tayopa, legend or reality ...?

There is not much going on in Connecticut pertaining to large treasures.

Saw Mill above Tayopa..webp

Extra Extra...Read all about it...Novice Treasure Seeker finds famed "TAYOPA"...Ore offered on eBay as proof...After years of extensive searching...Throughout all Arizona and Mexico...Rookie prospector posts specimen ore on eBay as proof, for all the world to see...HEHEHE

Merry Christmas Don Jose de le Potter and a Happy New Year!!!

Ed T

Merry Christmas Ed T

Your ore specimen could be a proof , only if has a Certificate of Authenticity how it came from the mine of Tayopa . This is very hard to prove and your statements are just a Christmas wish .

Ed T

I believe you . I would like to read some little clues of your statement . Only the ore specimen is not a very strong clue . Oh , but I forgot , you don't remember the place so well . :find: :dontknow:

About the sale , your castle has dragon ? :icon_king: :o

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You are going about things ALL WRONG!

FIRST: Prove beyond doubt that your ore belongs to the famed Tayopa. When every person knows that your mine is the actual Tayopa of legend, THEN:

NEXT: You sell chunks of your PROVEN Tayopa Ore on Ebay and get probably 100X Spot Gold. Each specimen should have a COA with picture.

First though, you need to prove that it is ore from Tayopa. Your word that you have little clues to prove it aren't quite good enough. You need to have proof that will stand up in a court of law.

Good Luck - MIke

ALLO ED, More Tranquilizer coffee?? you Posted --> Who knows what my final post will be


Shucks Ed,that is easy. You will post ---> "i am sorry guys, but I honestly did believe that I had Tayopa."

Don Jose de La Mancha

Ed T wrote
I personally do not need all that much money...So, a church reward would probably be good enough for me...hehehe

Perhaps it means a reward for you in Heaven amigo - would you turn that down? :tongue3:

Ed T wrote
.I believe that since 1972, if I were to report the discovery of Tayopa...IT would be considered a National Historical site by the Government of Mexico

Have to respectfully disagree on that one amigo; old mines are not generally viewed as "national historical sites" heck most people are just not interested in old mines.


Case in point...It is well known that Tayopa was a "MINING AREA" which I do believe is covered by said law...Furthermore...I do believe that Tayopa did/does contain an "ACCUMULATION ROOM" which is also well documented and which is also covered by the law of which I speak...:tongue3::BangHead:

Yet I am no expert on MEXICAN LAW...So...I may be completely wrong about these things...:dontknow::notworthy:

Ed T:laughing7::headbang:

Ed T

Is sure how Tayopa has an accumulation room which is near the church , underground . This we can see in the church's map . SUPTERRANIO means UNDERGROUND .
Maybe in this warehouse are the stuff which are written in Tayopa inventory . Remain to see .
Because I can't post the map look at http://www.treasurenet.com/forums/tayopa/373235-early-tayopa-newspaper-story.html post #19 ( the left ).

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G'd morning Marius, coffee?? That is from Corp I. while very interesting, with no actual facts, is NOT Tayopa. Map?? map?? which map Marius??

Incidentally Ed, simply because an illegal operation existed / exists does not automatically give it legality..If that were the case, we would not have such a problem in Mexico today from the Narcotic groups or the moonshiners..

Incidentally I have already posted pictures of Tayopa here, but since I have never opened it physically, only electronically, in order to keep it's actual entry secret until --- you will have to settle for that hehehhe.

Yes, I know, but then my purpose is not to just prove it in here, but is far greater, sooo it will have to remain that way. AND it is 'not' simply the fault of the gov't in issuing permits--., but other equally important reasons,

Oro de La Tayopa is involved, ask him snicker snicker. Course he will simply disappear, or become doggy food, if he lets the cat out of the bag, pore Beth will be known as the modern Merry widow.

Actually, he & Beth have my complete confidence, also he is supposed to write the book on Tayopa. I am too well indoctrinated into the "Manana, siempre Manana" "tomorrow always tomorrow" custom, sides I am simply not an author type, while he has proven his qualification many times over.

Have fun Ed.

