G'morning Sr Casco: estamos in the patio, join us.
You asked -->you don't have the exact location yet?
You cottin pickin right that I do, to the meter.

However until certain guarantees are met, it will remain closed. Many cannot understand this. Since I know exactly where it, and the escape tunnel, are, they ask "why I am not frantically trying to open it up for curiosity, if nothing else" .
However, since I first gained title to it some 10 years ago, just about that I was hit with terminal neck cancer, it was sent to the back burner. Since I am now officially the Golden Boy for my Cancer team - absolutely no sign of cancer, my interest has blossomed again, but after so much time of being unable to do anything with it, the burning desire to open it 'right now' has dimmed.
As for financial gain, I am working on another part of the complex for that - soon $$?? As mentioned, we just filed upon another 2000 hectares (now approx,6000 + 'acres' ) with plans for another 600 hectares in the near future, we are nicely covered. We will have an aerial survey done in the next week or so.
As for the logo, my son drew that for our co. Logo. It represents the document that Flipper found in the archives in Spain while doing research for Col Greene on Tayopa. "on the 7th of March from the Cerro de La Campana in Chihuahua, the Sun will be setting over Tayopa, some 10 days ride to the west. Absolutely correct !
The Logo shows the sun setting in the Barranca de Barbarrocos between Tayopa to the right and a prominent land mark to the left.
Of course the Bell and tools are self explanitory.
As for the iron door it curiously enough is indicated on Dobies map, plus an Indan gal from the area told us that one day as she and her husband had dropped down into the barranca, they both saw it. It was half covered, but the area had a special type of indicator and was of an unusual location - well what do you expect on internet ? heheh.
She confided all of this to us in return for a promise to take her God daughter to see an eye doctor to have an operation if possible, naturally we agreed - she apparantly didn't know that we consider the Guayijiros as partners in Tayopa, and such things would be covered, if and when we recover any values.
Don Jose de La Mancha