Stone Tablets-Most likely planted fakes.

Homar, Good to meet you.

The Bird shadow is one of two large symbols that adorn the Catalina range pointing to an entry canyon for protected campsite with good water. With in the system of Infinity it also represents an Egyptian God Geb the Goose the great Cackler. Geb is the Protector of Treasures and Mines and if you disturb him he causes Earth Quakes that will bury you alive. Geb is a water symbol and a Death symbol near a Treasure Or Gold Mine. One the photo's I posted has a Warloc or Witch holding Geb in his left arm with Geb's wings clipped as if saying the wizard has power over Geb.

View attachment 1127069

This carving with petroglyph faces is located at the Warloc Wizards campsite on the mountain containing the Gold Mine of the Iron Door in the Catalina Range. It is part of the system that is depicted on the Peralta Stone Wizard Map used for decoding the site.

If you need me to enhance the photo so you can see I can do that later. Looking closely at the stone on the left arm holding the Goose are the carved symbols "SJ" for Society of Jesus better known as the Jesuit's.



These Bob. (5 indicated ) It must be a an excellent mine for them to install such a drainage system. They are not for 'collecting' water, since they simply empty openly, but for draining a fault system.

Montezuma's Head Rock Chisel.webp

Could be this a Bird ?


I am on the spot. It is of the Tayopa complex. It represents the canyon configurations complete with the Sun. and two deposits - which I have already identified- we are working on one.

The red ( iron ore ) overlies the original native drawigs ( white )


Marius, your Bird is clutching a Lightning Bolt. Proceed with caution.

Judy , don't worry . I watch every step .

Here is a copy of the actual analysis done from the actual people who did them. (I could not figure out how to post my email)

E: FW: Peralta Stones
M. L. Brack Jul 13, 2010
No worries. I think it’s one of those things where someone has to deal a real nutjob once or twice or three times a year. Kind of like the day I had to talk to a guy that was looking for something, somewhere, couldn’t be more specific but was very curious if we’d had any success with psychics. You can’t override belief with experience.


- On Tue, 7/13/10, M. L. Brack <> wrote:

From: M. L. Brack <>
Subject: RE: FW: Peralta Stones
To: "'Beth Decker'" <>
Date: Tuesday, July 13, 2010, 12:29 PM

I don’t know on all. I’m just the information funnel. Evidentially, the “findings” ended up in an AZhwys article, but I don’t know what the driving force was behind the analysis.

I’m finding that it’s a touch of a sore subject, as it just won’t go away. Our ground stone analyst just got a big long email this weekend where someone wanted to tear apart their interpretations, and expected a response justifying why we have labeled this things as a hoax. There is some degree of craziness associated with the “artifacts.”

I don’t know what else exists as far as project materials, but I don’t think there is much more. I’d recommend contacting Henry Wallace here at Desert ( as evidentially he coordinated the analysis.


From: Beth Decker []
Sent: Tuesday, July 13, 2010 9:45 AM
Subject: Re: FW: Peralta Stones


Thank you, thank you, thank you!!!

Is there a chance to get a copy (hard or email) of those correspondences for my files? (the original documents - well, a copy of the original documents)?

I really appreciate your efforts. Do you happen to know why DA got the stones to look at?
That's the one other thing I wasn't sure of. I wasn't sure how Arizona Highways was involved, but I do see some of the correspondence mentioned Arizona Highways. I am
making the assumption (which could be incorrect) that either the museum or Flagg asked
DA to look at them?

--- On Tue, 7/13/10, M. L. Brack <> wrote:

From: M. L. Brack <>
Subject: FW: Peralta Stones
To: "'Beth Decker'" <>
Date: Tuesday, July 13, 2010, 10:35 AM

-----Original Message-----
From: Henry Wallace []
Sent: Monday, July 12, 2010 8:31 PM
Subject: Fwd: Peralta Stones

Mike, If you don't already have this, here is the summary of our
analyses of the Peralta Stones. This was sent to the director of the
museum where the were kept as well as to the reporter, Anne Montgomery.

