Solving the Beale Papers

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Beal and the lost duch man are the same?

Yes that is the Mine System that was a part of their Perilous Enterprise.....The Lost Dutchman is a Cover Story, as is the Beale



And the coded dates in the Beale's Hunting Party signifying the times spent mining are there on the same stone maps as well.


The maps were carved by a certain artist, an engraver, and were used to tell the tale in a pictograph to find the bodies, the Heart Stone buried, and then their 18 mines, all from the same maps. The Beale made by a Master Forger from St. Louis named James Reavis who was conducting their operations out west, was left with the men in Bufords as a time released tale to cover their trail, to make it seem like they were miners who were killed by "savages". HIDDen in the text was a Persher Code which means "Interpretation" in Hebrew. The Text conceals specific phrases and comments that allude to the use of them in a manner to decipher parts of the ciphers which are separated into smaller parts and scattered throughout the interwoven tales of a totally different timeline......

Stampeding is the main one as on the stone maps there is a cowboy rancher's brand 8-n-P....which when seen as a brand is this shaped look from this family near the mines.....and of course it appears like the letters TJB made into the ground


Then the maps point to a location that is a starting point in the Desert at their mines, and is used to calculate distance to two locations in VA......on one stone is the location's name Moneta......on a "Latin" Heart Stone......but is spelled wrong


Moneta is the lower point in the Beale in VA....where there is a "Familiar Cave" .....the one that was not chosen.....the second line is the location that is found from the distances on the Beale....

Reavis, the author/forger of the Beale used the name James B. Ward to publish in VA.....who was a CSA Quartermaster and Cartographer preparing Mileage Charts during the Civil War....another Stage Name they they made their plants of evidence across the country, for the Peralta Land Grab, in numerous Govt offices to claim the entire valley of a scam backed by the Standard Oil Trust after they went rock bottom on their wells in PA.

The evidence of their affairs were known to be also funding the notorious James Younger and the Butch Cassidy and Sundance Kid Gangs of raiders, in an area to the North of their mines, to set up a fortification to rob Union Trains in a holdout called The Blaze.....

As the Mormons moved their settlers to Salt Lake the raiders were robbing Union Trains in Colorado, Wyoming, and try to bankrupt their competitors out west

They later had encrypted a second layer in the Beale that made them take over the Black Hills to mine gold there.....using the ciphers backwards, they say ERE FEN DUE RED KNEE. This was discovered by Ken Bauman and shown on Brad Meltzer's Decoded and is a testament to their movements to takeover these lands from the Natives as well as the mines in AZ.

....when that didnt work, and massive wars erupted, they decided to create a fake rumor through their owned publishing companies, to trick everyone who banked with Union Banks, to pull out their client's money in NYC, to create the Great Depression, and then to close them off for another war overseas...... as they funded the wars of the Soviet/Bolshevic Revolutions.....Then sending us off to War in the First planned World War.

This was the source of their original funding and was made to be used to create their Religious Order in the US.....under the guise of Mormonism and other sects that were later encouraged to create Eugenics programs to further distance themselves from the ones they robbed of lands and commodities, using these lands as a loan to their own a sham that has enraged so we still live in today.

These were the original Zionists......and their offshoots in the Wild Wild West are now trying to control the masses of commodities for their own exploitation still to this day, with their political movements, and in their business networks across the globe through their original partnerships that they formed.

Albert Pike had involvement heavily influencing the plans for these 3 world we see there is a series of manipulations of different sets of religious orders from one sect holding out in these KGC Castles......the same ones that originally founded the land grabs out west.....

A strange cult for sure.....look at the Witch Stone holding the Cross?

Gives instructions and at the same time creates a legend of an "Apache Thunder God"

Witches map8 3.webp


Here is the map from the instructions that shows you the place to look for.Beale Omega Map.webp Notice the Exclamation on both pics, and the same Pirate flag on the mast.

The town Bedford was chosen as it is the location of the symbol that was crafted on the ground near the Omega, and was taken from the symbols of Champlain's Voyage as these men were the same that spawned the legends of the "Hidden Treasure" of the can see the map of the area of New England there.



