Swamp Gold

Actually that was me and I take full responsibility for it. You were so "out there" with your meandering posts and replies, looking to pick an argument it appeared (online) as if I was sitting in a bar talking to a drunk person who rambles here and there....

And if you go back and reread the posts I made, I was merely suggesting that you take a little time and reflect before you post, that is all.

Not even knowing who it was who was suggesting you slow down a bit before you post.... well that might be a clue.???

No, I remember you saying it, but I'm referring to BCH. He said it too. He also said it in a pm to me. Did you not see where I said that? NOW who's the drunk?
And just take a look at how you post. You certainly don't want to talk about anyone else for the way they post.
And looking to pick an argument? I guess you showed up here to get my address so you could send me flowers.

Good night to you, sir.

Oh, so now I'm sir? When can I expect my flowers?
Since you accuse me of meandering and rambling in my posts, I have a little challenge for you. You show me where I did these things and I'll slow down, AS YOU REQUEST, and explain it so slowly that even you will understand what I was saying. Accept my challenge or take your childish and false accusations elsewhere.

Oh, so now I'm sir? When can I expect my flowers?
Since you accuse me of meandering and rambling in my posts, I have a little challenge for you. You show me where I did these things and I'll slow down, AS YOU REQUEST, and explain it so slowly that even you will understand what I was saying. Accept my challenge or take your childish and false accusations elsewhere.

I have one rule- never have a battle of wits with an unarmed opponent....

Well, that would explain why you're trying to fight with me instead of with yourself.

I dunno that I was the one who issued a challenge.... as you are so fond of doing. Usually that has nothing to do with the topic at hand.

I dunno that I was the one who issued a challenge.... as you are so fond of doing. Usually that has nothing to do with the topic at hand.

You know that I can explain everything I was talking about, that's why you're afraid to accept the challenge, right? The fact that it needs to be explained to you in simpler terms is very telling.
You don't need to post anything on this thred. Start a new thread for the challenge. Are you afraid of being proved wrong? You brought this to me, now I'm giving it back to you.

You know that I can explain everything I was talking about, that's why you're afraid to accept the challenge, right? The fact that it needs to be explained to you in simpler terms is very telling.
You don't need to post anything on this thred. Start a new thread for the challenge. Are you afraid of being proved wrong? You brought this to me, now I'm giving it back to you.

I'll say it again, goodnight to you sir :)

No, I remember you saying it, but I'm referring to BCH. He said it too. He also said it in a pm to me. Did you not see where I said that? NOW who's the drunk?
And just take a look at how you post. You certainly don't want to talk about anyone else for the way they post.
And looking to pick an argument? I guess you showed up here to get my address so you could send me flowers.
I asked in a private message if you were still drinking. It was a question that you still havent answered. A simple no would have sufficed. It was not an attempt to hurt harm or belittle you online and that is why I asked in a PM.

If someone asks me if Im drinking while I post, I dont complain and cry for 3 days, I simply say no.

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Would this belittling of someone's character include calling them a drinker and a drunk? .
Yes it probably would be. But I remember it being an honest question, not an attempt to belittle.

I asked in a private message if you were still drinking. It was a question that you still havent answered. A simple no would have sufficed. It was not an attempt to hurt harm or belittle you online and that is why I asked in a PM.

If someone asks me if Im drinking while I post, I dont complain and cry for 3 days, I simply say no.

Complain and cry for 3 days? This is the first time I've mentioned it. Jim Beam?

How do you hurt harm?:icon_scratch:

BTW, I don't drink.

KK I dont understand why you came over here to start bickering and challenge other members to fight? Your name was never mentioned here. I voluntarily agreed to stay away from your favorite LRL dowsing thread. . You seem to think TN is some kind of online game to exchange derogatory comments and to see who has the most clever put down. What kind of sick game is this?

If the mods dont jump in here and clean up these types of situations TN will go right down the tubes. What will it look like for new members to read constant bickering?

What are you talking abou? I simply asked you a question about the very thing you were talking about, and another member started it with me. Again, what are you talking about?

BCH, you need to take your own advice. Oh yeah, what are you talking about?

Yes it probably would be. But I remember it being an honest question, not an attempt to belittle.

Come on now, who do you think you're talking to here? Everyone can read these posts, so do you really want to make such a false statement?

You should have said no immediately when asked about drinking. I will never mention it again. Im no longer angry and If there is anything I can do to resolve this situation tell me. None of your posts here have any relevancy to Swamp Gold and you have been complaining about me for well over 3 days.

Im sorry I thought you might be drinking. But you have said some bad things about me online, accused me of harassment and seem to be constantly argumentative.. In the PM you thought that I was the problem. You said I should clean up my posts. Well I deleted them what more do you want?

KK you are welcome to post anytime you have something to add to the Swamp Gold discussion but I dont see any benefit in cluttering up the thread with nonsense. I have managed to end my dispute with BDD at least I hope I have.

What do I have to do to end the dispute with you? Tell me. If you want me to delete any posts that offended you tell me where and it will be done.

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You should have said no immediately when asked about drinking. I will never mention it again. Im no longer angry and If there is anything I can do to resolve this situation tell me. None of your posts here have any relevancy to Swamp Gold and you have been complaining about me for well over 3 days.

Im sorry I thought you might be drinking. But you have said some bad things about me online and seem to be constantly argumentative.. In the PM you thought that I was the problem. You said I should clean up my posts. Well I deleted them what more do you want?

KK you are welcome to post anytime you have something to add to the Swamp Gold discussion but I dont see any benefit in cluttering up the thread with nonsense. I have managed to end my dispute with BDD at least I hope I have.

What do I have to do to end the dispute with you? Tell me. If you want me to delete any posts tell me where and it will be done.

You were the one posting about belittling other posters. I simply pointed out that you had done the same thing. If you didn't want such to be discussed on this thread, then why in the world did you post that?

I'm not asking you to delete anything. That's up to you. You see, I don't try to control others and tell them what they can and cannot post. I may ask WHY they post what they do, but they are free to make their own choices. I'm being attacked personally, and that's why I made the challenge to be shown where I was guilty of the accusations. No one can show it. What do you expect me to do when I'm falsely accused? What would you do?

You should be jumping on the one who started it with me.

Come on now, who do you think you're talking to here? Everyone can read these posts, so do you really want to make such a false statement?
Do you really think people read this crap? Nobody is interested in bickering. It makes us all look bad.

Now you understand how I feel. As far as the drinking I would have expected you to say "no I dont drink" and I said I am sorry for mentioning it.. But it was on the OTHER thread not here. You are on the wrong thread KK.

I had to post here about BDD to try and stop was he was saying about me on the other thread and so far it worked. I never mentioned your name here. You should have brought it up on the other forum , There was no need to carry a grudge from one thread to the next. But now that its all out in the open I hope its over now.,

It was on THIS thread where you were talking about posters belittling others, and you were referring to BBD and "that other thread." Why do you say it was ME who carried a grudge from that thread to this one? You're the one who did that.

Why would I have told you I wasn't drinking, when I knew you meant it as a putdown? You can continue your slurs if you wish, it only makes you look childish.
Okay, you say your sorry. I accept that, so now let that be finished.

Hey KK it looks like you got your wish. LRL Dowsing and Paranormal does no longer have to be put in a special forum. Isnt that what you wanted?

I think its a mistake. I think it will lead to continuous arguments and bickering.

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