Don Jose de La Mancha

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Don Jose

You wrote : " G'd morning Marius, coffee?? That is from Corp I. while very interesting, with no actual facts, is NOT Tayopa. Map?? map?? which map Marius?? "

I find you little nervous . Relax and drink your coffee . In the post #19 at http://www.treasurenet.com/forums/tayopa/373235-early-tayopa-newspaper-story.html , the maps were posting by you and you have wrote " Originally this map is what I had to work with and my indian friends - most liked and trusted me - I have leaned over backwards to not to betray that trust. "
That picture which has a church sketch and some lines which indicates distances to the mines , seems to me like a map . Is not ?
And don't worry . If one day I will decide to open the SUPTERRANIO , I will open it with you . But if you will decide to open it alone , before this day , no problem . You know where is my spot .

Don Jose' el Tropical Tramp wrote
also he is supposed to write the book on Tayopa. I am too well indoctrinated into the "Manana, siempre Manana" "tomorrow always tomorrow" custom, sides I am simply not an author type,

Have we not been over this issue before, and you agreed to write the book yourself? Only the man who found it can write the book amigo. You have proven that you can write, in fact you don't even have to write it, with the software available now, you could simply tell it and the program will transcribe it. You have also promised several of us that you are going to write the book, are you going to go back on your promise now? Manana only goes so far. Would you like me to post your promises to write the book, to remind you?

Having fun Ed? :tongue3: Shall we hold Don Jose's feet to the proverbial fire?


G'd morning Ed, coffee with Oro de Tayopa,Beth and of course, me. I am completely relaxed,since I , and the ORO's, Know the truth of Tayopa. Perhaps I can ocnvinvce Oro de Tayopa to make it a cummunial effort??

So, ever get your specimen actually, and competently, analyzed ? Having worked as an assayer, I understand the problems in separating the various family elements to receive a true assay, Just dumping a specimen into a suitable container with solvents. and calling the remains PT, does't hack it.. Even with an AA setup it is very difficult to get accurate, consistent results.

Have fun, life is too short to not enjoy it where possible. Myself, I only have perhaps 60 years to go. however, If they are like the past ones, it'll be a ball..

Oro de Tayopa may have to go file on the Gloria Pan, which is also still closed, but for a different reason than Tayopa. Then he has to go to La Tarasca & Las Pimas, which are not so remote, or in so difficult a country as Naranjal, , in fact he can use our quad. Might even get hm convinved to check out the two 'voijin' fantastic Gold Placers.

In between tImes he can develop MY lil Escondida mine, it is just sitting there idle.

Soooo, he can either get to writing or to work !!!

Don Jose de La Mancha

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Hi my misanthropic bucaneer: where do you get such potent dream drugs?? You have a talent to keep me laughing with your statements. :coffee2::coffee2::coffee2: One is for Oro de Tayopa, or Pipin, whoever shows up first.

You posted -->That is IF it is platinum bullion and not silver bullion...

Don't you trust your Pt assayers??? Now I ,for example, trust Cubber to analyize any Pt ores. :notworthy:

Now the secret of Tayopa is that you need to use a pinta Mule, one whose earthly existance was started on the first wanning of the full moon, with the temp at precisely 34 C, and whose papa was fed on mixted Barley and green wheat with 30 kernals of corn thrown in.

Of course you must also on your part butn 13 candles to Kali for luck.

When you get through let me know and I post a geological survey map of Tayopa, which is NOT in Gringolandia.

Don jose d eLa Mancha :occasion14:

Ed T wrote
And wouldn't it be really funny if I am pulling all of ya'lls chains...Just to get ya'll to stop searching for my little ledge in Gringoland and get ya'll searching all of frijole land for the mystical Tayopa As if Tayopa even really exists...

It won't work amigo; for one thing I am not interested in trying to claimjump your find, where-ever it is. I can safely speak for Don Jose about this too - he is not interested in sneaking in to your site. He has his own claims. I have my own claims too - in fact my wife and I get a little gold out of them every time we return to them. Not to say that there are not some un-scrupulous folks lurking about, but no amount of "bait" is going to get me to try to jump your claim, and I am sure neither would Don Jose. I don't even want to know exactly where your site is, beyond to say Durango or Washington state etc. If any of us knew exactly where it was, and you found that someone had sneaked in and stolen ore, you would know exactly who had done it. By the same token, I am not going to post exactly where my claims are located either, and would suspect anyone that would ask.

If you do not believe Tayopa really exists, why would you look for it? :tongue3:

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