Reavis, the author/forger of the Beale used the name James B. Ward to publish in VA.....who was a CSA Quartermaster and Cartographer preparing Mileage Charts during the Civil War....another Stage Name they used...
James B Ward was NOT the forger James Addison Reavis, and his genealogy and connection to the 1885 Beale Papers has been well documented on these threads.
...there is NO evidence to support that Reavis was ever in Lynchburg or ever met or knrw James Beverly Ward, much less Rockefeller or Morgan.

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James B Ward was NOT the forger James Addison Reavis, and his genealogy and connection to the 1885 Beale Papers has been well documented on these threads.
...there is NO evidence to support that Reavis was ever in Lynchburg or ever met or knrw James Beverly Ward, much less Rockefeller or Morgan.

I never said he was....I said that Reavis later placed his name on the document, publishing it as a fiction under a Pen Name......of JB WARD

A common method used back in them days if I recollect correctly.....

REAVIS was in St Louis I said......and the extremely tanned gentleman...? LOL....Mr. Beale

Did you think that it actually was the first lovechild of Thomas Jefferson and his servant?

Or maybe that these "Authentic Statements" are actually all invented by a forger and it holds a double meaning.....?

You obviously take this as a face value research project and I am through trying to tell you everything you refuse to see.

I have over 7,000 views on my video and that's enough for me to see its not something that I need to prove here....

I will have Albert Pike's statue removed in DC just to prove it to you......before Christmas.

Liberty For Life

Albert Pike's letter to Mazzini, dated August 15, 1871:

  • "The First World War must be brought about in order to permit the Illuminati to overthrow the power of the Czars in Russia and of making that country a fortress of atheistic Communism. The divergences caused by the "agentur" (agents) of the Illuminati between the British and Germanic Empires will be used to foment this war. At the end of the war, Communism will be built and used in order to destroy the other governments and in order to weaken the religions."
  • "The Second World War must be fomented by taking advantage of the differences between the Fascists and the political Zionists. This war must be brought about so that Nazism is destroyed and that the political Zionism be strong enough to institute a sovereign state of Israel in Palestine. During the Second World War, International Communism must become strong enough in order to balance Christendom, which would be then restrained and held in check until the time when we would need it for the final social cataclysm."
  • "The Third World War must be fomented by taking advantage of the differences caused by the "agentur" of the "Illuminati" between the political Zionists and the leaders of Islamic World. The war must be conducted in such a way that Islam (the Moslem Arabic World) and political Zionism (the State of Israel) mutually destroy each other. Meanwhile the other nations, once more divided on this issue will be constrained. physical, moral, spiritual and economical exhaustion…We shall unleash the Nihilists and the atheists, and we shall provoke a formidable social cataclysm which in all its horror will show clearly to the nations the effect of absolute atheism, origin of savagery and of the most bloody turmoil. Then everywhere, the citizens, obliged to defend themselves against the world minority of revolutionaries, will exterminate those destroyers of civilization, and the multitude, disillusioned with Christianity, whose deistic spirits will from that moment be without compass or direction, anxious for an ideal, but without knowing where to render its adoration, will receive the true light through the universal manifestation of the pure doctrine of Lucifer, brought finally out in the public view. This manifestation will result from the general reactionary movement which will follow the destruction of Christianity and atheism, both conquered and exterminated at the same time."

What was the publishing date on that Operative's Document called the Beale Papers again?

1885 is 14 years after this plan was laid......about the time it takes to arrange for this to happen......the planting of information, the collection of men for the operations, and the establishment of numerous political associations in conjunction with banking groups.....that DID in fact lead this operation

ECS there is even a man here who is writing a book about their Banking Affiliations and their numerous investments with the Gold that was mined from these 30 men......

They were in GOLD MINES for 2 years....and THEIR SHARES ALONE, tallied up to over 5900 lbs of gold and silver......

Think about it....where is there a huge area of concentrated Gold and Silver Mines that actually existed like the Silver King and others in Arizona???

