Templar Vault Chamber located in New Ross, Nova Scotia

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Whether or not there is a Templar vault at Ross is one thing...however whatever was at Oak Island was recovered a few years ago by an expedition mounted and paid for by a British billionaire (not Niven Sinclair, he's not a billionaire) and the person to whom the story was told and permitted it posted in his forum has impeccable credentials and has personally told me he's seen proof that the story told to him of the recovery was true. If you wish to dig into it further and think you can get Andrew Gough to show you the same proof he saw, go for it. He's got zipper lips and doesn't break confidences but you're free to read "Will's" story and ask Andrew yourself.

I have read everything Andrew wrote about Will and I don't think Andrew put much store in his wild claims. I know I sure didn't, it was back in 2009 I think and I believe the story is still available.

Cheers, Loki

You believe....did you actually ASK Andy? And maybe if he doesn't know you..he isn't going to tell you. I did ask, I do know him, and I did get an answer. Believe what you want, keep the mystery alive :) it works for everyone else.

I personally have a photo of said artifact that was found where it should not have been found. I drove all the way to a sovereign rez in MI to get a look at the evidence for myself..so based on what Andy said he saw photos of, and what I have personally seen photos of...first off there aren't too many people who could handle that truth, and second it doesn't matter anymore...sometimes the past is best left in the past. But I will say this, it was Kidrock's cave quest posts that set me on the quest and his posts that tie every thing I subsequently discovered together. Knowing something that you realize no one (or hardly anyone) else will EVER allow themselves to believe really isn't all that much of a thrill. It's sad that the truth is so...revolutionary, but personally...let people have their dreams. They're gonna die just like everyone else and everyone needs something to do to keep them busy.

Anyway Andy hardly has anything to do with that forum of insanity and I am not sure why he keeps it open, except for things like that dropping into his lap behind the scenes and his trustworthiness and well-known shut mouth, gets a lot of interesting things dropped his way. Please note..Andy's a right pain in the arse :D and I'm 100% certain he'd say the same about me, but I would never doubt his word.

EDIT to add: you really need to go to the forum and read Will's posts for yourself. I also will Add that Andy is a big time debunker and has exposed more than one RLC hoax.

I have read every one of Will's post and I do not believe, as you say. And I do know what Andy thinks about it. Just for giggles why don't you post Will's comments so others here can make their own decisions.
Cheers, Loki

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:occasion14: Have a nice day everyone

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Andy's website is very interesting to say the least. It's now in my Favorites list :) His recent article about bee veneration and pollen symbology throughout ancient cultures is quite digestible for a layman like myself.

Now, about that King David capsule in vacuum tube story that is 7 yrs old.. That's got to be the worlds best kept secret if it's true !

I'm pretty sure Andy wasn't lying to me :D actually Will's story and what Andy told me he saw a photo of matched what I later found on my own (albeit not associated with OI)...and what Kidrock found...it doesn't matter. Believe what you wish, hunt for what you need to hunt for and may you find something that no one will ever believe you found. :)

All I can speak to is that I believe my own eyes and I've seen things that could not possibly have been found where they were found (lets say that the AIM was supervising a BLM excavation and were actively protesting when something was excavated that the BLM wanted to hide...shortly after that AIM raided the BLM HQ and stole tons of documents, and "restole" the artifacts... many of which I have personally seen including land grants that have never been invalidated..meaning...lots of white folks have houses sitting on land that if these grants ever saw the light of day..would tip a lot of things upside down.

Anyway, I believe what Andy told me because I discovered other things that told the same story. IF Andy lied to me it doesn't really matter because the stuff I saw at the rez basically proves that concept true. That being said, Andy is consummately polite and "goes along" with a lot of stuff I know he thinks is 100% bunk...and RLC=100% bunk at least the way the researchers are trailing it :) Treasure is far far more interesting than the truth...there are probably 1-2 people on this entire board who could first, HEAR it, and second, let it be what it is. That's why I don't post..first there's nothing to search for that I haven't already found, second, the truth? No one wants the truth. It's the dream that's most important.

You missed my edit, I wrote, you should post Will's comments so others here can make their own decisions.

That's only an article about WILL, that is not Will's posts those can be found on Andy's forum. Andrew Gough's Arcadia in the Oak Island forum...I thought you'd read them? Why not link to them rather than Andy's article? Also...he rarely ever ever gives away what he personally thinks about something.

I have read them, every one.
Cheers, Loki

Well, it is a lot easier to claim you are part of an international secret conspiracy than actually setting up an international secret conspiracy (and keep it secret).


Not sure how you can ridicule a person for associating Biglino with Von Daniken's ancient astronaut theories when all this is easily found in a 2 minute Google Search.

In fact the Wikipedia entry for him lists all the other authors who've made basically the same claims (divine/myth = extraterrestrial/alien), just that Biglino is the first to "transLITERATE" direct from the Hebrew sources.

I'm not knocking the guy personally, but you seem to be implying he is the only person capable of correctly translating ancient Hebrew, thus these sudden revelations that God/Jesus/YWWH is an alien and can point to parts of scripture to prove it. Don't get me wrong, its fascinating stuff, but hardly original. Heck, Hollywood has been cashing in on the idea for a while and E.T. Intervention was a theme of many Arthur Clarke's novels (2001, Childhoods End etc).

