Solving the Beale Papers

Enigmatist, The solve has been documented and is going to be a big hit....our podcast has already gotten some attention....and we have a few more interviews coming....


Are you going to interview the guy that machined the stone.....:thumbsup:

Enigmatist, The solve has been documented and is going to be a big hit....our podcast has already gotten some attention....and we have a few more interviews coming....

You now have a link photo on the home page Beale Cipher dot com

We are now ready to Rock Steady.....thanks John Laf.:headbang:

Question is come you copied my post title the day after......seems like you were trying to steal the

literally the day after.....and you work for a company from disney?

cmon you do know what its like watching someone COPY your work right.....thats pretty low.

Eldo- solve

Eldo- I look forward to it. You might want to take a look at my solve first.

Eldo- I started this thread in November of last year. I have zero idea whether you or anyone else posted anything about anything the day before I did, nor would I care, to be honest. I'm on this site specifically and almost exclusively, to talk about Beale, and for at least two years now, and because of my work schedule, my visits here are sporadic at best... but when I'm on that's what I'm solely focused on. You've made the charge that I've COPIED your work. I've received a similar comment by another person on a different site, and I challenge them too. Show me (us) one example of me essentially stealing your ideas. That's a heavy back it up. Yes, I work for Disney but my book has zero to do with my current employer- and is not remotely affiliated with the Disney company in any way.

Eldo- I started this thread in November of last year. I have zero idea whether you or anyone else posted anything about anything the day before I did, nor would I care, to be honest. I'm on this site specifically and almost exclusively, to talk about Beale, and for at least two years now, and because of my work schedule, my visits here are sporadic at best... but when I'm on that's what I'm solely focused on. You've made the charge that I've COPIED your work. I've received a similar comment by another person on a different site, and I challenge them too. Show me (us) one example of me essentially stealing your ideas. That's a heavy back it up. Yes, I work for Disney but my book has zero to do with my current employer- and is not remotely affiliated with the Disney company in any way.
Well, Walt Disney WAS a "DeMolay", never a Master Mason to my knowledge. I was a DeMolay "Dad" for the Thomas Jefferson Chapter in Charlottesville, Va. years, ago. I was 32nd Degree Scottish Rite; the boys were TOUGH! All that they thought about were GIRLS (heh...) and playing basket ball...

ANYWAY... "Enigmatist" DOES have a "different" approach in that it is MOSTLY from a "historical viewpoint" & has to be understood in a ESOTERIC way; y'all gotta read it & decide for yerselves. Wish that I had this book for my MANY "lectures" on Masonry & Treasure-Hunting, years ago; for my RESEARCH LODGE... James River Allied Masonic Degrees. I became Sovereign Master, & shut the James River "Lodge" down...

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I'm firmly in the "the Papers are not authentic camp", and believe I've written a convincing argument in my book "Solving the Beale Papers", to that effect. If you are in the "believer" camp however; meaning that you believe the Papers are authentic (written by Beale or someone in 1822), and published later in 1885- and DO lead to treasure, there is one question you must be prepared to answer, which requires a very easy experiment to be able to validate one way or the other. In 1822, there was only one version of the Declaration published and available to the general public; the original as engrossed by Timothy Matlack in 1776. Subsequently, when "Beale" supposedly encoded Cipher #2, he could only have used this original. So, Part 1 of the experiment is simple: find a copy of the original DOI, number it, and then decipher Cipher #2 with it....and you'll note that 141 mistakes are many that the message is almost unreadable. Here's Part 2: Decipher Cipher #2 once again- this time using the TBP-provided DOI. Don't take the author's word that the message produced is as written. Do it yourself and you'll see substantial differences immediately. The DOI provided in the Papers by the unknown author is actually a variation of one of two text book versions produced after the Civil War. These modernized versions typically dropped the capitalization of proper nouns, modernize some of the spellings, drop hyphens, and even change some of the words. As you run through this second exercise, you'll also note that the numbering of the unknown author's version of the DOI is off by 13 numbers (as a whole section at 480 is doubled), by the mid-500s. Regardless of these numbering problems, and regardless of the modern linguistical changes however the amount of mistakes dropped radically; from 141 to just 28 mistakes. This massive improvement should be impossible. The fact that it isn't, can only mean Cipher #2 was encoded using the TBP-version not the original; the later document created to serve the other. There can be no other explanation. Thus, the Papers ARE a fictional document. The only remaining question is; who was its anonymous author? - and why did he produce it? ...and that's what my book answers.

