Spanish Galleons

really real needs to learn the "new" lingo --- :wink:--- btw former military types are good at imtelligence gathering and of course are already trained at "op sec" and with the use of small arms.

Real de Tayopa,
I bet Aquanut will provide music for that dance you promised me. I'll be there, how 'bout you?


Real de Tayopa said:
Sheehs, looking at that list of losers , dope runners, archaeological destroyers, looters, and in general, dissipated drug addicts & boozers, i can see why poor Florida has to keep passing new laws to protect our rapidly disappearing sea environment.

No wonder Mexico is so strict.

Don Jose de La Mancha

p.s. My man on the WW-2 German sub is in Obregon. I will try to contact him tonight.

Now wait a minute. Hold on, lets not get carried away. There is not a LOSER on that list!!!! :wink:


The music will be there. If Real doesn't show, you still have a dance going on with me.
I'm one of those old guys that knows how to....

You think that being "Losers" that we might just possibly be missing out on some fun? Hate That!

:icon_pirat: First, Let me say Thank You to all our former Military Veterans for their service in the defense of our rights and freedom. I salute you all. Don Jose', A special salute to you for your service in WW2. Being in Hawaii on Dec 7, 1941 and staying in the service defending our rights and freedoms through the entire war was above and beyond. I Thank You.
Now, we degenerates, losers and derelicts are proud of our under achievement records. Those of us in the redistribution of the wealth (looters), the redistribution of artifacts (archaeological destroyers) and Import and use of controlled substances (dissipated drug users and boozers) are proud of our records. Thanks for the reccognition.
Hey, Aquanut, how about if some of us who play guitars and such bring them along?

I tried to load a couple of pictures and lost the entire post. It seems that losers are not allowed to post items over a certain size and it throws it back at us after dropping all the typing. Bummer! I'll just try to post one photo with this one and add another later on another post. I hate doing things more than once.
Hope to see all of you at Aquanuts.
White Feather, Russ.

This picture was my friend Lawrance Dietz. K.I.A. Vietnam, July 27, 1967. A special thanks to him and all those who made the ultimate sacrifice.


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:icon_pirat: The Dirty 30 must watch what they admit to. Loose lips sink Treasure Hunter's ships. I have a few ideas of what to do with those who disclose to much info outside the Dirty 30.


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op sec as always is the name of the game in the treasure hunting biz -- good research / imtell is what sets the plate ---to make sure others do not "eat" your lunch ---don't tell em where the BBQ goodies are . :wink: Ivan

another thought!


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The Dirt Thirty! Love it!
and...Heck yeah, bring the guitar Whitefeather.

Sigh ya all "the dirty 30", you seem to forget that I have a proven device that is even more efficient in gathering secret information on you than the 'internet', my OUIJI board. It never fails. Even bypasses encryptioned data.

As for Mi Lyn LUV, sniff, while I may not be there physically, I will be there psychically, so BEHAVE ! I am especially worried about Ivan and that sexy aquanut guy. Watch em, especially Ivan. he personally has kept the flesh pots of the Orient solvent for years.

Remember the old oriental custom of the white elephant. snicker

Don Jose de La Mancha (el innocent, secluded Saint)


Lookout, I hear the last time Aquanut tried dancing, he went off the end of the!!!!


I wish you all an Outstanding get together. Good luck, and have a beer for me!


That's ok deepsix47, I'm sure I'll step all over his toes. I haven't danced in 10 years!


I'll bring a couple of big nacho platters.

thankfully I am " retired " from woman chasing --- honestly I never really chased women --- since I learned long ago chasing women is la lot ike chasing a dog trying to catch it --the more you chase the more they run away (what fun for them )!!! so just sit there by the rib bone platter ---sooner or later they'll come by for a "nibble" --- when they do grab em :thumbsup:

yes , I admit I'm not much to look at but due to "skills" aquired in the "flesh pots" of the world thru the years while I was "unmarried"--- before marriage and in the years between wife #1 ( a unfaithful sleaze but highly skilled in the " bedroom arts" --pity she could not be faithful ) and my true love wife (a 33 year old virgin on our wedding night ) --- yes even my 1st ex offered me "bedroom visitaion" rights after we divorced ---although I never took her up on it . --- once they try big daddy -- the bedroom door is always open it seems . --- being the happily married and faithful man I am however --I'm off the market.

ps never ever bring a OUIJI board anywhere around me - I will leave the area upon seeing one -- they freak out around me and I despize them--- they act as portals --- allowing bad spirits to enter our plane.

Sheeesh Ivan, of the 'dirty thirty', you should get a job with Obama and the Florida state commission of Archaeological preservation as their lead propagandizer.. Do you really expect us to swallow that about your narcissistic self??

AS for your -->(a 33 year old virgin on our wedding night )

You have been talking go my Tiger? Blushing. If it hadn't been for Grey's Anatomy, I would have been a 'complete flop'. My Sears and Montgomery Wards catalogues didn't cover that situation.??. In fact --------------------.

Donjose de La Mancha

p.s. sorry Lyn luv, I hope that I didn't disappoint you? Instead of a 6'6" 250 # cave man lover like Ivan or Aquanut I am a wittle bitty 5' 8" casper milk toast.

White Feather, I thank you for those words, but it wasn't anything special. it was just something that was normal and expected as our being part of Amerca. You certainly did your part.

Don Jose de La Mancha

hah --try 6'1 and 400 lbs --- while those those other guys got "six packs" abs --I got a whole keg !!! --- I do have a size 13 eee foot -- wear a size 13 ring -- with 18 in forearms -- wear a size 5 xxxxx shirt and wear size 64 x 30 pants --- I ' m built like a beer barrel with head , arms and legs attached

I haven't seen 250 on a scale since I played football in high school

So bk to the Dirty thirty dissipated, drunken orgy.

Lyn you have permission for one (!) drink, providing that neither Aquanut, nor that beach combing bum, Ivan, are not around.

As for the rest of the dirty thirty, May I suggest "SALUD mis companeros. goza la vida y la vino!

Don Jose de La Mancha (wishing that he could be there )

p.s. My former associate on the Gernan sub, lives in Obregon, about a 400 mile round trip from here, his telephone keeps indicating busy ?? I f you want to try it , merely mention my name and Alamos . In Spanish, naturally.

Mexico) 413 1962

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