G'd morning Ed, coffee with Oro de Tayopa,Beth and of course, me. I am completely relaxed,since I , and the ORO's, Know the truth of Tayopa. Perhaps I can ocnvinvce Oro de Tayopa to make it a cummunial effort??
So, ever get your specimen actually, and competently, analyzed ? Having worked as an assayer, I understand the problems in separating the various family elements to receive a true assay, Just dumping a specimen into a suitable container with solvents. and calling the remains PT, does't hack it.. Even with an AA setup it is very difficult to get accurate, consistent results.
Have fun, life is too short to not enjoy it where possible. Myself, I only have perhaps 60 years to go. however, If they are like the past ones, it'll be a ball..
Oro de Tayopa may have to go file on the Gloria Pan, which is also still closed, but for a different reason than Tayopa. Then he has to go to La Tarasca & Las Pimas, which are not so remote, or in so difficult a country as Naranjal, , in fact he can use our quad. Might even get hm convinved to check out the two 'voijin' fantastic Gold Placers.
In between tImes he can develop MY lil Escondida mine, it is just sitting there idle.
Soooo, he can either get to writing or to work !!!
Don Jose de La Mancha