-------- Original Message --------
Subject: Peralta Stones
Date: Mon, 12 Jul 2004 16:23:32 -0700
From: Henry D. Wallace <>

We are finished with the analysis of the stones (see below for comments
from analysts that we sent to Anne). A photographer from Arizona Highways
may be calling you to get a photo with you and the stones. He was going to
get photos and then they are ready to be picked up.

Henry Wallace
Desert Archaeology

From Jenny Adams:

In my opinion, they are very nicely done and very interesting pieces.

Having said that - in my opinion - most of the manufacturing was done
with modern (meaning electrical) tools. The pair of dark stones were
mechanically sanded and then drilled or dremmeled to make the symbols. I
didn't see any metal filings to help with that interpretation, but in
many places, there is a start dimple where the drill first touched the
stone. The large cross on one side was chiseled rather than drilled. I
could go on in more detail about which symbols were made with different
tools and with different techniques but I doubt that level of detail is
necessary at this point.
There is no evidence that these stones were ever buried and then dug up
or that they sat out in the elements for any great length of time. The
stone material is very soft and there would be lots of random abrasions
across the sanded surfaces if they had been buried. If they sat out in
the open there would be lichen, weathering of the symbols, and
discoloration of the stone material - just look at old headstones in any

Here's Homer's:

HI Henry,

My comments on the Peralta Stones:

1). Witch imagery- a quick review of witch pictures on the internet reveals
that prior to 1900 witches were not depicted with the pointed hat that
appears on the stone next to one of the 1847 dates. The stone image
resembles strongly witch imagery from the 1910s to 1940s.





2). The horse image is also not typical of horse imagery of the 1840s.
As an
example see:

3). The lettering is completely wrong for Spanish documents of the time

Summary- it is a fake.

Homer Theil, Historical Archaeologist, Desert Archaeology, Inc.


Here's Beth Miksa's full report:


I looked at the Peralta Stones, and they are not made with rocks
consistent with the Florence area. The big stone with the horse on it
appears to be Coconino Sandstone or a related sandstone--this would be
available on the Mogollon Rim and in parts of northern Arizona. The
other two sandstones are very soft, very fine iron-rich micaceous
arkosic sandstones (possibly graywacke) such as those found in units on
the Mogollon Rim or in northern Arizona. The "heart" stone is an
iron-rich mudstone or shale that is consistent with units in northern
Arizona. I am not sure if it would be available on the Mogollon Rim.

I concur with Jenny Adams' finding that the stones do not show evidence
of being buried for any length of time. There is no weathering or even
minor surface alteration consistent with burial. The map surfaces of
the two conjoining "map" stones are especially fresh.



Elizabeth Miksa, Ph.D. Ph. 520/881-2244
Research Geologist Fax 520/881-0325
Desert Archaeology, Inc
3975 N. Tucson Blvd.
Tucson, AZ 85716

Some questions, thoughts.

First, does anyone know whether the actual ORIGINAL stones were the ones analyzed by the above-referenced experts? It's obvious from comparing the photo of the 2 stones stacked on the front bumper of the car with photos of the stones currently on display, that they are not the same stones. If the experts didn't examine the original stones, then I'm not surprised that no signs of weathering were found, but the stones depicted in the car bumper photo appear to be weathered.

Again, if they were examining the COPIES of the stones and not the originals, then it would not be surprising to find signs of modern tooling as the copies were probably made using drills and what-not.

Also, I question the determinations made about the horse image not being typical of the style of the 1840s, and the lettering being wrong for Spanish documents of the time period. When someone draws a horse, that person just "draws a horse" -- how that person renders the image does in no way need to depend on the "style" of a certain time period, the person just draws what he draws. In this case, the fact the image was carved into stone would have placed some restrictions on how the image could be done, assuming the carver was not an artist skilled at carving horses in stone.

The same goes for the lettering basically -- the lettering on the stones is a simple "block" style, which would be the easiest to cut into stone, I think. Documents done on paper can obviously be done with more distinctive lettering styles.

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I may be mistaken, but the copies were made from molds using the originals as mold forms. I am sure Gollum can comment on that front.

