No worries Roadrunner and no offense taken- I'm on your side. I'm just interested in this topic and trying to give some of my knowledge from dealing with and working with the feds over the last 20 years or so.
Hi Roadrunner-
Finally, and unfortunately, NO! The land does not belong to you or any other American citizen. The land belongs to the feds as clearly stated in every statute dating back to the 1870's when they started creating federal lands. And therefore, everything on that land belongs to the feds. However, in most of the statutes and laws that have been created since then it is the goal of federal lands to be maintained for the people of the country and used by the people of the country.
No worries Roadrunner and no offense taken- I'm on your side. I'm just interested in this topic and trying to give some of my knowledge from dealing with and working with the feds over the last 20 years or so.
G'morning Cornelius, gentlemen, gals: The coffee pot is over there--> <(_)P Help yourselves, since Lupita is down at the Market.
You, my friend , are right on the nose. In Mexico the land also belongs to the gov't . Perhaps through you some can understand why I have refused to show actual pictures of Tayopa or to even attempt to open it until I have sufficient sureties that years of personal financing and work will be somehow reimbursed to my family. It, and the surrounding other mines are extremely rich, but ??
As for the other things that I have uncovered in the years in the search, after sending letters to the appropriate depts without even an acknowledgement, I finally just stopped.
Ex. I found the area and the partial construction of the new Capilla between Tubares. Sinaloa, and Guasapares Chihuahua, which was being built to act as the intermediate to pass signals between the mother missions via fire at night, and a form of heliography in the day. I also found where the furnishings to be used in the new Capilla are still stored. Which was named for one of the Martyred Priests. Yes I have made a map for posterity to be passed on if and when ?. Even the people in the area don't know of it.
However it is not just the old Archaeologists at fault, but most depts. For example when I found my self swimming with that huge Aquatic serpent I sent as detailed description as I could recall to the dept of Herpetology to a prominent NE University. I never received an acknowledgement, in fact I know where my letter prob. ended up, along with the empty chewing gum wrappers, cigarette butts, etc. alongside of the desk since they just 'know' such things do not exist .Along with the report on the Pichicuate. As for the other depts sigh.
No the time is running out, even as we post in here things are being destroyed or knowledge of their whereabouts is being lost. Want the site of one the graveyards of some 9-10 ft. giants? sunken ships, etc. Years of searching in Ole Mexico has turned up some very interesting / fascinating things.
I spose that I should leave them to Cubber or Springfield or ?
Don Jose de La Mancha
"There are 10 types of people in the world: those who understand binary and those who don't."
0100100100100000011101110110111101110101011011000110010000100000011001110111010101100101011100110111001100100000011110010110111101110101001000000111001001100101011000010110110001101001011110100110010100100000011101000110100001100001011101000010000001101101011011110111001101110100001000000110111101100110001000000111010001101000011001010010000001110000011011110111001101110100011100110010000001101000011001010111001001100101001000000110000101110010011001010010000001101000011011110111001001110011011001010010000001101000011011110110001101101011011001010111100100101110 impressive...even the computer can not recognizes this string of numbers...but it means something to the chosen.
this thread is about a stolen piece of Arizona's history...
children should go play outside.