Exactly 300 miles from Santa Fe.......

A "Hunting" Party?

More like the first Treasure "Hunters".... hunting for other people's treasures....removing both the Natives, the Mexicans, and the White Settlers that were making their lives there, as these men claimed a fraudulent claim to the valley that had been at that time of the Beale's Publishing date

To achieve his vision, Reavis had to first clear some outstanding business issues and obtain additional documentation. His first step was a July 1881 visit to the family of Florin Massol where he obtained a release of the mining rights that Willing had signed over, in exchange for a contract to pay US$3000 plus interest to Massol on the condition that the Peralta grant be confirmed.

The official filing of the claim came on March 27, 1883 in the Tucson office of Surveyor General J.W. Robbins. In addition to Willing's deed of purchase, Reavis filed copies of the cedulas, wills, codicils, and proclamations he had secured documenting the first baron's life.The collection of documents filled two trunks. Following an initial examination of the documents, which lasted into the night, Robins promised to register the claim and begin his investigation as the first stage of the certification

They left in the 3rd month of March, finding the mines to dig ore for 18 months or more, returning their Share #1 and then mining for 7 more months, to return their Share #2 to VA, at the same time the Box was left with the Declaration of Independence....their map, and another theme to their REBEL operation.

2 years after they mined, the Beale was VA.... after the mining party was killed in AZ......where 30 bodies are found and a fricking Park is created around it near the Lost Dutchman's Trail.

The name JB Ward is significantly used by the author/forger as a Pen Name in conjunction with the dates in years holding as miles to show the distance on a CSA Map of the area they used, and a CSA Coded message......left in the text and a cipher crafted to lure you to the message and the orders they have encoded for the finder's share.....which is meant for the men's next of kin to attack the Natives to drive them the Black Hills.....ERE FEN DUE RED KNEE .......

The South Tried To Rise.....AGAIN

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The name JB Ward is significantly used by the author/forger as a Pen Name ...
If the name J B Ward was utilized by this author/forger as a "Pen Name", please explain why J B Ward applied in his own handwriting for copyright on borrowed ADAMS BROS & PAYNES letterhead stationary provided by his son in law, and had his cousin, John William Sherman, print the Beale Papers pamphlet.
Now if there exists no connection to the aforementioned Lynchburg persons named who were involved in bringing the Beale perilous adventure treasure story to the limited Lynchburg Market of 1885, then this "forger-Reavis-Rockefeller-Morgan" version lacks serious merit, and is considered as another maybe, could be speculation that has permeated the Beale tale since the HART PAPERS.


Think about it....where is there a huge area of concentrated Gold and Silver Mines that actually existed like the Silver King and others in Arizona???
Exactly 300 miles from Santa Fe...

the Beale was VA.... after the mining party was killed in AZ...
John Pickrell Risqué, James Beverly Ward's great uncle, along with three others, was massacred by Native Americans in Gold Gulch, Arizona, while inspecting gold and silver mines for the government, in 1882.

NOTE: John Pickrell Risque's adobe home still stands in Silver City, New Mexico, and besides being one of the oldest homes there, it is now an art gallery.

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:laughing7:.....J. B. Ward was real, had a real hand in the Beale papers, was alive long after the publication and never once said, "Damn that forger using my name and identity!" :laughing7: All of your proposed connections are so full of holes the ship is taking on water faster then it can be bailed.

And your cliche excuses are older than your books that you are writing on the many posts have you started here?

And to what advantage did you make that many different theories manifest here, to then try to downplay my work, and single me out, and tell me that I don't have "proof"?

You Bigscoop might want to immerse yourself in the times and look around a bit more.....the Beale you look for is not there, as he was a Purser on a Ship called the SS Peacock and the JB Ward you saw publish the Beale Pamphlet was not the person that you claim he is to be....there is more evidence pointing to these facts than your assertions promote....and to think that a few men thought that their denials here would stop the statues from

You revel in the history of the times because you are molded by its teachings ...... and you believe what you are told to believe.....

