Swamp Gold


APRIL 19,1865-The remains of the Confederate treasury,gold & silver coins,silver bullion,and paper bills,along with CSA Sec of the treasury Judah P Benjamin and CSA Sec of war John C Breckinridge,were at the MARSHALL family plantation in Abbeville,SC.
NOTE:Benjamin was 2nd cousin to David Levy Yulee,Cottonwood plantation,Archer,Florida,where some of the treasury was captured in May,1865.
NOTE:The Marshall family also had a plantation,at SHARPES FERRY on the Oklawaha River-CSA Capt J J Dickinson repelled the last Union presence at this location,March 10,1865,keeping the west side of the ST Johns River in the control of the Confederates.
Benjamin and Breckinridge traveled down the Oklawaha River on blockade runner Hubbard Hart's JAMES BURT riverboat,arriving in Ocala,Florida,May 15,1865.Breckinridge stayed at the Ocala home of CSA Brig Gen Robert Bullock,while Benjamin stayed with Ocala relative,Solomon Benjamin.
NOTE:Both men had a partial amount of the Confederate gold and silver coins for theie escape.
Breckinridge was supplied a lifeboat by Capt J J dickinson ,which he had captured during the sinking of the US Columbine on the St Johns.Breckinridge head south to the east coast of Florida,and arrived in Cuba two weeks later.By Aug 21,1865,he arrivied in England.
Benjamin made his way to FORT MEADE,securing refuge with CSA COMMISSARY AGENT,Capt James McKay Sr (aka paymaster),stayed at the Gamble manison in Ellenton,where arrangements were made with Capt Archibald McNeil,blockade runner,to take him to the Bahamas.
NOTE: Benjamin set up the blockade trading routes for the CSA and had many contacts in the Caribbean.
Where Breckinridge and Benjamin pursued by Union forces,they were war criminals wanted by the US government?
That each had a portion of the CSA treasury,but I doubt that either of them buried it,as they needed it for their escape.
Benjamin remained in England,and sent money to his former CSA friends,including $12,000 to Jefferson Davis.
Breckinridge recieved amesty,Aug 21,1869,returned to Lexington,KY,and became a vice-president of a railroad.
Is the Swamp Gold Legend a combination of Breckinridge/Benjamin flight,Summerlin's penchant for burying his gold, Capt John Riley Bless McIntosh blockade runner,the little battle of Bowlegs Creek,and the raid on Fort Meade and surrounding homesteads?

The Gamble plantation is less than a 1/2 mile from where I am planning on digging up a pile of what I believe to be pirate silver. A connection to above story? I don't think so.

BCH--So you have determined on your own that all LRL's don't work? Was this through research and trying each one out or did you just read it somewhere? I know this is not the thread to discuss this but making statements as you did makes me question your methods of coming up with facts.

I thought you were digging under a bridge but couldn't get the permit?

Sent from my iPhone using TreasureNet

Still working on getting permission.

Jacob "Jake" Summerlin bought the 160 acre Blount homestead in Bartow-Today it is the site of Bartow High School.
This is the house where he stashed his gold in the walls and buried it in his yard.
Also,he owned 1000 acres in Punta Rassa,including the wharf,warehouses,and cattle pens.It is claimed that he also buried some of his gold here in tin meat cans.
In 1875,Summerlin purchased 200 acres around Lake Eola in Orland,built a hotel,and also loaned the City of Orlando $10,000 to build its first courthouse.
The McKay family of Fort Meade aided CSA Sec of the Treasury Judah Benjamin on his flight to Cuba,arranging for a schooner to carry him there.
Are you seeing the connections between all these people?
...and how it could have evolved into the Confederate gold in the Everglades legend?

The book, "A Land Remembered", by Patrick Smith is an excellent novel based on historical fact, about the cattle ranchers of south central Florida. In the mid to late 1800's, the ranchers would drive their cattle to Ft. Myers, and sell their cattle for gold doubloons. The cattle would then be shipped to Cuba.

The Gamble plantation is less than a 1/2 mile from where I am planning on digging up a pile of what I believe to be pirate silver. A connection to above story? I don't think so.
STORY!!! As you like to say,"it's documented fact"! Unlike your "documented facts",the names,dates,timeline can be researched.It's known as history,the speculation on whether many of the events were combined to become the swamp gold legend,are mine,and mine alone.
It has NO connection to your "well known pirate camp",or to any pirate silver.
NOTE:There is NO mention of a "cloud mountain.