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Reb- There IS a "Club 33" at Disney.

Thanks for that Reb. Yes, I believe the answer, the impetus, and the core of the Papers is entirely a Masonic one. I'm certainly not the first or second person to suggest such a thing, but unlike others, I believe I've unequivocally proven it. There is simply too much "there" there.

Reb- There IS a "Club 33" at Disney.
:icon_thumleft: NOT SURPRISED! :coffee2: Coffee...? Did R & I on it; NOTHING to do with 33rd Degree Scottish Rite Masons... PRIVATE CLUB in New Orleans Square at Disneyland in "Cali", based on original 33 SPONSORS of DISNEY... with lots of $$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$! Ha!

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I'm firmly in the "the Papers are not authentic camp", and believe I've written a convincing argument in my book "Solving the Beale Papers", to that effect. If you are in the "believer" camp however; meaning that you believe the Papers are authentic (written by Beale or someone in 1822), and published later in 1885- and DO lead to treasure, there is one question you must be prepared to answer, which requires a very easy experiment to be able to validate one way or the other. In 1822, there was only one version of the Declaration published and available to the general public; the original as engrossed by Timothy Matlack in 1776. Subsequently, when "Beale" supposedly encoded Cipher #2, he could only have used this original. So, Part 1 of the experiment is simple: find a copy of the original DOI, number it, and then decipher Cipher #2 with it....and you'll note that 141 mistakes are many that the message is almost unreadable. Here's Part 2: Decipher Cipher #2 once again- this time using the TBP-provided DOI. Don't take the author's word that the message produced is as written. Do it yourself and you'll see substantial differences immediately. The DOI provided in the Papers by the unknown author is actually a variation of one of two text book versions produced after the Civil War. These modernized versions typically dropped the capitalization of proper nouns, modernize some of the spellings, drop hyphens, and even change some of the words. As you run through this second exercise, you'll also note that the numbering of the unknown author's version of the DOI is off by 13 numbers (as a whole section at 480 is doubled), by the mid-500s. Regardless of these numbering problems, and regardless of the modern linguistical changes however the amount of mistakes dropped radically; from 141 to just 28 mistakes. This massive improvement should be impossible. The fact that it isn't, can only mean Cipher #2 was encoded using the TBP-version not the original; the later document created to serve the other. There can be no other explanation. Thus, the Papers ARE a fictional document. The only remaining question is; who was its anonymous author? - and why did he produce it? ...and that's what my book answers.
DO tell us MORE!

I get the feeling we are missing someone, not sure who that is ?

... Yes, I believe the answer, the impetus, and the core of the Papers is entirely a Masonic one. I'm certainly not the first or second person to suggest such a thing, but unlike others, I believe I've unequivocally proven it. There is simply too much "there" there.
You have presented a compelling case for an alternative symbolic meaning behind the 1885 Beale Papers.
Max Guggenheimer, the only person mentioned in the Beale Papers that was alive at publication was a Mason, I believe Rebel-KGC knows the Lodge. I have read that Ward was also once a member of that Lodge.

You have presented a compelling case for an alternative symbolic meaning behind the 1885 Beale Papers.
Max Guggenheimer, the only person mentioned in the Beale Papers that was alive at publication was a Mason, I believe Rebel-KGC knows the Lodge. I have read that Ward was also once a member of that Lodge.

You are so right. James Beverly Risque and others were also. You can find most of their names if you read the funeral procession and order of the funeral for the firemen that were killed in 1883. Also other earlier funerals list JBR, MG, MG and several of them were the high turkeys. I don't know what they call the Grandmaster or something like that.

Also there is one cipher in Code Paper Number One that is almost certainly Masonic and that is 2906. The number of half columns or pilasters in King Solomon's Temple.

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