I am not told what to believe ...... I was born in Princeton, NJ ...... do you have any idea where that is?

Its not under the Morals and Dogma of any of the teachings of the Bible Belt, or the Bonesmen, the KGC or the OAK ....... the Grave Robbers that murdered their own operatives .....

Maybe you should tell the other member who is publishing his book on their Banking Cabal that he is wrong that he made up the entire network of conspirators....try that one....

Then I want you to pick up the phone Bigscoop, and tell the Apache Nation that I am making up the stories, and convince the Mining and Mineral directors there on the reservation that everything that I showed them in physical form was an invention, that they too are wrong.....for believing what they saw.

Tell them that their entire legend behind the "Boy Named Apache" is a lie and that there is no "Great Dragon"......

Then you will see EXACTLY how you look in my eyes, trying to front an excuse for the numerous acts of terror imposed by this group ........ that none of the removal acts, the Manifest Destiny, the Perilous Enterprise ever existed.....that you are the "True Believer", and that through all your diversions from a single founded theory that you are still right, even though you have nothing to multiple posts about the same single treasure legend.

You wont even contest my words here word for word? Why are you so afraid? What are you selling? A treasure legend? lol......this is a global conspiracy.......

Not to smart to try to talk such a big game to me ....... I unraveled their history for them, so that they are to be exonerated of the accusations of the deaths of the 30 men, that were laid in the desert there in a shallow grave, by their own men from VA.

Think about it ...... no more History Channel story telling about lost mines of the Apache Thunder God......and no more Confederate jokes here either.....think about it.....the evidence that allows the Natives in the Valley of the Sun to be completely freed from all repercussions of the many wars fought there over their gold, and the largest piece of evidence there is to show a major plot was underway to usurp the democratic order of the US and establish the Mormon and KGC backed Govt hell bent on fueling revolutions, world wars, and banking crimes to control anyone that was for the ideals of the original agreements that were signed and sealed......before the US became it's own "rogue" nation.

That's the ultimate part ...... where you wouldn't dare follow my footsteps to say anything to anyone I have spoken to, to try to recant what I have said here, or to even to try to deny this fact in fact I will gladly wait till you have contacted my associates at the Spanish Embassy to show them that I was wrong and that there are no Jesuit and Spanish mine systems there, that it is all a Superstition.....

Can you do that to prove me wrong?

I'll wait to respond to you until you answer that question ...... since you, ECS, and others have tried to show me otherwise, yet haven't stepped up yet, to try to contact the Radio station to tell them that I made it all up....

Why not try to Doxx me then......cause you can't.....

Not with your expanding history lessons and numerous posts that are constantly asserting among yourselves that there is a clue to be found in someone's history, when you all have admitted here that you don't believe there is a treasure, or that these are made up stories of fiction, and have continually denied that Myself, Ken Bauman, and Others like Brad Meltzer, and Finders Keepers, and even Justintime have put down boots to make headway....

It's obvious you guys are really in a state of denial.

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If the name J B Ward was utilized by this author/forger as a "Pen Name", please explain why J B Ward applied in his own handwriting for copyright on borrowed ADAMS BROS & PAYNES letterhead stationary provided by his son in law, and had his cousin, John William Sherman, print the Beale Papers pamphlet.
Now if there exists no connection to the aforementioned Lynchburg persons named who were involved in bringing the Beale perilous adventure treasure story to the limited Lynchburg Market of 1885, then this "forger-Reavis-Rockefeller-Morgan" version lacks serious merit, and is considered as another maybe, could be speculation that has permeated the Beale tale since the HART PAPERS.

How is anything of this a fact against what I have said? James Reavis ( from St Louis mind you ) signed his Peligroza Enterpriso papers in AZ in 1883.....then had his 30 men mining there under his command, and they were killed in the valley...dead

30 bodies found there.......coincidence? They were mining right after 1883......that's 2 years from the published version of this Perilous Enterprise......

Peligroza means something in Spanish to a skeptic, but to a person lost in historical facts its a hysterical reach?