There's a big difference between translation and transliteration, which is how Biglino got the "earth-shaking revelations" in the first place.

BTW, Biglino is NOT the "official Hebrew translator of the Vatican", his books have merely been published by a publisher that the Vatican owns (and the Vatican owns several publishing companies, but does not imply endorsement or authenticity).

From Andy's website , quote from Will:

"I am believing more and more that the bones rumoured to be inside the capsule is not of Christ, but that of KING DAVID – but his remains lead to Christ"

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Seriously you people are pathetic.

It's true and has never been a secret that Niven Sinclair had sex with two minors when he returned from Africa OVER 50 YEARS AGO. He served his time, ditched the African habits got a nice of age boyfriend and started a business. He's 92. A gay man of that age in UK learned to hide everything about himself or left the country because just like in Iran today, buggery was a crime. The court records and not the Mirror are where you're going to find facts.

He's only ever been involved in one fight in his life (as per the record) in Afria, nobody died and there were no weapons involved. Sure hope you never meet the guys from the Colombian village who are given a donkey for their first girlfriend, it's normal to them. Niven lived in a culture that accepted male/male relationships and did not and still do not view sex between males as anything other than normal. Had to be the scare of a lifetime to go to prison for what he'd been doing his whole life in Africa...and please stop making out the boys to be such innocent victims...rent boys are popular everywhere (teens who trade sex for stuff). I know straight guys that did it and gay guys that did it and people are still doing it. Surely you know that back then a parent finding out his kid was a buggerer was going to flip out. So if you feel right persecuting an old man for something that happened over 50 years ago and linking him to Jimmy Seville...you go right on ahead. I intend to make the lawyer aware of these posts and let them handle it. The UK has some fairly strict libel laws.

In the 1960's and 1970's Sinclair raped at least eight boys aged 12-15. At least one of these children was raped at gunpoint. If you want to minimize these monstrous crimes as you are above, well, that makes YOU the pathetic one, bud.

... and it's New Ross.

And one more thing, while you've found it incredibly easy to fling pooh on the Internet secure in your faux anonymity, one wonders how easy it going to be for you to dodge it once your identities are known? What's in YOUR background, how close a scrutiny can you bear? In particular with treasure hunters, the IRS.

Really? and your proof for that?

He was convicted and served time for raping little boys. There was sufficient proof for that, eh?

There is an agenda here.

There is no agenda. He was simply caught up in the aftermath of the Seville enquiry. Seeing has Sinclair was convicted for raping little boys and was associated with the BBC, it only makes sense to take a closer look into his activities.

Really?And the same teen kept going back?

That's not surprising at all, and the fact that you seem to think it is shows an absolute ignorance of the dynamics involved in abusive relationships. How many abused women stay with their abuser thinking that they love them? Many.

Posting vague things that he personally drove Saville to abuse kids? Are you ready to get sued? I surely hope you are.

Please point out where I did so.

...would pay as much attention to the Rotherham scandal...

Irrelevant to the topic at hand and an attempt to deflect attention away from the fact that Sinclair was convicted of raping little boys.

That you are OK with homophobia...

Please point out where I gave you the idea that I'm homophobic.

There is literally zero evidence of rape or coercion, but for young teens

...as young as 12 years old. TWELVE YEARS OLD. A 12-year old cannot consent to sex. I'm stunned that you are here on a public forum defending a man who has been convicted of raping little boys.

Either your treasure hunting lot in concert with someone else is seeking to smear Niven and stop him donating to buy into the land there, or it's the Sinclair lot smearing him for a similar reason.

I am neither a Sinclair nor a treasure hunter. I'm just someone in the general New Ross area who doesn't want the stench of someone who has been convicted of raping little boys hanging over the town.

You're carrying on about "victims" who are in their 60s...as if it happened yesterday. You don't see a problem with that?

No I don't see a problem with caring about the victims. They are the only ones who should be cared about, regardless of when they were victimized. They should be our concern and not the creature that raped them when they were little boys.

What can I say, some of your lot sound insane too... in YOUR treasure quests.

I don't have a lot, and I'm not involved in any quests. You don't know who you're talking about.

Instead of contacting him directly you've chosen to smear an old man

Stating facts of a person's life is not 'smearing' them.

...because this is unconscionable and vile...

... as unconscionable and vile as raping little boys? ... because that's pretty vile around here. Seriously, bud. You really are making a fool of yourself here with this rant... spinning some vast conspiracy instead of accepting that a lot of people have issues with convicted child molesters.

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What's in YOUR background, how close a scrutiny can you bear?

You know what's NOT in my background? Any convictions for molesting little boys.

8-) Have a good day

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So ... Lemme take a guess at what's in that vacuum tube casket ... Remains of an Extra-Terrestrial (Elohim) ?? :D

Andy's website is very interesting to say the least. It's now in my Favorites list :) His recent article about bee veneration and pollen symbology throughout ancient cultures is quite digestible for a layman like myself.

Now, about that King David capsule in vacuum tube story that is 7 yrs old.. That's got to be the worlds best kept secret if it's true !
DO tell...!

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