tayopa, legend or reality ...?

the blindbowman said:

BB - With all due respect, the link you provided as evidence is nothing more than another theory unless there is documentation to go along with it. The internet is a great resource, but it's quite literally FULL of erroneous information and unless there are sources and documents (in this case, such as Spanish or Mexican records, etc...) that can be cross checked and verified, it's nothing more than another person's opinion and certainly can't be taken as fact just because it fits one's own theory.

I know I mentioned this once before, but it bear's repeating imho. Any time one is doing research, there is the temptation to only accept data that agrees with your theory and find ways to disregard that which doesn't. It's a difficult thing to work for years on a theory only to discover one day that the theory can no longer stand up to the facts - it's very difficult to research and yet stay impartial, and yet it's the ONLY way to do good research.

Honestly, I do believe you've found something out in those mountains, but as a scientist and researcher, it's increasingly difficult for me to follow your train of thought and accept the things you say when you continue to use the word "fact" for so many of your theorys. I know it may seem like a small thing - it's just a word or two (fact vs. theory), but it changes the entire theme and discussion surrounding your posts when you continue to use the word fact when they truly are still just theories. The discussions too often deteriorate into perceived "attacks" on your "facts" when all they should be are challenges to your theories.

BB - take a step back - you're obviously an intelligent person - do you not see the difference between fact and theory? I applaud your effort to prove your theories to be true, but your constant use of "fact" in the wrong context is misleading and borders on a researcher skewing his research because of a bias.

In many ways it's not unlike folks like Ed Piper, Celeste Jones and Hermann Petrasch who spent literally years of their lives continuing to dig holes in the same rocks over and over because they had convinced themselves that they were in the right spot despite evidence to the contrary.

lol good piont but te fact is i did not dig the shaft or build the chruch or destory it and make the legends all fit this site , they do and thats what makes it interesting ,, we are working on a time line and as of yet we find no evidence that tells us this is not the Sombrero mine .. in fact with in a reason dout it is the Sombrero mine ...

i out right agree the quality of internet is only as good as the presn that is screening the data ...

oro it went out this morning and should be there in a few days ,, enjoy ...

i got one more chance to prove this site and i will not waste that chance foolishly ..

we are noty hopeing to find something in the mts ... we have very define sites and areas to the ft by ft cubic .i agree with your logic yet i am past that stage and have my 4th expedition comeing up and i know the basics already ...

What has BB ever written that makes you honestly believe that he has actually found something?

Bill96 said:
What has BB ever written that makes you honestly believe that he has actually found something?

are you even looking ...lol


For me, it was when bb revealed that he was the brother of Jesus, making him the son of God. Those are powerful credentials and one hell of a resume.

A close second was his personal meeting with Montezuma. If those things don't convince you......nothing will.

Of course you can't dismiss his Treasure Stories source out of hand. Anyone who has those kinds of resources at his fingertips has got to have.......something.

I would like to add my good wishes to bowman for his next expedition. Nothing would give me more pleasure than to have all of the naysayers eat their words. I will need a little Tabasco Sauce on mine. :wink:

Take care,

Joe Ribaudo

cactusjumper said:

For me, it was when bb revealed that he was the brother of Jesus, making him the son of God. Those are powerful credentials and one hell of a resume.

A close second was his personal meeting with Montezuma. If those things don't convince you......nothing will.

Of course you can't dismiss his Treasure Stories source out of hand. Anyone who has those kinds of resources at his fingertips has got to have.......something.