As well as the fact that it clearly is known to be a Fictitious storyline to begin with......and shows that once again the names were so common that there are many from the same area and timeframe that YOU ALL HAVE FOUND through research.....I know because I have been here for two years watching the same circus round like a wheel, and that there is a question both as to the identity and the authenticity of them being directly involved writing that matter what letterhead you come up with over 100 years later, as there are more matching systems of clues that are actually able to locate not only a mine system but an entire trail of movements from the mines back to the two locations

Which none of the History buffs here have tried to propose.....

Even the most educated men agree that there is a fabled tale told, and that there is an actual underlying layer to the lie there

They have all asserted there is very little truth to the people that were involved in the written names of their involvement in the affairs of the foretold Enterprise.....that they neither were the people that were being described in the journal of the affair, nor were they the actual people that convened in a rich man's house that had numerous servants all geared to entertain his ideas about the objectives, which none of you have tried to propose was the meeting that set it all off to begin with.

You also have stated that there is no basis for my work to be valid, yet you or anyone else here can prove that there was another reason for the removal of the flags and the statues of these very obvious Confederate Coons of James Calhoun.....this combined with the facts in the case concerning the decoor for the Knights of the Golden Circle, being rampant with Mormon associations of the times, and being directed by the Order of American Knights at their political and banking branches show you neither can grasp the theme of the Beale, nor relate it to any real operations that laid troves underground ......

You seem to think it was a band of a hunting party......?

Just stumbled on a little glitter in the crack of a wall near a camp fire huh?

MVan_Buren-portrait.webp Engraved by John Sartain, the portrait of Martin Van Buren showed the exact references to these very mine systems and the trail to find them......its the veil of secrecy that they encrypted in the arts of the times that you have not been able to see for its reason....subtle hints like the tablecloth laid on the ground on one corner is a hint for some who see imperfections that are created for reasons that are made to be rationalized by the discerning eye.....not by the argumentative denial.....

Cmon man you are obvious as to your interests can figure it out the hard way or when I am done publishing the facts.....over and over again.

How is anything of this a fact against what I have said? James Reavis ( from St Louis mind you ) signed his Peligroza Enterpriso papers in AZ in 1883.....then had his 30 men mining there under his command, and they were killed in the valley...dead

30 bodies found there.......coincidence? They were mining right after 1883......that's 2 years from the published version of this Perilous Enterprise...
...and still you can not connect any of this to the alleged Beale perilous adventure treasure story dates of 1817- 1812, or to those people in 1884 Lynchburg who were involved in the copyrighting, printing, publishing, advertising, and sale of the 1885 Beale Papers.

... I was born in Princeton, NJ ...... do you have any idea where that is? ...
I was born at St Joseph's Hospital in Paterson , New you have any idea where that is?
My family has been here since that Dutch colony on the island across the Hudson.
They fought in the Revolution, GGF was 1st Sgt, 10th Regiment, New Jersey Volunteers at the Wilderness, Gettysburg, and part of the occupying force at Danville, Virginia April- May, 1865.
As with Princeton, none of this has anything to do with the Beale Papers.
Since the age of 10, I was raised in Ocala/Silver Springs, Florida, which was a major stop for CSA Benjamin, Breckenridge, and Wood on their flight from the Union. The cousin of Teddy Roosevelt's CSA Bullock uncles, a Confederate Brig General resident of Ocala, also aided in their escape.
That also has nothing to do with the Beale story, yet you continue to posts subtle, and not so subtle put downs of the Confederacy and the South in your off the wall story behind the Beale theory. WHY?

You also have stated that there is no basis for my work to be valid, yet you or anyone else here can prove that there was another reason for the removal of the flags and the statues of these very obvious Confederate Coons of James Calhoun...
"Confederate Coons of James Calhoun"?
Whats up with up with that?
What does that have to do with the 1885 Beale Papers?

Eldo, please check your condescending attitude at the door before you enter TressureNet, if you don't your going to lose the ability to post at all..

Sent from my P008 using Tapatalk

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And your cliche excuses are older than your books that you are writing on the many posts have you started here?

