Stone Tablets-Most likely planted fakes.

Now at the first site I found what looks like a mine entrance. But there is no mine!

I've dug down to the bedrock In the hole that the cuttings came from. Guess what?

There's more cuttings then the hole would hold and no mine entrance to be found.

That gray rock is the only type near that area and there's more cuttings then came out of there!

Only logical conclusion is either the mine entrance is hidden some where else or it's under the cuttings and they used the dug out rock formation as a holding trough for the cuttings while accessing their Mine. They would just throw the cuttings back down over the mine entrance and you have an instant death trap. Why? Because the cuttings are just the right size and shape for Scorpions and Rattle Snakes to nest in. As you remove them the whole mound starts to rattle and scorpions come out!

Near this area is another one that has a different color rocks. Same thing filled in over what I believe to be an entrance to the mine. Try and move that huge pile and you'll be covered in Scorpions and Snakes as the whole thing would bury a Mack truck. Not to mention you'll be crushed.

Funny but the one area above has a rock that was drilled and has a carved raised section that when you look at it from a distance gives the image of a snake lying on the rock. It has a lot of snakes a den is nearby.

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In this shot you'll see the gray rock pile near the center of the Photo. Notice the size of the pile and the small area above it. That area above is nothing compared to the pile below. Could it be a storage area for the Mines? Dumb question I just caught myself. If it was for storage how would they have a chisel in hammer in their hands after sealing it duh.

View attachment 1126601

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Rock Splitting Tools of the Mayan's.

Could explain it. Triangle shaped tip, triangle shaped holes in the rocks, not very deep, no metal at the site of the rock, quarrying or mining, Mayan figurine down in the wash that I posted on the signs forum is with in sight of this spot. Something to think about but not to hard it's probably early Spanish.

View attachment 1126631

The chisel is just one I found at another site unrelated it's just for show. It fits the stone easy though but it would not have been used no room for the drill cuttings to come out. Since my Pictures are not loading or were taken down by Mods I can post some new pix of the smoothed over holes in transition to become natural with out drill marks. This should show how they hid the drill marks taking all that time and energy for concealment.


What Pipes?

Oh the one photo of Montezuma's Head was taken near an one of those drive by dump spots you see in the desert. Junk everywhere. An old stage station was near by and I believe a water trough for horses. Garbage galore. That still doesn't take away from the fact those holes were probably there in those rocks long before it became a Stage stop. I say that because the cuttings have long since disappeared in the surrounding ground covered by erosional movement of the dirt.

The other spots are no where near any Civilization and have no pipes to speak of. It would be nice though just follow the pipes to riches!

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View attachment 1126763

I have some photo's I took this last Sunday of a Gold Mine down south. One of the Claims that belongs to my friend. I'll post a photo of it. If you don't think Hearts can lead you to Gold Mines you better think again!

Shadow Convergence of Hearts next to a gold mine!

Some of them haven't formed and are still in metamorphosis. Wrong time of day and year for full forming but you can see hearts do lead you to Gold Mines.

Just noticed six hearts and six symbols on the back of the Peralta heart stone?


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You have a great story here and I hope that you bring in an archeologists to confirm what you have found.
It just needs to be presented in its entirety.

Hi Hal,

As I pondered the numerous treasure stories I realized they have mainly one thing it common.

The Spanish were just leaving the mines or treasure vaults, Indian's Attacked, Massacred all the Spanish, Bodies thrown into the Treasure rooms or mines and the mines / treasure rooms sealed by the Indian's.

We have to face the fact that what I may have found and what I've been posting maybe the aftermath of a Spanish Mining Contingent's Massacre's and the concealment of the Treasure rooms.

Why would the Indian's have cared about the rocks being drilled?

They didn't care they had what they wanted and just threw the rest back into the Treasure Rooms leaving the site forever gold untouched.

All these years I never knew what these sites had in common.

Anyone care to throw some rocks?



There are many many reasons to believe that the so called peralta stones are a hoax. The main reason for me being that latitute and longitude has been used for thousands of years.

