Swamp Gold

Are you referring to "Buried Treasure in the U.S. and Where to Find It" I think I read the book in the library..
Not sure.Was it by the editors of TRUE MAGAZINE?
What is interesting about all the versions of the swamp gold legends,are the CONSTANTS.
Capt John Riley name
Pursured by Union
Gold (amount varies)
Buried in swamp
Somewhere there must exist an oral version of this story (local family lore from 1865?)that made its way into the 1940's.
I do find it strange and confusing that no other account of this doesn't appear until the 1940's.
Did some old timer spin a tale in the 1940's that has been repeted as lore and adopted by treasure books and magazines as a possibility?
Somewhere the origin of this legend has to exist.

Not sure.Was it by the editors of TRUE MAGAZINE?
What is interesting about all the versions of the swamp gold legends,are the CONSTANTS.
Capt John Riley name
Pursured by Union
Gold (amount varies)
Buried in swamp
Somewhere there must exist an oral version of this story (local family lore from 1865?)that made its way into the 1940's.
I do find it strange and confusing that no other account of this doesn't appear until the 1940's.
Did some old timer spin a tale in the 1940's that has been repeted as lore and adopted by treasure books and magazines as a possibility?
Somewhere the origin of this legend has to exist.
I was trying to Google the book to purchase it but Im not sure if its the one.

I can only find back to the 1940s. Before that its was 1964 and before that it was 70s. So Im making progress. Im sure it exists in print somewhere before the 40s. . Everything is NOT on the internet.

I was trying to Google the book to purchase it but Im not sure if its the one.

I can only find back to the 1940s. Before that its was 1964 and before that it was 70s. So Im making progress. Im sure it exists in print somewhere before the 40s. . Everything is NOT on the internet.
Yes,I know that.
I have been researching genealogical blogs of the families in that 5 county area.Many marriages between the families,and mentions of gold from the cattle trade during the WAR OF NORTHERN AGRESSION.Go back to the names I mentioned,and follow the bloodlines.Interesting reading.

Yes I think the answer lies outside of the internet and I believe it exists somewhere in print. I think we have come a long way in the past few months and I believe more is to come. Just a feeling.

I am considering starting my own website.

Yes Im sure its interesting reading and Im sure some cattle gold caches exist.

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Would be interesting to see where these "facts" come from. But I guess coming from a paintball website it doesn't matter.

1/18/2008 Ft Knox is inventoried and found holding only file cabinets full of lease agreements.

1/29/2008 Leasors of gold unable to cover, declare bankruptcy in response to gold price surge.

2/1/2008 The President of the United States requests that patriots bring gold to the banks at the previous day's
closing price, $1800/oz.

2/15/2008 The President releases the Strategic Oil Reserve in an effort to quell violence in California.

3/1/2008 The US treasury declares gold: National Treasure, and those still hording gold; traitors.

3/14/2008 With most troops otherwise deployed to secure oil ports and wells worldwide, The President deploys the
Northern National Guard Troops to find the CONFEDERATE GOLD.

Ha Ha you know I didnt even bother to read that far down.

Well ECS it appears you were correct all along. I tried to get along with BigDogDad. Apparently he took offense to me posting on his Pirate thread and singled me out personally. I deleted my posts that may have offended .. I tried to offer an olive branch. I admitted online I may be wrong about his book. I have always given him the benefit of the doubt that just maybe Ovid knew something or had unusual talent.

BDD has now removed any respect I had for him by his actions. All I can do is move on. Do I think Ovid dowsed the Confederate Gold site? His story goes that he picked up a signal on US 27 40 miles away when they first hit I-75. I can imagine them sitting in the van with treasure books looking out the window at endless swamp. They drove for 40 miles of sawgrass swamp before they finally reached higher ground at the Indian Res and Ovid said pull over right here. How convenient. You mentioned all his sites are off I-75. The whole story doesnt sound too good along with the impossible depth.

I was willing to go along for the ride as long as he paid for everything but now its gotten more than ridiculous. He doesnt want my help anymore. BDD may have forgotten that he told me the location and I will ask my Indian connection if they know anything about Cloud Mountain but I never jump anyones claim because Im an honorable person. . I will follow his progress from my camper at the reservation. I am moving to Indian lands at the end of August when hunting season starts for some much needed work with the Game Commission along with fun and relaxation on my days off in the beautiful Big Cypress Preserve..

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BDD you need to remove the latest posts about me or I will come back and haunt you lol :laughing7:

Im serious BDD if you or the mods dont remove any bad comments directed at me then I can assume its a free for all and anything goes. I never once directed nasty comments at your character yet you insist on making it personal.

If you want to talk about me come do it over here in this forum. Do not do it behind my back.

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I thought about the events that transpired over the past few days on BDDs Pirate thread. The mods cant be everywhere so we need to moderate ourselves. Its never allowable to belittle another members character.

We can talk about treasure or the lack of treasure.
We can talk about believing in dowsing or not believing.
We can even talk about the reason for long threads or the amount of replies.
I think we can even say we believe or dont believe the story
We can also joke.