And to what advantage did you make that many different theories manifest here, to then try to downplay my work, and single me out, and tell me that I don't have "proof"?

You Bigscoop might want to immerse yourself in the times and look around a bit more.....the Beale you look for is not there, as he was a Purser on a Ship called the SS Peacock and the JB Ward you saw publish the Beale Pamphlet was not the person that you claim he is to be....there is more evidence pointing to these facts than your assertions promote....and to think that a few men thought that their denials here would stop the statues from

You revel in the history of the times because you are molded by its teachings ...... and you believe what you are told to believe.....

I am not told what to believe ...... I was born in Princeton, NJ ...... do you have any idea where that is?

Its not under the Morals and Dogma of any of the teachings of the Bible Belt, or the Bonesmen, the KGC or the OAK ....... the Grave Robbers that murdered their own operatives .....

Maybe you should tell the other member who is publishing his book on their Banking Cabal that he is wrong that he made up the entire network of conspirators....try that one....

Then I want you to pick up the phone Bigscoop, and tell the Apache Nation that I am making up the stories, and convince the Mining and Mineral directors there on the reservation that everything that I showed them in physical form was an invention, that they too are wrong.....for believing what they saw.

Tell them that their entire legend behind the "Boy Named Apache" is a lie and that there is no "Great Dragon"......

Then you will see EXACTLY how you look in my eyes, trying to front an excuse for the numerous acts of terror imposed by this group ........ that none of the removal acts, the Manifest Destiny, the Perilous Enterprise ever existed.....that you are the "True Believer", and that through all your diversions from a single founded theory that you are still right, even though you have nothing to multiple posts about the same single treasure legend.

You wont even contest my words here word for word? Why are you so afraid? What are you selling? A treasure legend? lol......this is a global conspiracy.......

Not to smart to try to talk such a big game to me ....... I unraveled their history for them, so that they are to be exonerated of the accusations of the deaths of the 30 men, that were laid in the desert there in a shallow grave, by their own men from VA.

Think about it ...... no more History Channel story telling about lost mines of the Apache Thunder God......and no more Confederate jokes here either.....think about it.....the evidence that allows the Natives in the Valley of the Sun to be completely freed from all repercussions of the many wars fought there over their gold, and the largest piece of evidence there is to show a major plot was underway to usurp the democratic order of the US and establish the Mormon and KGC backed Govt hell bent on fueling revolutions, world wars, and banking crimes to control anyone that was for the ideals of the original agreements that were signed and sealed......before the US became it's own "rogue" nation.

That's the ultimate part ...... where you wouldn't dare follow my footsteps to say anything to anyone I have spoken to, to try to recant what I have said here, or to even to try to deny this fact in fact I will gladly wait till you have contacted my associates at the Spanish Embassy to show them that I was wrong and that there are no Jesuit and Spanish mine systems there, that it is all a Superstition.....

Can you do that to prove me wrong?

I'll wait to respond to you until you answer that question ...... since you, ECS, and others have tried to show me otherwise, yet haven't stepped up yet, to try to contact the Radio station to tell them that I made it all up....

Why not try to Doxx me then......cause you can't.....

Not with your expanding history lessons and numerous posts that are constantly asserting among yourselves that there is a clue to be found in someone's history, when you all have admitted here that you don't believe there is a treasure, or that these are made up stories of fiction, and have continually denied that Myself, Ken Bauman, and Others like Brad Meltzer, and Finders Keepers, and even Justintime have put down boots to make headway....

It's obvious you guys are really in a state of denial.

Books? I have books! Did I write them? Oh, I am writing them! "NOT!" See what I mean, stating as fact again things that don't really exist except in your own mind without any actual provenance whatsoever. :laughing7: I wouldn't waste my time on such a dead end subject until I actually had a solution with provenance, which ain't going to happen. And besides, not exactly a hot market. Probably cost more then could ever be recouped unless it was some "really good fiction." :thumbsup:

...and still you can not connect any of this to the alleged Beale perilous adventure treasure story dates of 1817- 1812, or to those people in 1884 Lynchburg who were involved in the copyrighting, printing, publishing, advertising, and sale of the 1885 Beale Papers.

