Sometimes We Just Need a Good Slap in The Face

Desert Hermit

Jr. Member
Feb 1, 2014
Randsburg, California
Detector(s) used
MineLab GPX 5000
Primary Interest:
Hello fellow prospectors, I originally posted this in the treasure hunting forum, oops.

I have a few issues with my latest find that has me doubting and would love to get your opinions.

The first issue is the old saying; "If it sounds too good to be true, it probably isn't." Finding gold deposits in small or microscopic amounts is common, but when faced with what I am looking at here all alarms go off. So here's the story!

First, the find does come from a well known gold producing area that has produced millions of ounces including many 50 oz. and one 160 oz. nugget.
The large quartz outcropping I have located has just recently been uncovered by the summer floods in the desert and has never been worked. The area is not claimed.

I grabbed a few 5 gallon buckets of the ore and covered the area with dirt.

As I said earlier, I'm having a hard time believing this is true because of the size of the find, so I am trying to confirm its' validity in any way possible. I took a few samples to pawn shops to have them test it, the first shop was ran by a very rude man that I had to argue with just to get the test. He applied acid and the acid did not eat the sample. I asked what the acid strength was and the guy said it doesn't matter! OK, jerk! Off to the next one.

At the next shop the attendant was very friendly, the first thing he told me was they do not buy gold in ore form but he would help me out and run the test. He returned and said that it is definitely gold.

The next event that took place has helped to fuel my doubts, this man that just tested the samples told me to go over to another counter and speak with their professional. I told this man about the positive acid test and the first words out of his mouth when he looked at the samples was, "I disagree." After a long conversation I left even more confused than ever.

I have to tell you the truth, I have never doubted the acid test in the past, but now I just have to ask all you old timers and fellow prospectors; "Have you ever seen a case where the acid test was positive but was wrong?"
Some of the veins are heavily mineralized as seen in the samples on the right, while many of the veins as seen in the samples on the left of the image are filled with very small veins of iron. The heaviest gold? deposits are found in the veins of the left sample.
And here is another image of what one of the ores looks like, no gold in this image, just the clearest image I have of the ore.
Please feel free to slap me, hit me, or whatever. I'm stuck here and would appreciate any slap, push, poke or joke. :BangHead:

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Crush, pan, inspect with a 10X loupe. That will make YOU the expert. Erase all doubts.

Sorry, not gold. Looks like pyrite. But gold is often associated with pyrite.
Forget the acid test, use the hardness test. Gold is soft, scratch it with a nail or knife. Or tap it with a hammer, it will dent not break. Also gold is not angler.
keep trying, good luck.

DH - welcome to the forum ! - as a desert hermit, I know you appreciate blunt. First, on a scale of 1 - to - 10, your pics are a 2 for clarity. Second, you definitely have highly mineralized ore there which may contain gold. The geologist types here will certainly chime in with educated guesses, but the proof of gold is in crushing and panning in most cases. Last, i recommend you compare your ore with the high-quality pics of raw gold in matrix that "TAKODA"
posts here on a regular basis. p.s. - very jealous of the life-style you chose ! :headbang:

The "acid test" is useless for testing for the presence of gold in ore. It's never been used for that purpose by knowledgeable prospectors.

If you need to verify how useless the acid test is for ore ID purposes just put some acid on random samples of quartz or various rocks found in your area. See? No effect! Does that mean they are gold? Obviously not.

What you have does not appear to be free gold. Pictures are a poor way to identify gold. Check the ore for softness. If you can cut off a piece with a knife and bend it you may have found a soft metal or mica. Try a streak test and see if gold colored metal is left behind on your white unglazed ceramic plate. Try heating it and see if it melts. Do NOT breathe the fumes, many ores contain deadly poisons.

If all these tests still leave you thinking you have found gold ore take a small sample to have a fire assay. This will tell you whether you have found gold but if your sample contains gold it will tell you very little about the amount of gold you have found or whether it is worth mining.

What you have there appears to be highly mineralized. You may have discovered gold but more likely you have only found evidence that valuable minerals may be nearby. Good luck in your prospecting and please share the results of your tests with us.

Underburden, thank you, I've been so caught up running around doing all the acid and didn't take time to do the true blue, pan it. I just crushed it and panned it. I'm filing the claim! I have to ask you all to forgive the poor images, all I have is my laptop or cheap cell to take images. The images are so untrue of the actual pieces that I shouldn't have even posted them. The only reason I'm posting the image right now is to show the volume contained in the chunk of rock the size of my thumb. But it does leave this gold after the black and everything else has panned out.

Fullpan, I do apologize for the images, I should have never posted them, my lighting and device used completely changes their appearance. Having said this I did just finish crushing and panning it and there's no doubt this is gold. The final test of course would be fire, but I am through with procrastinating and am filing.

Clay Diggins, thanks for the acid reply, that explains it. Sorry for the images, after this post I'll never post another image, not only do they not represent the true form, it isn't fare to the one trying to determine anything about it. Forgive me. It has panned out as gold though. When I get a real camera I'll post real pictures Clay. Thank you again for the comment on acid.