BCH--So you have determined on your own that all LRL's don't work? Was this through research and trying each one out or did you just read it somewhere? I know this is not the thread to discuss this but making statements as you did makes me question your methods of coming up with facts.
Sorry BDD its common knowlege that there are no LRLs on the market that work. I meant to say electronic LRLs. I forgot to clarify.

Myself I have been fooling with electronic MDs since the 70s. You may try reading Carls Geotech site where he actually purchases each one of these things and disassembles them proving they are scams. Sorry BDD its common knowlege. If anyone tries to tell you otherwise they are tring to scam you and you should avoid them. Sorry. I wouldnt waste any time or money on them.

I will go as far as saying that dowsing has some merit but an electronic LRL no way. I am seperating dowsing from an electronic LRL. To me they are different.

Carl Moreland knows his stuff. You may want to read his site ... Click on the left under LRLs and read the patents. If you have any questions I will try and answer them.
Geotech - Technology for Treasure Hunting Its been a while since I read it myself but Carl used to post online and explained everything. He may still be a member.
Carl NC.webp

Its funny how whenever someone buys one of these LRLs, they end up coming online telling the story of how they were ripped off.

Not only does Carl offer a $25,000 reward but there is another guy Randi offering one million dollars but there are no takers. LRLs dont work period and talking about them is like beating a dead horse. Besides it takes credibility away from this thread. Sorry.

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The Gamble plantation is less than a 1/2 mile from where I am planning on digging up a pile of what I believe to be pirate silver. A connection to above story? I don't think so.

Your pirate site is near the Gamble plantation? Gamble Plantation - Ghost Town

I am guessing its a coincidence.

Jacob "Jake" Summerlin bought the 160 acre Blount homestead in Bartow-Today it is the site of Bartow High School.
This is the house where he stashed his gold in the walls and buried it in his yard.
Also,he owned 1000 acres in Punta Rassa,including the wharf,warehouses,and cattle pens.It is claimed that he also buried some of his gold here in tin meat cans.
In 1875,Summerlin purchased 200 acres around Lake Eola in Orland,built a hotel,and also loaned the City of Orlando $10,000 to build its first courthouse.
The McKay family of Fort Meade aided CSA Sec of the Treasury Judah Benjamin on his flight to Cuba,arranging for a schooner to carry him there.
Are you seeing the connections between all these people?
...and how it could have evolved into the Confederate gold in the Everglades legend?
Yes I see connections with all these people but it doesnt mean its not true. Maybe we just need the missing link.

APRIL 19,1865-The remains of the Confederate treasury,gold & silver coins,silver bullion,and paper bills,along with CSA Sec of the treasury Judah P Benjamin and CSA Sec of war John C Breckinridge,were at the MARSHALL family plantation in Abbeville,SC.
NOTE:Benjamin was 2nd cousin to David Levy Yulee,Cottonwood plantation,Archer,Florida,where some of the treasury was captured in May,1865.
NOTE:The Marshall family also had a plantation,at SHARPES FERRY on the Oklawaha River-CSA Capt J J Dickinson repelled the last Union presence at this location,March 10,1865,keeping the west side of the ST Johns River in the control of the Confederates.
Benjamin and Breckinridge traveled down the Oklawaha River on blockade runner Hubbard Hart's JAMES BURT riverboat,arriving in Ocala,Florida,May 15,1865.Breckinridge stayed at the Ocala home of CSA Brig Gen Robert Bullock,while Benjamin stayed with Ocala relative,Solomon Benjamin.
NOTE:Both men had a partial amount of the Confederate gold and silver coins for theie escape.
Breckinridge was supplied a lifeboat by Capt J J dickinson ,which he had captured during the sinking of the US Columbine on the St Johns.Breckinridge head south to the east coast of Florida,and arrived in Cuba two weeks later.By Aug 21,1865,he arrivied in England.
Benjamin made his way to FORT MEADE,securing refuge with CSA COMMISSARY AGENT,Capt James McKay Sr (aka paymaster),stayed at the Gamble manison in Ellenton,where arrangements were made with Capt Archibald McNeil,blockade runner,to take him to the Bahamas.
NOTE: Benjamin set up the blockade trading routes for the CSA and had many contacts in the Caribbean.
Where Breckinridge and Benjamin pursued by Union forces,they were war criminals wanted by the US government?
That each had a portion of the CSA treasury,but I doubt that either of them buried it,as they needed it for their escape.
Benjamin remained in England,and sent money to his former CSA friends,including $12,000 to Jefferson Davis.
Breckinridge recieved amesty,Aug 21,1869,returned to Lexington,KY,and became a vice-president of a railroad.
Is the Swamp Gold Legend a combination of Breckinridge/Benjamin flight,Summerlin's penchant for burying his gold, Capt John Riley Bless McIntosh blockade runner,the little battle of Bowlegs Creek,and the raid on Fort Meade and surrounding homesteads?
Just copying it so we dont lose it. Posting the references is always a good idea.