The Found Dutchmans Mine just doesn't have that ring to it. I feel bad for the guys who have spent years researching and hunting. Now with this show, there will be a thousand" know it all's" trampling up and down the grounds and if it is indeed there, one of them will fall into it and probably sue the claim holder. Same goes for the guys I know that have been hunting ginseng all of their lives. No sir, don't like it.
Don't forget summer isn't here yet! There'll be weekly news reports of greenies heading out with a quart canteen of water to go lookin. It's all fun till they get the $3,800 life flight bill on top of the hospital bill IF they survive

Bill, One of the photo's you posted that I have cropped. Looks like some designs there. Even a heart. jmo SUPERSTITION MOUNTAINS 001.webp

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There are many many reasons to believe that the so called peralta stones are a hoax. The main reason for me being that latitute and longitude has been used for thousands of years.

True chlsbrns, true.

At least one of the maps has both. It takes you south of Naco too a canyon where an old mission once stood.
It's easy just convert the letters to numbers it gives a real coordinate. I posted it once on the Jim Hatt forum. I don't know what I did with it now probably buried in my files. There is a key to the Map built in but I can't find that either been too long since I studied it.

Bili, One of the photo's you posted that I have cropped. Looks like some designs there. Even a heart. jmoView attachment 1126872

See any drill holes in there? With most of the smaller sites where the Mason's basically practiced their Masonry or Skills at shaping rock to look natural they did it for a two dimensional 1-3 angled view. So if your looking from the wrong angle your view will be garbled up and not make since. Since my photo was from one angle and probably not the right one, most carved monument's don't focus correctly, they're there just not in focus from the right perspective. When you see a spiral petroglyph it's showing you that in order to view the rock sculpture's correctly you must circle the outcrop and look from all angles. But you are right there is something there that warrants further inspection.

You have a great story here and I hope that you bring in an archeologists to confirm what you have found.
It just needs to be presented in its entirety.

Archaeologist? Not really. I'm a member of the Midwestern Epigraphic Society caulk full of may of those guys. I presented some of my find on there and it was stolen without hesitation and without documentation. In other words another big time Archaeologist claimed he knew it all about everything that I've been presenting here and stole my presentation on the forum by simply saying "oh yes we know all about that no big deal!" Archaeologists? They haven't figured out anything past Chaco Canyons light pointer they're still in the dark ages as far as I'm concerned and to pig headed to accept anything out of their small circle of knowledge. Where do you think the word "Similacra" came from?

It's an Archaeologists why of shutting you down on anything you might see or claim too see. Just try it. I did and after arguing back and forth for days over a site in Peru I told him he was not listening and we had nothing more to say.


Have you called the guy I sent you mails about yet? Let someone that has the information in his hands tell you. He has an Archaeologist on his team that I believe I spoke with once and he knows it's real. Problem is they won't share it with the world and intend to hoard it until time passes by. That is unless you pay them millions for it. But he can at the very least verify the existence of the Infinity system. You can join his team to gain access too his secret website so you can see all my pictures for a fee if you like?

Or just keep on looking on here and I'll post them for free. You see the reason you've never heard of this is because of his contracts that shut his team members and anybody else down. I screwed up and gave him to much of my information and he used that for his team and his own personal gains. He attempted to charge me for a few phone conversations like a Lawyer $200 an hour. I told him my fee was $300 an hour so he owed me money because what I shared was more valuable too him than what he gave me. He attempted to get the location of my site from me but I was clever and wiped out all the GPS, water, roads and elevations from the topo map of the monuments he requested. He over reacted and slammed me with an email calling me choice words and attempting to charge me for the information I gave him! He demanded I sign his contract giving him full control and access of my sites. I said no way.

Right after that I discovered he was using my shadow map rocks and other photo's I sent him for his Archaeological Team as they were at a stand still and needed my info.
He changed his website shortly there after and hid all references to what he had on there as he knew I was onto the system and he couldn't understand it without computer enhancements away from the field so he was to slow in his decoding.

I have no good experiences with the Thought control Police.


Bob ask them to interpret this., I lready have.

View attachment 1126964

Good photo good post I like it!

The maps those guys know are strictly ground base Maps.
Hidden mainly on site Maps

As for your Map if you decoded that thing I respect you for solving a puzzle only a genius could solve!