But malicious attempts to belittle another member to hurt harm or injure should never be allowed and this is where BDD crossed the line. Its the unwritten rule of online forums and it doesnt take a genius to realize this.

I think the mods need to step in and clean up that thread and watch it closely because the personal attacks and attempts to belittle have no place here at TN or any other online forum.

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There may have been some attempts to belittle BDD as well. It works both ways of course and everyone is equal. Because BDD edited his last post in good faith I see no reason for myself to continue talking about it.

Apparently Dowsing LRL and paranormal threads are now allowed anywhere so this I didnt know. We will know for sure tommorrow. The LRL dowsing and paranormal supporters should be happy.

For the record you can talk all you want about this Swamp Gold thread just dont make it personal. . I am not writing a book and I dont care how many people are reading it and I dont care how many people like it or dont like it.

The purpose of the thread was to seek out information. I cut the page or zeroxed the legend from a library book as a child and it always intrigued me. I so much want to believe the legend because we have so little treasure in the Everglades (or at least I thought) were I spend so much time. I live in the swamp from August thru January in a tent for my job with the Florida Game Commission (now FWC) and bath with the gators .. Ill be glad to be off unemployment. So far I have not been eaten and even the Park Rangers look the other way when they see me bathing lol even though its illegal in the Preserve. I now have a camper but still prefer the gator hole when the water is high. I bop the gators on the nose when they get to close. You need to put fear into them and they have a long memory.

Do I believe in the Confederate Gold legend? At this point its not looking too good. After all these years I still cannot find the smoking gun. Wouldnt it be cool if BDD digs up the gold? I think it would be great.

Someone said way back in the beginning that you often find another treasure lead while looking for the one you seek. And boy did I find another treasure lead and Im sure its real. There is plenty of documentation. Capt Bill (ctpbil) was right. There are several logistical problems however.

Also Im not a writer. Im only a HS dropout that graduated from the school of hard knocks. I learned the computer to post my treasure beach find. I didnt even know what a mouse was and didnt care. Now I love the internet so much I cant stay away from it. Its so educational. Its the education I didnt have or want as a young man..

Because Im not writing a book I cannot share the other treasure lead sorry. Its a good one and Im sure there are others that may find it before me. Oh well. I probably wont be able to do much about it until I retire which may be real soon.

Good luck to you BDD and whether the mods forced you or not, thanks for the small token of good faith.

Originally Posted by cptbil
u'll are alookin'
fur the wrong treasure!
I know of one, (actually, TWO!) and It's (they) r a "biggie"! :P
In Fact!!!
It's Huge!
And! I duz mean HUGE!
It's rat thar in Florreda TOO! (Both of them are!)
( If I were to mention the estimated value,
you'd say I wuz a NUT!
They have actually, factual evidence as to information about them & thier worth !

I hope that you understand...?

I am afraid that I have logged way, too many RESEARCH hours, in both, to just give them away!
The first, and it is and can be fully documented, is going to require more than the usual pick & shovel to recover!
The second treasure, which was found from researching the first treasure, is going to require a "REAL FLORIDA CRACKER" type person to track it down!
I can personally guarantee that these treasures DO EXSIST!
I can truthfully say, that the FIRST One, is in the ranks of the very! largest! ? in the U.S. ! (AND! I can authicate that statement with The U.S. Govt. Records!)
There are Offical U.S. Records (of the time and later) to prove it's exsistence! ( In case anyone gets a little "snippy" )

As I mentioned in "reply # 17" that's all I can say about it!
As far as "Swamp Gold" ?
It has a lot to do with this particular area of Florida, and the "Swamp", that is right next to & a part of, the site & story !
Making it fit the description of being a "Swamp Gold" Tale of treasure !!​

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I thought about the events that transpired over the past few days on BDDs Pirate thread. The mods cant be everywhere so we need to moderate ourselves. Its never allowable to belittle another members character.

We can talk about treasure or the lack of treasure.
We can talk about believing in dowsing or not believing.
We can even talk about the reason for long threads or the amount of replies.
I think we can even say we believe or dont believe the story
We can also joke.

But malicious attempts to belittle another member to hurt harm or injure should never be allowed and this is where BDD crossed the line. Its the unwritten rule of online forums and it doesnt take a genius to realize this.

I think the mods need to step in and clean up that thread and watch it closely because the personal attacks and attempts to belittle have no place here at TN or any other online forum.

Would this belittling of someone's character include calling them a drinker and a drunk? This is clearly against the rules, but you do it anyway, both on the open forum and in PMs.

Would this belittling of someone's character include calling them a drinker and a drunk? This is clearly against the rules, but you do it anyway, both on the open forum and in PMs.

Actually that was me and I take full responsibility for it. You were so "out there" with your meandering posts and replies, looking to pick an argument it appeared (online) as if I was sitting in a bar talking to a drunk person who rambles here and there....

And if you go back and reread the posts I made, I was merely suggesting that you take a little time and reflect before you post, that is all.

Not even knowing who it was who was suggesting you slow down a bit before you post.... well that might be a clue.???

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