Sometimes We Just Need a Good Slap in The Face

Desert Hermit

Jr. Member
Feb 1, 2014
Randsburg, California
Detector(s) used
MineLab GPX 5000
Primary Interest:
Hello fellow prospectors, I originally posted this in the treasure hunting forum, oops.

I have a few issues with my latest find that has me doubting and would love to get your opinions.

The first issue is the old saying; "If it sounds too good to be true, it probably isn't." Finding gold deposits in small or microscopic amounts is common, but when faced with what I am looking at here all alarms go off. So here's the story!

First, the find does come from a well known gold producing area that has produced millions of ounces including many 50 oz. and one 160 oz. nugget.
The large quartz outcropping I have located has just recently been uncovered by the summer floods in the desert and has never been worked. The area is not claimed.

I grabbed a few 5 gallon buckets of the ore and covered the area with dirt.

As I said earlier, I'm having a hard time believing this is true because of the size of the find, so I am trying to confirm its' validity in any way possible. I took a few samples to pawn shops to have them test it, the first shop was ran by a very rude man that I had to argue with just to get the test. He applied acid and the acid did not eat the sample. I asked what the acid strength was and the guy said it doesn't matter! OK, jerk! Off to the next one.

At the next shop the attendant was very friendly, the first thing he told me was they do not buy gold in ore form but he would help me out and run the test. He returned and said that it is definitely gold.

The next event that took place has helped to fuel my doubts, this man that just tested the samples told me to go over to another counter and speak with their professional. I told this man about the positive acid test and the first words out of his mouth when he looked at the samples was, "I disagree." After a long conversation I left even more confused than ever.

I have to tell you the truth, I have never doubted the acid test in the past, but now I just have to ask all you old timers and fellow prospectors; "Have you ever seen a case where the acid test was positive but was wrong?"
Some of the veins are heavily mineralized as seen in the samples on the right, while many of the veins as seen in the samples on the left of the image are filled with very small veins of iron. The heaviest gold? deposits are found in the veins of the left sample.
And here is another image of what one of the ores looks like, no gold in this image, just the clearest image I have of the ore.
Please feel free to slap me, hit me, or whatever. I'm stuck here and would appreciate any slap, push, poke or joke. :BangHead:

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Aufisher, pleased to meet you. What got me started out in this area is a walk through the old Burrow Schmidt Tunnel over at Last Chance. A crazy story really; half way through the tunnel my light began to dim, and no backup! I had to hold the light close to the wall, moving it up and down, to make my way. As I stumbled along I noticed a very thin opening at the base of the wall, just at floor level. Had the light not gone dim I would have never seen it. I picked the slit open and found it was a back-filled tunnel; with limited light I could still make out that it went back at least 20 feet or more. I have no idea to this day what it was that was causing my little bit of light to sparkle back at me, my best guess was some type of crystals. Being a monument I didn't go any further, covered it back up and moved on. The adventure was born and I started paying more attention to the elements around me, specifically gold.

Lanny, thanks for chiming in, I've done the pyrite tests, there is some but the majority is malleable. It keeps thinning out the more I pound on it. I'm going ahead with the filing and will have an assay done ASAP. I'll try to keep you all posted with the progress. Fact of the matter is, there are a couple other areas I'm looking at that isn't as big a find, if this one pans out I'll pass it on to family who perhaps can handle it better than I, then I would like to pass the other two on to someone that would use the funds - or part of it to help others in my emotional condition.

My main focus wondering the desert isn't locating gold, wondering about simply exploring all of the beauty the desert has to offer keeps my mind occupied and helps me deal with things. To tell you the truth, the most beautiful thing I have come across out here are natural springs of water. Now for a guy in the desert, that's a beautiful thing! One of the last springs I came across is right under a huge outcropping of stained quartz, I figure one day I will return there, dig a big pit, crush some rock and pan it right there. Take that all you dry washers! :occasion14:

Oakview2, tell your wife that I have removed my hat in her honor, she deserves more than money for this service.