Is it land based or code based?

Let me show your some of mine.

Simple one symbol at a time in this time based system called Infinity.

Same mountain range as I poste before with the horse and King's head sporting a Crown. Metamorphosis occurs later in the solar spread. A silent film repeating the same information about good water supplies to the Campsite and Treasure Vaults. Larger than the Pyramid's of Egypt in one simple Duck water and directional symbol.

You know I love your Map and can't wait for you to show us the decoding and all plus the Ladies on here like it a lot but one thing I know the Ladies do love. I hate to say it cause I like your map and all that but size does matter.

Catalina Mountain Range Trail to Pima Springs.

View attachment 1127012

Here is a copy of the actual analysis done from the actual people who did them. (I could not figure out how to post my email)

E: FW: Peralta Stones
M. L. Brack Jul 13, 2010
No worries. I think it’s one of those things where someone has to deal a real nutjob once or twice or three times a year. Kind of like the day I had to talk to a guy that was looking for something, somewhere, couldn’t be more specific but was very curious if we’d had any success with psychics. You can’t override belief with experience.


- On Tue, 7/13/10, M. L. Brack <> wrote:

From: M. L. Brack <>
Subject: RE: FW: Peralta Stones
To: "'Beth Decker'" <>
Date: Tuesday, July 13, 2010, 12:29 PM

I don’t know on all. I’m just the information funnel. Evidentially, the “findings” ended up in an AZhwys article, but I don’t know what the driving force was behind the analysis.

I’m finding that it’s a touch of a sore subject, as it just won’t go away. Our ground stone analyst just got a big long email this weekend where someone wanted to tear apart their interpretations, and expected a response justifying why we have labeled this things as a hoax. There is some degree of craziness associated with the “artifacts.”

I don’t know what else exists as far as project materials, but I don’t think there is much more. I’d recommend contacting Henry Wallace here at Desert ( as evidentially he coordinated the analysis.


From: Beth Decker []
Sent: Tuesday, July 13, 2010 9:45 AM
Subject: Re: FW: Peralta Stones


Thank you, thank you, thank you!!!

Is there a chance to get a copy (hard or email) of those correspondences for my files? (the original documents - well, a copy of the original documents)?

I really appreciate your efforts. Do you happen to know why DA got the stones to look at?
That's the one other thing I wasn't sure of. I wasn't sure how Arizona Highways was involved, but I do see some of the correspondence mentioned Arizona Highways. I am
making the assumption (which could be incorrect) that either the museum or Flagg asked
DA to look at them?

--- On Tue, 7/13/10, M. L. Brack <> wrote:

From: M. L. Brack <>
Subject: FW: Peralta Stones
To: "'Beth Decker'" <>
Date: Tuesday, July 13, 2010, 10:35 AM

-----Original Message-----
From: Henry Wallace []
Sent: Monday, July 12, 2010 8:31 PM
Subject: Fwd: Peralta Stones

Mike, If you don't already have this, here is the summary of our
analyses of the Peralta Stones. This was sent to the director of the
museum where the were kept as well as to the reporter, Anne Montgomery.

-------- Original Message --------
Subject: Peralta Stones
Date: Mon, 12 Jul 2004 16:23:32 -0700
From: Henry D. Wallace <>

We are finished with the analysis of the stones (see below for comments
from analysts that we sent to Anne). A photographer from Arizona Highways
may be calling you to get a photo with you and the stones. He was going to
get photos and then they are ready to be picked up.

Henry Wallace
Desert Archaeology

From Jenny Adams:

In my opinion, they are very nicely done and very interesting pieces.