It sounds like you may be able to afford a new camera soon! Good luck with your claim!!! Once you strike it rich please post some pictures of the ore.

May your dreams be filled with gold!


Lotus, I'll definitely get a good camera and post some good images. Looking at your profile lets me know you'll understand the following statement.

My greatest fear at this point is that this will go nowhere, I have one of the worst cases of PTSD you've probably seen in a long time, this is the root cause of my roaming the deserts. I'm a grown man and just the mention of this to you Lotus has me in tears. I am so bad that I must not permit myself the pleasure of human contact, I am on one hand a gentle caring loving soul, on the other I drive away even my dearest friends. How I came out of my cave, how long I can remain out and exposed here in this forum, only time will tell. But I fear it will not be long.

fowledup, it's never been unpacked! If you seen my living situation and the pile I have it under you'd see why, and laugh. I'll try to stay focused and get it out.

DH, know this... You are not alone. My wife and I volunteer at the VA and teach kayaking to Veterans. My own brother has a moderate to severe case of PTSD after 11 years in theatre in Afghanistan and Iraq. He is a hero to me, and it breaks my heart to see him now in retirement in his 40's with his quality of life so diminished due to fear of crowds, nightmares, and chronic pain.

You are not alone!

I recently read an essay on PTSD by a SEAL or Green Beret that moved me to the core... I will find that essay and post a link to it. Powerful read.

May you someday find peace.


Lotus, I'll definitely get a good camera and post some good images. Looking at your profile lets me know you'll understand the following statement.

My greatest fear at this point is that this will go nowhere, I have one of the worst cases of PTSD you've probably seen in a long time, this is the root cause of my roaming the deserts. I'm a grown man and just the mention of this to you Lotus has me in tears. I am so bad that I must not permit myself the pleasure of human contact, I am on one hand a gentle caring loving soul, on the other I drive away even my dearest friends. How I came out of my cave, how long I can remain out and exposed here in this forum, only time will tell. But I fear it will not be long.

Congratulations on your find Desert Hermit! Glad to hear it "panned out" for you. :thumbsup:

I understand the "Hermit" part bro. It's our generation. Pretty much all my friends struggle with this crap everyday. Sadly I'm seeing the same, in the last few years, in the young men coming back to the world today.

You are doing the right thing fighting for yourself. We all need human contact even if it's just on an internet forum. Come and visit when you can. You are a decent man in an indecent world. We need you and people like you if this is ever going to get better. Thanks for sharing.

Here is the essay... it doesn't provide a solution, just one man's very insightful pathway. Everyone should read this essay so they understand the burden many have to carry for the rest of their lives.

One Warrior's Perspective On PTSD - Military News Talk Radio and Podcast

I think your prospecting for gold is a powerful metaphore for coping with PTSD.


Lotus, thank you for caring and for that matter, even taking time out from your life to respond to such a broken piece of whatever it is I have become. My Fathers nickname in the forces was deadeye dick, a sniper. I was trained well and followed his footsteps. You know Lotus, had I not gone through what I have I would have never understood my Fathers dark nights. Forgive me dad for judging, what a fool I was!

Everyone forgive for not responding to any more comments today, I didn't mean for this conversation to turn this direction, but it's working me over real good, so I'll close with a little something I just wrote in hopes it'll help some see what makes the desert hermit a hermit. Thank you all for your concern.

Lotus, I just wrote this short piece, I think in it one can see clearer what takes place in the minds of many who have been in any type of extreme combat.

The hands of time are but a silly rhyme,
Forward they march these hands of time.
For many these hands run reverse,
A tunnel of time back to the dark night of curse.

DH, I hope you stay out for awhile, your presence and contributions will make this a better place. If you need to step back in the cave from time to time most here understand, just know we will be here when you step back out. This forum is made up of a great group of people. We're not gonna pry and prod, we're just happy to have you here.
I am so happy for your discovery. I love hearing a success story. When I read your post that it is in fact gold, I let out a whoop for ya, and got a WTF look from the wife, had to do some explaining she says congratulations by the way.

Love Randsburg area!

DH,,, Heres to your strike helping you get back to your old self. Thanks for your service, and the story. My wife is a 24 year veteran, that works for the VA, and she sees the damage the sandbox has done to our returning vets daily. Gods speed:thumbsup::thumbsup::thumbsup:

Congratulations on filing.

Even if you've found a lot of pyrite, gold often travels with it, as do other heavy materials like copper, lead, and silver, or if you're really lucky, platinum.

I would follow the advice of a few others earlier in this thread and get one of the pieces that's large enough and I'd try pounding on it as they suggested. If it's gold ore, it will flatten out easily. It won't shatter.

If it's pyrite with gold running with it, it will shatter so you'll have to have an assay at some point to find out your values.

All the best, and thanks for your service,


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