Corizone de plomo, he had better be or I might lose a bit of confidence in him. They are drainage pipes. no 1 for example runs a considerable distance in a straight line disappearing and then reemerging from the soil.and lastly cearly shows it being suspended off of the ground, ( lower no 1 ) the way a drainage pipe should be..

They are pre-draining the area where the thicker clump of brush shows - possibly where the mine ? site is Click on the picture to enlarge and see the drainage pipes.

Mine drainage and possible site..webp

Last edited:
Thanks Homar I use that feature all the time I just forgot about it and let others misconceptions get to me.

Here's another Bird symbol only not a Goose. Same Mountain range small area from this distance different kind of Bird. All from the Peralta Stones Wizard map.


Each shadow symbol displays from that angle of view for about 15 minutes as they change or Morph.
Some symbols last longer probably just because of the landscape layout and convenience of construction.
A water fowl bird is for water a Bird in flight is a directional change symbol. Just above the Duck is another bird that says this way to something in this case water and safety.

View attachment 1127348

Below that is the Goose symbol before it turned into a goose. It looks to be a Horse symbol with a shoe beside it as a verification.

It almost looks dragon like mainly because this is not the time of year for viewing so it will be distorted more than other times.

Treasure Hunting is not yet in season so we can't see the good straight images but the abstracts are still there.

View attachment 1127352

View attachment 1127355
Together it's saying:

"Change Direction and Ride your Horse this way to Water"

View attachment 1127354

Above is a shot of that section of the range.

There's lot more on it like a "Y" symbol which unlike the "X" symbol means go right not left and triangle shaped pointers but you get my drift.

Last edited:
Treasure Hunting is not yet in season so we can't see the good straight images but the abstracts are still there.
So when exactly does Treasure Hunting season open here in AZ? :icon_scratch:

Can you interpret cloud shapes? :dontknow:

Apophenia leads people down rabbit holes from which there is no exit.

Judy, you may need something stronger than wine here

Thanks Homar I use that feature all the time I just forgot about it and let others misconceptions get to me.

Here's another Bird symbol only not a Goose. Same Mountain range small area from this distance different kind of Bird. All from the Peralta Stones Wizard map.


Each shadow symbol displays from that angle of view for about 15 minutes as they change or Morph.
Some symbols last longer probably just because of the landscape layout and convenience of construction.
A water fowl bird is for water a Bird in flight is a directional change symbol. Just above the Duck is another bird that says this way to something in this case water and safety.

View attachment 1127348

Below that is the Goose symbol before it turned into a goose. It looks to be a Horse symbol with a shoe beside it as a verification.

It almost looks dragon like mainly because this is not the time of year for viewing so it will be distorted more than other times.

Treasure Hunting is not yet in season so we can't see the good straight images but the abstracts are still there.

View attachment 1127352

View attachment 1127355
Together it's saying:

"Change Direction and Ride your Horse this way to Water"

View attachment 1127354

Above is a shot of that section of the range.

There's lot more on it like a "Y" symbol which unlike the "X" symbol means go right not left and triangle shaped pointers but you get my drift.

Sorry Bob, but I don't get your drift. I have never believed in "shadow signs" especially those from the natural landscape. I was just wondering what you thought of big bird, and knew you would have an answer to it. I may send you a picture of my shadow someday, for some reason it follows me everywhere, maybe I should be following it?:dontknow:


Corizone de plomo, he had better be or I might lose a bit of confidence in him. They are drainage pipes. no 1 for example runs a considerable distance in a straight line disappearing and then reemerging from the soil.and lastly cearly shows it being suspended off of the ground, ( lower no 1 ) the way a drainage pipe should be..

They are pre-draining the area where the thicker clump of brush shows - possibly where the mine ? site is Click on the picture to enlarge and see the drainage pipes.

View attachment 1127353

Compadre don't be like your mule, and just do as I say before we end up taking this outside.:laughing7:

However, you can redeem yourself if you show me how you managed to make the number 2 cast it's own shadow.:icon_scratch:


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