Solving the Beale Papers

I wish I was moving around because I've been selling books. I'm from Virginia, have 4 kids, was working overseas, came back, had to get re-established here etc....oh and I wrote a book... What I'd LOVE to occur is a Beale "symposium" of sorts- take the best, most thought-out theories (meaning not inviting those who think Beale was actually an alien space Nazi from Planet 12), and over the course of a weekend, let these be presented and then "beaten up" so to speak.

How can you be sure Beale wasn't an alien space Nazi?! How. Can. You. Be. Sure??? #TinFoilHat

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I have found that if you wish to keep people at a distance you just need to say one word ( Aliens ) LOL !


How can you be sure Beale wasn't an alien space Nazi?! How. Can. You. Be. Sure??? #TinFoilHat


I don't know how necessary a symposium will be, your grids have been extremely helpful to me. I wasn't joking when I compared you to Tycho Brahe.

I solved it using plaintext last night, and solved it again, this morning, just based on your grids (don't try this at home kids, you need to know what you're looking for to see the solution in the grids). The nice thing about the Beale is the redundancy (something you noted as well despite your misinterpretation of it). The not nice thing about the Beale, is that every break so far has had a caveat: so it seems plausible that the solution would as well (speaking of Nazis: I keep having flashbacks to Raiders of the Lost Ark where the Nazis only had one side of the two sided medallion, which resulted in them searching in the wrong spot for the Ark). So I am going for the hat trick and trying to solve it a third way to make sure I get exactly the same solution as the first two, unfortunately the third way is the hard way. -_-

Since you guys may be wondering: the two results give the exact same - very specific - location. That very specific location is not a place anyone can just go and dig. The least of the problems with the location is that it is on private land.

Anyway, since the cake is baked enough now, and digging is not really an option, I'm going to pitch a one-hour special to the one guy I know in Hollywood. Obviously, it likely that nothing comes of it (in which case it is proposal letter time to every publisher in the books) but I mention it here anyway, in your thread, because in the unlikely event something does come of it, I would want to reach out to you and include you and your grids in it, since they helped me so much.


Josh Gates wants to come back to Bedford County, Virginia; HE may be "interested"...

Trevor- Thanks for your review. I have some comments:

Masonry as the Solution:
I am very clear in the preface of my book that it is in support of Joe Nickell's theory, made 35 years ago, that the Papers are Masonic. This wasn't the original impetus however. Nickell made the argument but had very little evidence. Were there additional examples? Anything at all? I believe that not only is there but that the evidence is a slam-dunk.

Illuminati Connection: I explore it simply to point out that the Cryptic Degrees have a very very unusual pedigree, but I make the same conclusion as you do; it may be the author himself believed in a connection, but there is no proof whatsoever that he did or that there was/is one, but I could see, particularly in an age with limited exposure to information, why he might have.

The use of 23 and Robert Morris/ss- I do not see 23 solely as a reference to Robert Morris but rather that the repeated and overt use of the number is a 19th Century-version of a computer's "back door": find a 23, pursue it, and you typically will find examples where this 23 produces an "answer" of sorts which cannot be viewed as coincidence. As there are 23 mistakes when the original DOI is compared with the Beale DOI, and 23 extra commas as well, and that the DOI is the primary encoding device, it cannot be a coincidence that Signer Robert Morris' signature is also the 23rd on the DOI. What I suggest is 23 is ultimately NOT the point of the exercise. It was used over and over to "get you there". If you can find that you are finding a way in. There are also additional connections to the Signers as well, but I believe the primary purpose of 23 is to find 33, as there are 56 total signatures on the DOI, and the remainder (56-23) is 33- and indeed, the name Morriss is used 33 times in the Papers. Is this enough proof to say the Papers are Masonic? I don't thinks so, but there are so many additional allusions, that in total, the conclusion can be made. What I'm also suggesting about 23 is that one needs to keep it in one's back pocket and apply it to everything. It doesn't always produce, but more often than not, in a document which was purposefully manipulated, 23 reveals. This is as evident in Cipher #1 as it is with Cipher #2. That's the purpose of 23 in this instance; to reveal.

Grids: Thank you for acknowledging my theory about the grids. I'm old enough to have a degree in design obtained prior to computers, so when I see a layout done as badly as the Beale Ciphers it made me wonder why they were done. The most obvious example of bad spacing is Cipher #3, in which a single number is left on the last line. No printer worth his ink would have ever let that pass, particularly when there was plenty of room on lines north. This was clear evidence the lines were intended to live where they were placed, which meant their positional locations were as important as their value. The Beale Ciphers are to be treated as grids, and treating them this way has produced some incredible results: a solution to the Gillogly String, the creation of the constellation Phoenix, and many others.

The Significance of Empty spaces: Empty spaces are only created when you have a grid to begin with, so the idea that I "missed it", when I created "it" in the first place is interesting...but perhaps you're right, maybe I missed something obvious....but I'm not following your example? Fill the 96 empty spaces up with what letters? And why does doing that then preclude or wipe out the idea that the Papers are Masonic in origin?

OK, are you "talking" about the 3 Beale Ciphers...? (Haven't finished your book...), or the WHOLE Beale PAPERS Pamphlet...?