Be careful! Don't say anymore about locations or landmarks around you. You don't want to lead these jerks to your spot if they know what you've got and their watching where your going. Do you have the info you need to start the process without going back out there. You might want to PM Clay Diggins and ask him about what I wrote you earlier concerning filing dates, and process steps. If Clay diggins is reading this post I hope you don't mind the name drop, I think Desert Hermit could use a hand.
Man I hate scum bags. If they thought it was worthless ore they wouldn't have high graded some of it.

fowledup, thanks again for the heads up. I took your message seriously earlier. Any thing I've mention concerning locations is far far from the area. You're right, I have been followed already. I simply lead them to spots where they have to exit their vehicles and follow on foot for miles to nothing but sand. The moment I realized what the old miner had done, my mind went into self defense mode, not only for theft but for my life. That's one of the biggest reasons my mind kinda froze up on the acid tests. I know to crush and pan but was stuck until someone mentioned it and woke me up. Thanks again for the advice, and no, I do not need to return to the spot, I've already got all of the details including a GPS location.

Lanny, thanks for chiming in, I've done the pyrite tests, there is some but the majority is malleable. It keeps thinning out the more I pound on it. I'm going ahead with the filing and will have an assay done ASAP. I'll try to keep you all posted with the progress. Fact of the matter is, there are a couple other areas I'm looking at that isn't as big a find, if this one pans out I'll pass it on to family who perhaps can handle it better than I, then I would like to pass the other two on to someone that would use the funds - or part of it to help others in my emotional condition.

My main focus wondering the desert isn't locating gold, wondering about simply exploring all of the beauty the desert has to offer keeps my mind occupied and helps me deal with things. To tell you the truth, the most beautiful thing I have come across out here are natural springs of water. Now for a guy in the desert, that's a beautiful thing! One of the last springs I came across is right under a huge outcropping of stained quartz, I figure one day I will return there, dig a big pit, crush some rock and pan it right there. Take that all you dry washers! :occasion14:

Well, if it flattens out like lead does and doesn't crush to a powder, that's a great sign!

I hear you on how healing the desert environment can be. I love the desert for the same reasons.

It's very generous of you to consider donating your finds.

All the best,


Lanny, I'll keep the big one but the other two I would eventually like to see used in some fashion by someone that will used it to help mend broken vessels. The final test I want to have done is the fire assay, I've PMd Clay Diggins for help on that one, there are no assayers near me here.

After I secure this one I'm actually thinking about connecting with any locals that may be interested, I roam this desert and mountains like the old mountain men used to do and have gone many a place no man has stepped foot on. One place I won't mention (fowledup LOL) is in the middle of nowhere. As I passed the area and looked up, wow, at the top of this mountain is a large outcropping of rock with a huge head of iron. I climbed up, slipped, and climbed higher, I got high enough to see the 12 inch vein of white quartz planted right beside the iron head. Before reaching the top I looked back to get my bearings, oops! If I went any higher they're going to be scraping my bones out of the ravine. If I acquire the other claim and it's profitable why in the world not share this with others, there's a good chance something besides iron is there. Besides, maybe this would actually be a great help to me and my situation, if the PTSD was to kick in some of the old times could tie me up and bury me in the sand til it passed. :thumbsup::thumbsup:

delnorter, I have a good feeling about this one, some may say feelings have little to do with anything, they may not understand that many times it's these gut feelings that end up giving you the drive to see something through to the end. There are times in this life when all one has left is hope and a prayer; it's kept me thus far and I have no doubt it will continue to do so. Yes, I struggle, but I wonder if there is any among us that do not face some type of struggle? I never forget in my own struggles that others are facing their own level of struggle, I look at this find as a possibility, a possibility of helping many close to me and a possibility of helping others in their struggle. I don't believe that this will get me out of my present situation as a lonely hermit in the desert, I think this will be with me until the end; as long as I can hold on to my staff and walk and still see the rattlers I'll remain. It could be also that sharing this story, if successful, will give others a little more hope to carry on in their pursuit. With the heavy pack I carry on my back, if I do this, just maybe it will be enough to spur a brother onward and upward.

"It could be also that sharing this story, if successful, will give others a little more hope to carry on in their pursuit. With the heavy pack I carry on my back, if I do this, just maybe it will be enough to spur a brother onward and upward".

Im sure it already has DH.
Thank you for your service and keep up the good work, not just for yourself, but for all your brothers and sisters that need your encouragement.

