By your reasoning, everything man made out there can be disguised treasure? The forestry will need drones and game cameras to keep track of people who think they can do as they please, as they destroy what man made history is left on the ground
in our State! I've been watching our Antiquity disappear as the population increases, these people come hear thinking there special and screw everyone after them, it's become The American Way.
By the way, all of us has seen rattle snakes not rattle! this one is laying on his rattle? Anyone else seen this?
I believe Tom Kollenborn takes some of the best Superstition pictures, along with my friend David Leach.
Take care,
When you say "the markers", just which ones do you feel are the limiting legit set?
Man made historical locations are treasure, whats wrong with that? Treasure to you might be gold but treasure to me is a nice historical place
The truth? None that I know. just ask the feds or find an old map that shows 3 short canyons up from Weaver's Needle. Then ask where the sheelite mine is. It should still be in the far right canyon or draw. Then go to the far laft and look for the disturbed area. Don't know what's under it, but an old guy(70's in late 60's) told me LDM was. He owned the Sheelite mine with a partner. I was 18 when he told me about it. He drew a map, my friend and I found his mine, then hiked center and left draws, sat down to look and sure enough, 1/3 down, 2/3 up there looked like an old slide area. Just looked different from the rest. There is one in center draw too. Didn't look for gold, didn't really believe, but he sure knew where that sheelite mine was. We were hippies, loved girls, beer and motorcycles and didn't think of anything else. I really don't believe in the LDM, but hey, that's just me...
People on TNET put down others because there is a conflict between their beliefs and what they perceive about their environment, which in this case is a person.
The source of Person X's dissonance is you, Person X will try to force his own belief onto others by either directly putting you down, or indirectly by encouraging his friends to agree with his belief.
People who try to force their own beliefs onto others are vulnerable to being ignored.
Simply ignore them and their comments.
Unless the person is incredibly thick-headed, he will usually leave you alone after being ignored.
You have a choice.
It's them, not you.
“Dwelling on the negative simply contributes to its power.” ~Shirley MacLaine
Stating the obvious truth is not always welcome here, assuming it steps on another members protruding toes.
Good luck,
Joe Ribaudo