The use of 23 and Robert Morris/ss- I do not see 23 solely as a reference to Robert Morris but rather that the repeated and overt use of the number is a 19th Century-version of a computer's "back door": find a 23, pursue it, and you typically will find examples where this 23 produces an "answer" of sorts which cannot be viewed as coincidence. As there are 23 mistakes when the original DOI is compared with the Beale DOI, and 23 extra commas as well, and that the DOI is the primary encoding device, it cannot be a coincidence that Signer Robert Morris' signature is also the 23rd on the DOI. What I suggest is 23 is ultimately NOT the point of the exercise. It was used over and over to "get you there". If you can find that you are finding a way in. There are also additional connections to the Signers as well, but I believe the primary purpose of 23 is to find 33, as there are 56 total signatures on the DOI, and the remainder (56-23) is 33- and indeed, the name Morriss is used 33 times in the Papers. Is this enough proof to say the Papers are Masonic? I don't thinks so, but there are so many additional allusions, that in total, the conclusion can be made. What I'm also suggesting about 23 is that one needs to keep it in one's back pocket and apply it to everything. It doesn't always produce, but more often than not, in a document which was purposefully manipulated, 23 reveals. This is as evident in Cipher #1 as it is with Cipher #2. That's the purpose of 23 in this instance; to reveal.

As you point out in your book 23 is certainly a key number, as is 33, but I disagree with your conclusions re: Masonry. If I ever get my book finished I'll lay out my points and you can attack them ;-) I'm aware that's a half-a&&ed answer but just as it took you a hundred pages to make your points, it would take me a hundred pages to make my point which I'm not going to do here. But the book is coming along, I even emailed Rebel today for some information related to it - so with luck you'll be able to critique sometime in 2018.




I'm working on the legal documents related to the Beale right now. You and Peter V wrote the two most helpful books for solving it so I'm thinking of putting you and Peter V's widow (I think she's still alive right Rebel?) down each for a 1.5% share (if it is still there, which seems very likely at this point). If you're interested PM me an address to send you documents. I'm sending the initial letter to the US Atty tomorrow and I know you don't check this often, but I don't expect to hear back from him for a while and a settlement agreement is going to take time. I'm posting this publicly, because I'm hoping Rebel can PM me Peter V's widow mail address so I can send her a letter to see if she is interested as well.

Rebel, you've been the most helpful person on this board. If we get permission to dig from the US Atty, I'll send you a DM. No official share, but assuming it's still there, if you come on over to visit during the dig, I'll make sure you get a gold or silver coin or two or three or a whole of bag of 'em as a memento (depends on what's and how much is there - but something).



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Dream, dream dreaaaaam That was a song recorded in 1958.

Dream, dream dreaaaaam That was a song recorded in 1958.

We are the music makers, and we are the dreamers of dreams. That's a quote from Willy Wonka.

I know the Beale frustrated you for over forty years, so I've got a lot of sympathy for your position. It took the intervention of Providence and other people's prior work for my success, otherwise I could have been you. Anyway, if we get permission, and you come by to visit (I think you're in Virginia as well?), a memento for you too (but just a coin or two no bag).

We are the music makers, and we are the dreamers of dreams. That's a quote from Willy Wonka.

... It took the intervention of Providence and other people's prior work for my success, otherwise I could have been you. Anyway, if we get permission, and you come by to visit (I think you're in Virginia as well?), a memento for you too (but just a coin or two no bag).
Are you claiming that you have solved C1 & C3 while also stating on another thread that Laf and Legrand have not?
Does your "solution" also contain an epitaph?


I'm working on the legal documents related to the Beale right now. You and Peter V wrote the two most helpful books for solving it so I'm thinking of putting you and Peter V's widow (I think she's still alive right Rebel?) down each for a 1.5% share (if it is still there, which seems very likely at this point). If you're interested PM me an address to send you documents. I'm sending the initial letter to the US Atty tomorrow and I know you don't check this often, but I don't expect to hear back from him for a while and a settlement agreement is going to take time. I'm posting this publicly, because I'm hoping Rebel can PM me Peter V's widow mail address so I can send her a letter to see if she is interested as well.

Rebel, you've been the most helpful person on this board. If we get permission to dig from the US Atty, I'll send you a DM. No official share, but assuming it's still there, if you come on over to visit during the dig, I'll make sure you get a gold or silver coin or two or three or a whole of bag of 'em as a memento (depends on what's and how much is there - but something).


"T", Cindi (V) lives in Salem, Va. (SouthWest of Roanoke), with her new husband of @ 3 years; DO NOT have her address...

I heard she had remarried but I could not find the address either. The museum knows but their not telling.

I heard she had remarried but I could not find the address either. The museum knows but their not telling.

Eh. I can leave a message with the museum when I visit next spring. No worries. Thanks!

Knowing Cindi, I think that she doesn't really wanna know... THAT life is OVER!

Eh, whatever. If I'm able to circle the big treasure I'll assign a small percentage of 1.5% or so to his estate (i.e. his children). Same deal as with Stewart since I needed both their books to solve the Beale.

And to be clear to both Stewart and the Estate (to avoid future litigation) that's 1.5% of what I get of the large Trove on National Park/Forest Land (which may be zero), not 1.5% of the entire Trove or anything else hidden by the Beale (so nothing from that pot o' gold in Buford).


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Eh, whatever. If I'm able to circle the big treasure I'll assign a small percentage of 1.5% or so to his estate (i.e. his children). Same deal as with Stewart since I needed both their books to solve the Beale.

And to be clear to both Stewart and the Estate (to avoid future litigation) that's 1.5% of what I get of the large Trove on National Park/Forest Land (which may be zero), not 1.5% of the entire Trove or anything else hidden by the Beale (so nothing from that pot o' gold in Buford).


I have a copy of the form which you must obtain from the Park Service. I will tell you now if you want to dig on National Forest Land you better have documented proof of said treasure. Also you will need about $250,000 to $1,000,000 to do their environmental studies and endangered specie and soil conservation and plant life studies. They will know everything before you will be permitted and the studies I mentioned above with the cost will be performed before you dig which will take a number of years. If it is on the National Forest or Park Land you may as well forget it.

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