Apparently Dowsing LRL and paranormal threads are now allowed anywhere so this I didnt know. We will know for sure tommorrow. The LRL dowsing and paranormal supporters should be happy.
For the record you can talk all you want about this Swamp Gold thread just dont make it personal. . I am not writing a book and I dont care how many people are reading it and I dont care how many people like it or dont like it.
The purpose of the thread was to seek out information. I cut the page or zeroxed the legend from a library book as a child and it always intrigued me. I so much want to believe the legend because we have so little treasure in the Everglades (or at least I thought) were I spend so much time. I live in the swamp from August thru January in a tent for my job with the Florida Game Commission (now FWC) and bath with the gators .. Ill be glad to be off unemployment. So far I have not been eaten and even the Park Rangers look the other way when they see me bathing lol even though its illegal in the Preserve. I now have a camper but still prefer the gator hole when the water is high. I bop the gators on the nose when they get to close. You need to put fear into them and they have a long memory.
Do I believe in the Confederate Gold legend? At this point its not looking too good. After all these years I still cannot find the smoking gun. Wouldnt it be cool if BDD digs up the gold? I think it would be great.
Someone said way back in the beginning that you often find another treasure lead while looking for the one you seek. And boy did I find another treasure lead and Im sure its real. There is plenty of documentation. Capt Bill (ctpbil) was right. There are several logistical problems however.
Also Im not a writer. Im only a HS dropout that graduated from the school of hard knocks. I learned the computer to post my treasure beach find. I didnt even know what a mouse was and didnt care. Now I love the internet so much I cant stay away from it. Its so educational. Its the education I didnt have or want as a young man..
Because Im not writing a book I cannot share the other treasure lead sorry. Its a good one and Im sure there are others that may find it before me. Oh well. I probably wont be able to do much about it until I retire which may be real soon.
Good luck to you BDD and whether the mods forced you or not, thanks for the small token of good faith.
Originally Posted by
u'll are alookin'
fur the wrong treasure!
I know of one, (actually, TWO!) and It's (they) r a "biggie"! :P
In Fact!!!
Huge! :P
And! I duz mean
It's rat thar in Florreda TOO! (Both of them are!)
( If I were to mention the estimated value,
you'd say
I wuz a NUT!
They have
actually, factual evidence as to information about them & thier worth !
I hope that you understand...?
I am afraid that I have logged way, too many RESEARCH hours, in both, to just give them away!
The first, and it is and can be fully documented, is going to
require more than the usual
pick & shovel to recover!
The second treasure, which was found from researching the first treasure, is going to require a
to track it down!
I can personally guarantee that
these treasures DO EXSIST!
I can truthfully say, that the FIRST One, is in the ranks of the very!
largest! ? in the U.S. ! (AND!
I can authicate that statement with The U.S. Govt. Records!)
There are
Offical U.S. Records (of the time and later) to prove it's exsistence! ( In case anyone gets a little "snippy" )
As I mentioned in "reply # 17" that's all I can say about it!
As far as "Swamp Gold" ?
It has a lot to do with this particular area of Florida, and the "Swamp", that is right next to & a part of, the site & story !
Making it fit the description of being a "Swamp Gold" Tale of treasure !!