Having said that - in my opinion - most of the manufacturing was done
with modern (meaning electrical) tools. The pair of dark stones were
mechanically sanded and then drilled or dremmeled to make the symbols. I
didn't see any metal filings to help with that interpretation, but in
many places, there is a start dimple where the drill first touched the
stone. The large cross on one side was chiseled rather than drilled. I
could go on in more detail about which symbols were made with different
tools and with different techniques but I doubt that level of detail is
necessary at this point.
There is no evidence that these stones were ever buried and then dug up
or that they sat out in the elements for any great length of time. The
stone material is very soft and there would be lots of random abrasions
across the sanded surfaces if they had been buried. If they sat out in
the open there would be lichen, weathering of the symbols, and
discoloration of the stone material - just look at old headstones in any

Here's Homer's:

HI Henry,

My comments on the Peralta Stones:

1). Witch imagery- a quick review of witch pictures on the internet reveals
that prior to 1900 witches were not depicted with the pointed hat that
appears on the stone next to one of the 1847 dates. The stone image
resembles strongly witch imagery from the 1910s to 1940s.





2). The horse image is also not typical of horse imagery of the 1840s.
As an
example see:

3). The lettering is completely wrong for Spanish documents of the time

Summary- it is a fake.

Homer Theil, Historical Archaeologist, Desert Archaeology, Inc.


Here's Beth Miksa's full report:


I looked at the Peralta Stones, and they are not made with rocks
consistent with the Florence area. The big stone with the horse on it
appears to be Coconino Sandstone or a related sandstone--this would be
available on the Mogollon Rim and in parts of northern Arizona. The
other two sandstones are very soft, very fine iron-rich micaceous
arkosic sandstones (possibly graywacke) such as those found in units on
the Mogollon Rim or in northern Arizona. The "heart" stone is an
iron-rich mudstone or shale that is consistent with units in northern
Arizona. I am not sure if it would be available on the Mogollon Rim.

I concur with Jenny Adams' finding that the stones do not show evidence
of being buried for any length of time. There is no weathering or even
minor surface alteration consistent with burial. The map surfaces of
the two conjoining "map" stones are especially fresh.



Elizabeth Miksa, Ph.D. Ph. 520/881-2244
Research Geologist Fax 520/881-0325
Desert Archaeology, Inc
3975 N. Tucson Blvd.
Tucson, AZ 85716

As an eBay Associate we earn from qualifying purchases.
Here is a copy of the actual analysis done from the actual people who did them. (I could not figure out how to post my email)

E: FW: Peralta Stones
M. L. Brack Jul 13, 2010
No worries. I think it’s one of those things where someone has to deal a real nutjob once or twice or three times a year. Kind of like the day I had to talk to a guy that was looking for something, somewhere, couldn’t be more specific but was very curious if we’d had any success with psychics. You can’t override belief with experience.


- On Tue, 7/13/10, M. L. Brack <> wrote:

From: M. L. Brack <>
Subject: RE: FW: Peralta Stones
To: "'Beth Decker'" <>
Date: Tuesday, July 13, 2010, 12:29 PM

I don’t know on all. I’m just the information funnel. Evidentially, the “findings” ended up in an AZhwys article, but I don’t know what the driving force was behind the analysis.

I’m finding that it’s a touch of a sore subject, as it just won’t go away. Our ground stone analyst just got a big long email this weekend where someone wanted to tear apart their interpretations, and expected a response justifying why we have labeled this things as a hoax. There is some degree of craziness associated with the “artifacts.”

I don’t know what else exists as far as project materials, but I don’t think there is much more. I’d recommend contacting Henry Wallace here at Desert ( as evidentially he coordinated the analysis.


From: Beth Decker []
Sent: Tuesday, July 13, 2010 9:45 AM
Subject: Re: FW: Peralta Stones


Thank you, thank you, thank you!!!

Is there a chance to get a copy (hard or email) of those correspondences for my files? (the original documents - well, a copy of the original documents)?

I really appreciate your efforts. Do you happen to know why DA got the stones to look at?
That's the one other thing I wasn't sure of. I wasn't sure how Arizona Highways was involved, but I do see some of the correspondence mentioned Arizona Highways. I am
making the assumption (which could be incorrect) that either the museum or Flagg asked
DA to look at them?

--- On Tue, 7/13/10, M. L. Brack <> wrote:

From: M. L. Brack <>
Subject: FW: Peralta Stones
To: "'Beth Decker'" <>
Date: Tuesday, July 13, 2010, 10:35 AM

-----Original Message-----
From: Henry Wallace []
Sent: Monday, July 12, 2010 8:31 PM
Subject: Fwd: Peralta Stones

Mike, If you don't already have this, here is the summary of our
analyses of the Peralta Stones. This was sent to the director of the
museum where the were kept as well as to the reporter, Anne Montgomery.

