- #161
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Beal and the lost duch man are the same?
Yes that is the Mine System that was a part of their Perilous Enterprise.....The Lost Dutchman is a Cover Story, as is the Beale

And the coded dates in the Beale's Hunting Party signifying the times spent mining are there on the same stone maps as well.

The maps were carved by a certain artist, an engraver, and were used to tell the tale in a pictograph to find the bodies, the Heart Stone buried, and then their 18 mines, all from the same maps. The Beale made by a Master Forger from St. Louis named James Reavis who was conducting their operations out west, was left with the men in Bufords as a time released tale to cover their trail, to make it seem like they were miners who were killed by "savages". HIDDen in the text was a Persher Code which means "Interpretation" in Hebrew. The Text conceals specific phrases and comments that allude to the use of them in a manner to decipher parts of the ciphers which are separated into smaller parts and scattered throughout the interwoven tales of a totally different timeline......
Stampeding is the main one as on the stone maps there is a cowboy rancher's brand 8-n-P....which when seen as a brand is this shaped look from this family near the mines.....and of course it appears like the letters TJB made into the ground

Then the maps point to a location that is a starting point in the Desert at their mines, and is used to calculate distance to two locations in VA......on one stone is the location's name Moneta......on a "Latin" Heart Stone......but is spelled wrong

Moneta is the lower point in the Beale in VA....where there is a "Familiar Cave" .....the one that was not chosen.....the second line is the location that is found from the distances on the Beale....
Reavis, the author/forger of the Beale used the name James B. Ward to publish in VA.....who was a CSA Quartermaster and Cartographer preparing Mileage Charts during the Civil War....another Stage Name they used....as they made their plants of evidence across the country, for the Peralta Land Grab, in numerous Govt offices to claim the entire valley of Phoenix......in a scam backed by the Standard Oil Trust after they went rock bottom on their wells in PA.
The evidence of their affairs were known to be also funding the notorious James Younger and the Butch Cassidy and Sundance Kid Gangs of raiders, in an area to the North of their mines, to set up a fortification to rob Union Trains in a holdout called The Blaze.....
As the Mormons moved their settlers to Salt Lake the raiders were robbing Union Trains in Colorado, Wyoming, and Utah......to try to bankrupt their competitors out west
They later had encrypted a second layer in the Beale that made them take over the Black Hills to mine gold there.....using the ciphers backwards, they say ERE FEN DUE RED KNEE. This was discovered by Ken Bauman and shown on Brad Meltzer's Decoded and is a testament to their movements to takeover these lands from the Natives as well as the mines in AZ.
....when that didnt work, and massive wars erupted, they decided to create a fake rumor through their owned publishing companies, to trick everyone who banked with Union Banks, to pull out their client's money in NYC, to create the Great Depression, and then to close them off for another war overseas...... as they funded the wars of the Soviet/Bolshevic Revolutions.....Then sending us off to War in the First planned World War.
This was the source of their original funding and was made to be used to create their Religious Order in the US.....under the guise of Mormonism and other sects that were later encouraged to create Eugenics programs to further distance themselves from the ones they robbed of lands and commodities, using these lands as a loan to their own people.....in a sham that has enraged so many.....one we still live in today.
These were the original Zionists......and their offshoots in the Wild Wild West are now trying to control the masses of commodities for their own exploitation still to this day, with their political movements, and in their business networks across the globe through their original partnerships that they formed.
Albert Pike had involvement heavily influencing the plans for these 3 world wars......as we see there is a series of manipulations of different sets of religious orders from one sect holding out in these KGC Castles......the same ones that originally founded the land grabs out west.....
A strange cult for sure.....look at the Witch Stone holding the Cross?
Gives instructions and at the same time creates a legend of an "Apache Thunder God"