correct. I have permits to mine but I can not hunt for treasure in Nova Scotia. That's just the way it is. Every time we report a historical find at the site , Heritage goes crazy telling me not to dig up or look for treasures. So we dig for gold that our equipment says is there. Now is the gold in natural form or is it treasure ??? My equipment will not tell us that. While we look for gold we locate caves and tunnels but again they tell us not to go public with any more info because they don't want people digging up artifacts . Nova Scotia does not have the money or time to send someone to this site to do a dig. But if we dig up something they will step in and take it all. Yet Nova Scotia has money to give over $1 million to the film crew on Oak Island when nothing is there and we have artifacts everyplace here in New Ross. Go Figure :BangHead:

Finders keepers, you are correct. You must have a previous contract on division of spoils prior to excavating or it goes in it's entirety to the land owner, whether private or the Gov., of course the ultimate owner of the land is the gov't They never relinquish it entirely.

Finders keepers, you are correct. You must have a previous contract on division of spoils prior to excavating or it goes in it's entirety to the land owner, whether private or the Gov., of course the ultimate owner of the land is the gov't They never relinquish it entirely.

New Ross is in Nova Scotia. A previous contract with a land owner means nothing. Any treasure found belongs to the government.

New Ross is in Nova Scotia. A previous contract with a land owner means nothing. Any treasure found belongs to the government.
Yes the government gets all treasures and all historical artifacts found above or below ground. If you find something above ground in the 2' of land owners ground you must leave it and report it and stop all digging. If its under the 2' that is owned by the gov. then you must take it to the heritage office and wait to see if you can keep digging for foundations, pools, well, etc. Now as a mining company we got the mineral rights to New Ross and we can dig if we prove whats there and the land owner has little say in it. Mining is big money in Nova Scotia. Now if we do a dig and find treasure then we call the gov. and they take it all :BangHead: (except ) if there is any uncut diamonds,uncut gems stones, or gold nuggets then we get them:hello2:. In that area I am sure who was here first found a lot of major gold nuggets and stones but did they have the time or knowledge to cut them:icon_scratch:. So if any minerals were added to any treasure we would own it .
When we did our TV show we were hunting for treasure but during the filming of the show our equipment showed GOLD and we drilled 3 holes and found gold nuggets. A lot of people thought we faked the equipment readings for the show , YA if I did why are we still on site 4 years later 8-) . After filming we started our mining company an now we use treasure hunting equipment to hunt for all kinds of minerals.

True that , fool not yourself , that if you find a treasure on U.S. Soil , you won't own it very long at all .

Especially so , if it evidences pre-Colombian Contact .

Take it from this kid that was abducted and Tortured by U.S. Intel Agents ,

They are going to get it no matter the security you surround it with .

if you think you're safe , I'm watching them watch this Forum .

" Always awake , always around , they simply take , what you have found "

Believe .
save the tin foil
you're being beamed in on

I kid you not .

Server's from 2 point's
Moffit airbase Ca.
other one Virginia

Moffit using Tracking

yeah yeah , I know , Moffit is Google ,,, right ?

Was that another Sheeple I heard BAAAAaaaaaaaaaaaa

it's real man

Not to dissuade , but I'm not pushing B.S. , if you hit Big , you'll get company ,
and do not believe that Having News Media onsite to document it , means anything to them .

If you have Children , they'll threaten to kill them .

and with my Dad , they did .

yepper ,, pay those taxes

they need the latest Tech to use on you .

just sayin' ya unnerstan

Fascinating points, TM2 but you do know we are talking about Canada?

And the oddities continue, and I'm still posting via iPad. Do you know what a PITA this is? I'm using a Bluetooth keyboard in a clean yet dated motel and all the craziness of the Internet is making some sort of sense now. Worldwide communication from what is essentially the third world is trickier than it sounds. The degree of enlightenment that I'm experiencing suggests a koan that has not been written yet.

(Rules of thumb for traveling, regardless of your destination: the cab drivers don't speak English well, you forgot the one thing that you needed and it can't be replaced, the Internet connectivity sucks, and your phone doesn't get good reception. This seems to hold true even if you're going to the next town over, let alone another state or country. You may as well count on this. First world problems, right?)

Finderkeeper? More digging, please. Find that gold and whatever else may be in the vicinity. I still think that you're wrong, and I'm still hoping to be incorrect in thinking so.

Fascinating points, TM2 but you do know we are talking about Canada?

Know what's truly Fascinating , the amount of folks that think there's a difference .

On point , you find it , it meets a criteria , it's GONE
just that simple .

a few of us have lived the experience

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