Hello desert hermit, in regards to you first thread. I think you got the bull by the horn, keep your locations secret and get that claim. Wish you the best in gitin the gold! I think you can get a gold test kit from your local mining shop.from one vet to another vet, Stay safe out there in dry beautiful Randsburg. :thumbsup:

DH, There are so many things I would like to Thank you for it is hard to being. Serving this great Country we live in comes first. The saying Freedom is not FREE is oh so True! It is highest priced thing on this rock we call home.

The old saying we all give some and some give all is oh so true!

DH, I understand about not wanting to be around others and how it is to make friends only to drift apart from them all over time.

Lotus, Thank you for the link to the story.

I was hurt in the US Navy and the pain medicines I take affect my thought processes so please excuse the errors that follow. I joined because I wanted to serve this great Country I live in. I had to get a waver to go in. I had to sell my home because my base pay would not cover my bills when I went in. After I was involuntary medically separated from the US Navy in 1993 the fight to get what should had been given to me when I was discharged began. I fought the VA system for 12.5 years :BangHead: before I finally got what I should had been given the day I left the US Navy. I have my horror stories with the VA Hospitals and system they use to try and discourage all Veterans who are trying to get help. I am sure all of us Veterans have had at some point while trying to get the treatments we need. I will spare you from them but I will give all of the Veterans, Family members and friends of Veterans some advice. I have had some very long and dark days because of the VA Staff at a VA Hospital I refuse to ever go back to. I moved to get out of its district... One of the best choices we ever made was to move. Now I get the treatments I need and it has helped me in more ways than I can describe on here.

I am writing this down in hopes it will help all of the Veterans and those loved ones of the Vets out there fighting with the VA system: Do not let the VA system win, keep fighting with them till you get the treatments you earned and deserve. I wrote this out because if it was not for a Nurse that cared about us Veterans and the head pain Doctor at the Durham, VA, Dr. Goldburg, I would not have any rights to any services at any VA hospital. If it was not for Dr. Goldburg I am very sure I would not be here to type this out which is very hard to admit... So if you are a Veteran living in 200 miles of the Durham VA and you can not get help for chronic pain I highly suggest you get a consult to come see him. If you cannot get a consult then you will have to come to the Durham VA ER and request an appointment to see him... I think you can still do this, it is what I had to do after the other hospital I was going to refused to make me another appointment to see him. If you do not have the clinics and serves you need at your local VA then you have to go to a VA Hospital that has them. Request to have an appointment made. You can also request for your treatments be moved to the hospitals that meets your needs. And you will get travel $$ too. The VA also has a van service to take you to your appointments.

To my Brothers & Sisters and those that love and care for those that have served reading this: First thing you must know is the rules before you enter into a fight if you ever hope to have any chance of winning!

First and for most, Keep your cool no matter what happens, hold your tongue, bite it if you have too and most importantly you have to hold anger in. Never show these SOB's that have forgotten if it where not for us Veterans they would not even have that Federal job and have forgotten they are there to SERVE US... Never let them see that they can make you mad. Carry a small spiral note book with you, when someone pisses you off, write down their name and what happened, everything, time, clinic ect. If you cannot remember their name, like me, pain meds, PTSD and pain cycles affect it and my thought processes so while I was going to this one VA in NC that use to piss me off every time I went up there, I carried business cards, and one of those small spiral note books and a pen. I would pull one out and find someone to talk to, just say hi and write down what happened, document the persons name and where it happened, time, ect. Get someone that seen it to sign they saw what I wrote down with their name and contact info. Get as many witnesses if you can but you have to be very sneaky about it. If you are not able to write out what happened at the VA, ask them for their name and number. Then you can call them and ask them if they would be willing to tell someone what happened to you, they can write it out and mail it to you, email is good but having them write it out is a lot better. Please be very careful about documenting anything that has happened to in front of any VA Staff, or on the VA grounds. Carry it in your car and document everything once you leave. If it will not wait that long then go to the rest room and write it down. Keep the log and when you have several complaints contact your local Senator or Congress Rep. Tell them what happened, then you can make copies of the witness statements, never send them the originals. If you are told it will be months before you can get an appointment. Call one of your elected Reps, tell them what is going on and that you need to be seen. This does several things but the most important two things are this: One is on the inside of all over your VA records and most importantly of all is your medical records it will have a nice piece of very important paper. It will also mean the VA has to send this rep progress reports on your treatment. We ended up moving to Durham, NC so both me and my son who has Autism gets the services we need.