That argument is moot as I have already shown the forger's marks match the stones....

That's all for now.....time for the Folgers......sorry there isn't any more history for you to read up's all said and done.....

"Confederate Coons of James Calhoun"?
Whats up with up with that?
What does that have to do with the 1885 Beale Papers?

I don't know ECS...there seems to be a lot of talk about this being partly due to some overzealous Banksters and Oil Magnates who like to gather around cult rituals?

Recognize the "History" in this photo?

.....big cloak, carries a burning cross, you know ....4 miles from Bufords....


If you can't see the "Territory" that they are directing you towards you won't find the troves.....

Basically there is so much evidence at this point that these men wanted to send a message with this pamphlet about their plans and it went right by everyone.....

Or maybe you don't want to see that there are other "agents" of this Perilous Enterprise involved and to you its as textbook as the "authentic" statements in the pamphlet

At least I can see clearly when the image of a Klansman is right in front of me and am not lost in the 'Americana' of the Beale era's influences

look at what lengths these country boys went to sculpt their property lines around the image of these Knights of the Golden Circle

There is even a ceremonial ground left intact there that forms the circle on a hillside that was lit up with crosses burning, where the locals have had recent

Can't wait to roll out of there with a Pinkerton Security detail.

That makes it a true Union hustle then....history written to explain, film documentaries, and more.

I was born at St Joseph's Hospital in Paterson , New you have any idea where that is?
My family has been here since that Dutch colony on the island across the Hudson.
They fought in the Revolution, GGF was 1st Sgt, 10th Regiment, New Jersey Volunteers at the Wilderness, Gettysburg, and part of the occupying force at Danville, Virginia April- May, 1865.
As with Princeton, none of this has anything to do with the Beale Papers.
Since the age of 10, I was raised in Ocala/Silver Springs, Florida, which was a major stop for CSA Benjamin, Breckenridge, and Wood on their flight from the Union. The cousin of Teddy Roosevelt's CSA Bullock uncles, a Confederate Brig General resident of Ocala, also aided in their escape.
That also has nothing to do with the Beale story, yet you continue to posts subtle, and not so subtle put downs of the Confederacy and the South in your off the wall story behind the Beale theory. WHY?

We go back to 1624 here as well and yes that history makes you so much smarter than the

When you said Paterson, it clicked, I do know where that is....

That's where you are wrong about the college was known as the College of New Jersey for 150 years until around the 1890s, right when these men were plotting in New York City with the Gold of the Beale Mining Party in their banks......they were in Philadelphia and New York, and there is proof of their investments to try to thwart a Princeton Donor, Philanthropist and Steel Mogul, Carnegie, from his fortune....these same oil barons were fighting Carnegie for his fortune at the same time they were investing their stolen gold into loans through the banks of JP Morgan.

And after the "Knights" all decided to create their "New Kingdom", part of it was to craft the realm around the "Sublime Prince" and try to create a fairy tale around the religious treasures that were known to have been found in Vermont by the original Freemason's and to keep them from ever being found....these men HATED Carnegie and tried to corrupt everything about him and his business in steel. That's how important the town is to me because it contains a part of the history of the Beale's times that is reflected in the affairs of real people, that I suspect were deeply involved in the affair of illegally taking over territories in a continuance of their "Manifest Destiny" ideals.

Ask JustinTime about that affair to keep the facts behind the "Hidden Treasure" from being found, and using parts of the symbology from this very treasure in crafting their order's illusions, in a secret military command structure. He has their Declaration in his hand.....and their direct objection to the Union is evident in their statements.

Princeton University was "COINED" that name for a regal reason.....and you being in NJ should know the saying there:

There's Princeton, and then there's New Jersey

The date on that "witch" peralta stone is 1847- and the years of the Beale perilous treasure adventure according to the "authentic statements" on the BEALE PAPERS cover?

Looks like a Catholic Priest on that stone to me!

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