Swift Silver??

About to get laid off for the fall and first part of winter. I'm gonna hit it hard guys. Coppermocasins will all be holed up and I've lots of places on my list, but 2 that keep popping out at me. Hopefully they'll reveal some answers or maybe more questions.

Enjoy and stay safe, especially if your out alone.

Be careful about those coppermocasins. It gets warm they will be out crawling. Rattlers and coppers will be ready to strike on warm days no matter what time of year.

YEP, Copperheads are NASTY snakes; Water Moccasins/Cotton Mouths (snakes) are USUALLY of concern near water...

Hey guys, I tried my luck at panning this evening. The dirt I gathered over the past few days from 2 of the spots that have been sticking in my head. The 2 small shinys show bright red with silver testing solution. I suspect copper, cause of the green and lead or antimony from the others. Any ideas? 151173725895622155808.webp

Looks like silver and copper to me.

Hey guys, I tried my luck at panning this evening. The dirt I gathered over the past few days from 2 of the spots that have been sticking in my head. The 2 small shinys show bright red with silver testing solution. I suspect copper, cause of the green and lead or antimony from the others. Any ideas?View attachment 1520261

Nice chunks you found there, did you try using a metal detector over them? Red may be iron too.

Nice chunks you found there, did you try using a metal detector over them? Red may be iron too.

Hey Hiker, they're really small actually, shoulda put something for reference. I'm zoomed way in, there. Not sure what all I've got there, went through a Lot of dirt to get this, I'm left wondering what all I sloshed outta the pan.

"Copper" COULD be Pyrite (aka Fool's Gold); found LOTS of THAT stuff! BAH HUMBUG!

Hey Hiker, they're really small actually, shoulda put something for reference. I'm zoomed way in, there. Not sure what all I've got there, went through a Lot of dirt to get this, I'm left wondering what all I sloshed outta the pan.

I was told many years ago, if you find rounded edges on pebbles and small rocks it indicates tumbling in or through water for many (many) years. Sharp edges indicate flaking and or breaking away from larger stones more recently. It probably depends on the type of rock/sediment/deposit...I have seen limestone that has jagged edges along creeks here around the Louisville area (creek stone) with tons of fossils in it. Again, geology was never my strong suit... just repeating what I recall others have said.

I see what could be a piece of copper, two pieces of maybe silver, or welding slag, and flakes of a silicate of some kind. The rest I’m not sure of.

I see what could be a piece of copper, two pieces of maybe silver, or welding slag, and flakes of a silicate of some kind. The rest I’m not sure of.

Thank ya for reply, exactly what I'm Thinkin too. I can't say it's for sure silver, I just know what the silver testing solution does. I like hearing y'alls thoughts, keep em Colin if something pops in your mind.15120149422781646124839.webp

hey brushy rgb1 here if you have some nitric acid silver will desolve in 20% nitric and rest distilled water after it disolves add either some hcl muratic acid or uniodized salt if it is silver it will give a white currdy looking precipatate this is silver chloride dry it completly [it dries very slowly ] weigh it or smelt with soda ash to get a bead this will prove if silver hope this helps rgb1

Found a carving today. No pictures but the carving is: YI ELUE
I wish I had my phone with me because the Y had a circle around the bottom. It was more like a symbol rather than a letter Y. I googled ELUE and it comes up French for elected, but can also mean Beloved. Any suggestions or ideas?

Found a carving today. No pictures but the carving is: YI ELUE
I wish I had my phone with me because the Y had a circle around the bottom. It was more like a symbol rather than a letter Y. I googled ELUE and it comes up French for elected, but can also mean Beloved. Any suggestions or ideas?

coelbren aphabet? basically ancient welsh... the coelbrenAphabet.gif letter Y look familiar? Turkey track....

Y could be Yeshua read jesus.

I will get pictures, the terrain is so tough I usually end up damp to wet, so I don't like taking my phone. But I'll put in a baggie in my backpack. I'm excited for ya to see Hiker. Thank ya

I will get pictures, the terrain is so tough I usually end up damp to wet, so I don't like taking my phone. But I'll put in a baggie in my backpack. I'm excited for ya to see Hiker. Thank ya

You could take some paper and a pencil and try doing a rubbing as well. Roll the paper up and put it in a zip lock bag to keep dry for the trip. Just a thought.


Just a curiosity, but today I read a copy of Swifts journal for the first time. It mentions the 83rd meridian, it runs almost right through one of the locations we have suspected was a silver mine. Got my heart pumping.

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