I love prospecting and I love dredging for gold but it comes at a very high price for me. I have been forced to give up just about everything I love doing in my life because of the chronic pain. At some point I will be forced to give up dredging but most likely not because my body will no longer let me do it... Nor will it be because of some people that think we are doing harm to the environment. I know how things work in the US Gov. They like to hide the truth and use others to do their bidding because if they openly said they where going to do away with mining all hell would break loose! We are losing or Freedoms to make a living off of the land because of the wasteful spending habits of our elected officials that run our Country that think they can just keep on printing money like it grows on trees. China has already started the process to replace the Dollar as the world currency. They are just sitting back watching us and helping us bankrupt our self. Kinda like a drug dealer selling product to those hooked on their drugs. Only our addiction is MONEY!

I am very lucky, I had a mom that fought for me tooth and nail before she past away in 2003. I am also very lucky to have a wife that loves me and two sons that understand that Dad needs his alone time and is not able to do the things so many other dads can. I have made a few friends and met some wonderful people from the forums. We have gone out and had some very nice times doing what we love. To those whom I am talking to if they read this: Thank you for putting up with me and all of my crazy ideas. To my brother from another Mother. Thank you for your understanding and for so much more than I can ever say. Thank you for your advice but most importantly, Thank You for looking out for me and the enlightenment!

If you only remember one thing about this post, I would like for it to be this:

There is only one person that can change your life, YOU!

DH, I wish you the best and I hope this is a very rich life changing find for you, not only the gold but because of the find, I am hopes you are able to meet and make some new friends! Please be very careful who you trust with your claim location. There are so many out there in this world we live in that that will take advantage of you.

I am in hopes this posting will help other Vets keep fighting till you get what you deserve and earned.


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I can only speak to my personal experience - the Reno Va staff have satisfied my every need, in a most respectful way. I know other vets in other locations have not been so lucky.

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Gold? Desert? Gold! I hope you find a ton of gold! I don't know much about mining or prospecting do however know gold is expensive.

Merc, I think a good VA Rep is worth their weight in gold. I also think that the political atmosphere can be a friend or foe; I remember when the current President made a statement that the medical care of Vets should be moved to (medicare or medicaid, don't remember which it was), all I recall is I was contacting him and daring him to box with me on the Whorehouse lawn. One thing I've learned about "ME" is I'm looking for a fight and it doesn't take much to set me off. When I look back to the period of time you mention your fight began I do remember your story was a common one heard often; especially if the injury was a syndrome like GWS that would lead to large disability payments, Vets exposed to agent orange is a good example. I'm glad you finally won and are receiving the care you deserve. If you want to see a good fight Jerry, just let a Vet try and offer me money for anything I help with, payment has already been made in full! The rest of our fellow Americans need to rekindle this age-old principle.

Man alive DH run don't walk to the closest VA you can find man. We put on stand downs a few times a year and there are 100s a sources of FREE help to clear your mind and conscience. My Pops was a WW2 shell shocked tail gunner and know your fear from first hand experiences. Heal thyself as YOU served and DESERVE better than to run the deserts like a animal. VA will help with shrinks,welfare workers,food,clothes,jobs ,shelters etc etc. Step by step man to retrieve the good life and banish them demons from your head....PLEASE- respect to any/all who have EVER served in any bloody branch of our military AND National Guard now also-John

Hoser John, Know I do hear you sir, also know that I've been there and done that. The battle has by no means ended though, I am fighting for change and my presence on this forum alone is one small step towards this change. I hope you can understand this John, in a medical help situation I become a vegetable and rot away into a heap of nothingness. I chose the situation I am in now to ultimately bring healing, many will not be able to see this but it is beginning to show small signs of improvement. I no longer set motionless staring at the walls waiting for the next event, years of help didn't and couldn't accomplish this, but a trip to the desert has. To be honest John, I have something now that I had lost for years, "Hope." To be quite honest John, I would rather pass my days in the desert with hope than in the city with none. I am not blind to the situation I am currently in, I am aware and working. I understand the vision men have of me in their minds and it's not sugar-plums dancing in their heads; it may be winter for me now, but I can see summer on the horizon. :thumbsup:

From this point forward I would like for us all to bring the conversation back on point to gold prospecting. To continually focus on the negative is like eating pickles all day long every day and expecting good results. I do appreciate all of the comments and concern but I need to move on to the topic of the forum. Thank you all.

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