I would like to add my good wishes to bowman for his next expedition. Nothing would give me more pleasure than to have all of the naysayers eat their words. I will need a little Tabasco Sauce on mine. :wink:

Take care,

Joe Ribaudo

i love to roll play it throws most off the trail ... lol ...

we have a little scale for ya to think about

the tayopa yeilded around 200 cubic ft or a shaft 10ft by 4by4 ft ...

the Sombrero yeilded around 20 cubis ft close to 2ft deep by 4by4 ft ....

the dutchman yeilded unknown cubic ft to a deepth of no more ten 1 1/2 ft by 4by 4ft ....but !

total yeild of this mine to day is 224 cubic ft to a deepth of no more then 14 ft ,(note the dutchman made the shaft 6 by 6 ft 12 more cubic ft ..of shaft size ,so his total could have been no more then 36 cubic and no less then 26 cubic...

Bill96 said:
What has BB ever written that makes you honestly believe that he has actually found something?

Let me re-phrase what I said into what I meant...

I honestly believe BB BELIEVES he found something out there.

Personally, I believe there are still things to be discovered in the Superstitions, and while I can't say I've seen anything from BB other than theories, I'll continue to give him the benefit of the doubt.

How's that for riding the fence? :)

thats good thats why you will still be rideing the fence when i am researching the objects recoverd ...dont worry CJ will be there with you ...lol ,,,just because you got a pole up your ass dose not mean your rideing a fence ...lol dont let Cj stand behind you ...LOL

some of them may take your plastic but i dont think your checks will cover it ... lol

Everything else aside you always make me laugh. Where did you get those measurements on the differn't mine yeilds and sizes?

the blindbowman said:
thats good thats why you will still be rideing the fence when i am researching the objects recoverd ...dont worry CJ will be there with you ...lol ,,,just because you got a pole up your ass dose not mean your rideing a fence ...lol dont let Cj stand behind you ...LOL

Very mature of you BB - I came out with what I feel is an honest and perfectly legitimate personal evaluation of your theorys based on the evidence you provided without making any personal attack on you whatsoever. In fact, I left the door open for you in the hopes that some future evidence would prove to be conclusive to anyone other than yourself.

You respond with some kind of homophobic joke? Sorry, I didn't find it funny - more along the lines of something my 6 year old nephew might find amusing.

...when i am researching the objects recoverd...

I wasn't aware that you already had a permit for recovering any objects from the Superstitions - Scott Wood hadn't mentioned that - congratulations!

I'm terribly sorry that it offends you so much to have your theories challenged when you are unable to provide any clear and concrete evidence to support them - it's not surprising that you're a self proclaimed hermit when this is the way you treat people. My guess is you're not a hermit by choice - despite what you claim.

i amglad you think thatway .. and i never needed anyone else to aprove my theories ... lol . who great ful for you to let me judge things for my self when you have no say in the matter what so ever .. in fact this is nothing more then a web site and i feel i would much rather research my sites by my self or i would have given real evidence out ...

i dont real care what you think i have found or didnt find .. and i have done what i must to control the out come ...

so think what you want .. i go threw well over 5000- pages of data aweek some times as much as 15,000 pages so what you think could only slow me down to answer your questions that have no bearing on my research ... i was trying to be polite ...

i dont post facts becuase i dont want to ...


"I wasn't aware that you already had a permit for recovering any objects from the Superstitions - Scott Wood hadn't mentioned that - congratulations!"

There are certain parts of the game that are actually kind of fun...........in a sick way. :tard:

Take care,


" I dont post facts ecasue I dont want to"
No need to let facts interfere with a good story.

what have you found people have spent there whole life out there and have nothing but data to show for their hard work . you dont get it yet do you these egend are not going to say hear we are come get us ... do you think there is some waiting line out there ....lol .. get real ...

if you want to become one of those people wondering after 30 years where it is .. be my guest ... i may not be like the rest of you .. i am so glad i am not .. and es for your own presonal forfill ment i have found someting .i have already made a discover worthy of my time and skills ... so maybe you will get a chance to read about it .. maybe it will vanish like the legends and the life of those that hunt for the legends .. dont risk what you are not willing to throw away

makes you wonder why i said nothing about the back interence to the tomb ...i am not smart at all ..did i tell you there was no front interence .. i must of forgot ..

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