I dont know. I do know that we are gathering more and more information as the time goes by and this thread is by far the best source of information on the Confederate Everglades gold legend IMO. I should have started my own site and I might some day.. I just have a feeling there is more to be found.

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Could it be possible that the "pirate" site discovered by Ovid is actually a Confederate cattle money cache or am I just tired? This is too wild to believe.

BDD why did you determine it to be a "pirate site" Did Ovid's pendelums tell him it was pirate treasure or did it just signify treasure?

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BTW I did some research and I was correct that there are no dowsing finds in the banner here at TN but I was able to find one CW button find in Todays Finds credited to dowsing but alas it was not a CW button afterall. http://www.treasurenet.com/forums/todays-finds/57168-morning-shows-proof-dowsing.html Not much to see as far as dowsing treasure but I have spoken to several respected members that have used dowsing with success to find water or electric lines.. One member worked for a utility company and used dowsing for 20 years.

So you see I dont just make statements without backing it up with research.

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BCH-- I am still new to TN. How do I add a quote from someone elses post to my post?

BCH-- I am still new to TN. How do I add a quote from someone elses post to my post?

Go to the post you want to quote. Down in the bottom right hand corner of that window there will be a "reply with quote" button.

Go to the post you want to quote. Down in the bottom right hand corner of that window there will be a "reply with quote" button.
I am giving it a try.

Sorry BDD its common knowlege that there are no LRLs on the market that work. I meant to say electronic LRLs. I forgot to clarify.

I will go as far as saying that dowsing has some merit but an electronic LRL no way. LRLs dont work period and talking about them is like beating a dead horse. Besides it takes credibility away from this thread. Sorry.

I am now trying to pick out certain lines.

It worked.

BCH- there are LRL's that are not on the market or the internet. The ones that work are not for sale. One was used to ascertain the location of the Swamp Gold at Cloud Mountain. They had to set it up on the side of I-75. They tried to get over the top of the spot but were run off by the authorities. There is more about them and their LRL on my pirate thread. I will not talk about it anymore on your thread.

Speaking of horses. I came onto your thread to offer you a location to try to dig up the Swamp Gold. I have had nothing but skeptisim and bitterness on here. When I offered you the "Gift Horse" you should not have looked in the mouth. Your mistake.

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Speaking of horses. I came onto your thread to offer you a location to try to dig up the Swamp Gold. I have had nothing but skeptisim and bitterness on here. When I offered you the "Gift Horse" you should not have looked in the mouth. Your mistake.

Hello BDD. I have never once spoken about you personally and I have never accused you of anything. I dont know what bitterness you are referring to. I ask tough questions because I want answers. I dont believe in LRLs sorry. The horse comment was not meant to be an insult to you personally.

You have accused me of not looking a gift horse in the mouth and I think you have accused me of not doing my research. Im not sure where this is headed.

You say you are an outspoken guy. I understand because I myself am also outspoken and my outspokeness often gets me into trouble. Would you want me to tell the truth or would you prefer me to lie? I am only being honest.

I am not upset at anything you said and I hope you are not upset at anything I said about LRLs. Remember please that nothing I said is personal nor am I bitter..

I got to go back to work. Im selling my collectables on eBay to raise funds. I really dont have time for any of this now.

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BCH- there are LRL's that are not on the market or the internet. The ones that work are not for sale. One was used to ascertain the location of the Swamp Gold at Cloud Mountain. They had to set it up on the side of I-75. They tried to get over the top of the spot but were run off by the authorities. There is more about them and their LRL on my pirate thread. I will not talk about it anymore on your thread.

OK I hear you but I wont comment. You dont talk about LRLs here and I wont comment on them anymore. :occasion14:

You could also click "Wrap (quote) Tags around selected text" its to the left of the spell check.

I have no bitterness with you. I hope everything works out for you. Sounds like an adventure. There may be advantages in having less material things to worry about. Things are happening with me on many fronts. Let's keep communicating one way or another. There is gold in the Everglades.

I have no bitterness with you. I hope everything works out for you. Sounds like an adventure. There may be advantages in having less material things to worry about. Things are happening with me on many fronts. Let's keep communicating one way or another. There is gold in the Everglades.
sure communication is key

I still plan on living on my property someday but I cant fight city hall so for now Im going to the camper for 4 months. Everything else in storage.

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