-------- Original Message --------
Subject: Peralta Stones
Date: Mon, 12 Jul 2004 16:23:32 -0700
From: Henry D. Wallace <>

We are finished with the analysis of the stones (see below for comments
from analysts that we sent to Anne). A photographer from Arizona Highways
may be calling you to get a photo with you and the stones. He was going to
get photos and then they are ready to be picked up.

Henry Wallace
Desert Archaeology

From Jenny Adams:

In my opinion, they are very nicely done and very interesting pieces.

Having said that - in my opinion - most of the manufacturing was done
with modern (meaning electrical) tools. The pair of dark stones were
mechanically sanded and then drilled or dremmeled to make the symbols. I
didn't see any metal filings to help with that interpretation, but in
many places, there is a start dimple where the drill first touched the
stone. The large cross on one side was chiseled rather than drilled. I
could go on in more detail about which symbols were made with different
tools and with different techniques but I doubt that level of detail is
necessary at this point.
There is no evidence that these stones were ever buried and then dug up
or that they sat out in the elements for any great length of time. The
stone material is very soft and there would be lots of random abrasions
across the sanded surfaces if they had been buried. If they sat out in
the open there would be lichen, weathering of the symbols, and
discoloration of the stone material - just look at old headstones in any

Here's Homer's:

HI Henry,

My comments on the Peralta Stones:

1). Witch imagery- a quick review of witch pictures on the internet reveals
that prior to 1900 witches were not depicted with the pointed hat that
appears on the stone next to one of the 1847 dates. The stone image
resembles strongly witch imagery from the 1910s to 1940s.





2). The horse image is also not typical of horse imagery of the 1840s.
As an
example see:

3). The lettering is completely wrong for Spanish documents of the time

Summary- it is a fake.

Homer Theil, Historical Archaeologist, Desert Archaeology, Inc.


Here's Beth Miksa's full report:


I looked at the Peralta Stones, and they are not made with rocks
consistent with the Florence area. The big stone with the horse on it
appears to be Coconino Sandstone or a related sandstone--this would be
available on the Mogollon Rim and in parts of northern Arizona. The
other two sandstones are very soft, very fine iron-rich micaceous
arkosic sandstones (possibly graywacke) such as those found in units on
the Mogollon Rim or in northern Arizona. The "heart" stone is an
iron-rich mudstone or shale that is consistent with units in northern
Arizona. I am not sure if it would be available on the Mogollon Rim.

I concur with Jenny Adams' finding that the stones do not show evidence
of being buried for any length of time. There is no weathering or even
minor surface alteration consistent with burial. The map surfaces of
the two conjoining "map" stones are especially fresh.



Elizabeth Miksa, Ph.D. Ph. 520/881-2244
Research Geologist Fax 520/881-0325
Desert Archaeology, Inc
3975 N. Tucson Blvd.
Tucson, AZ 85716

I'm Speechless .

Wow! What Reading.

As an eBay Associate we earn from qualifying purchases.
Good photo good post I like it!

The maps those guys know are strictly ground base Maps.
Hidden mainly on site Maps

As for your Map if you decoded that thing I respect you for solving a puzzle only a genius could solve!

Is it land based or code based?

Let me show your some of mine.

Simple one symbol at a time in this time based system called Infinity.

Same mountain range as I poste before with the horse and King's head sporting a Crown. Metamorphosis occurs later in the solar spread. A silent film repeating the same information about good water supplies to the Campsite and Treasure Vaults. Larger than the Pyramid's of Egypt in one simple Duck water and directional symbol.

You know I love your Map and can't wait for you to show us the decoding and all plus the Ladies on here like it a lot but one thing I know the Ladies do love. I hate to say it cause I like your map and all that but size does matter.

Catalina Mountain Range Trail to Pima Springs.

View attachment 1127012

Howdy Bob,

So tell us about the bird shadow.


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