Solving the Beale Papers

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Don't get upset when you see that someone is making progress......and THEN come here like a tagalong looking for likes....

I had already come here posting tons of info before YOU ever came on board trying to make a statement about the facts you presented.....the fact that you come into the conversation after that fact is evident

Only after you decided to endorse their affairs to the tone otherwise, and even make a scene as to the fact that, once again, you can't find anything, and because of that fact everyone else is wrong....

Because of the simple fact you haven't left your desk hot shot.......

You joined July, 2014, :laughing7:.....I've been here under two different user names since the 90's. :laughing7: See, this is what you have no knowledge of, the actual long-long history of claims so similar to yours. You think you're explaining things that we've never heard before but the truth is we've been here long enough, well, we've pretty much heard it all before, numerous times, if only with a different slant or angle. This is why those of us who have been in involved in the is tale for so long understand that "you either have a direct connection of you don't" and that "provenance is all that matters." But wait, there's more.....!

This is also why we have full understanding how, and why, the number and alphabet games are so easily manipulated to deliver what ever type of remedy one desires. Again, the running history of this speaks for itself and certainly serves as that provenance. Pick any book or writing and you can manipulate that text in endless ways to produce the desired outcome. Again, you have even provided more provenance of that cold hard fact. How do we know this? We know this because you can't drop all the props and sketches, etc., etc., and simply produce any type of direct connection, or true provenance. Just as is, and has always been the case with all of these claims of solves and remedies.

And as for not having "left my desk,"....:laughing7:....I've probably poured through more documents and collections then you could even imagine, which is why as far as this Beale is concerned, "I've grown quite educated on the subject due to all of the above and I simply know better now." :icon_thumright: Pretty much a waste of time to put on the ground in search of things that don't really exist, or have no provenance of their actual existence.

But you can always prove me wrong, step up to the plate and drop all the props and sketches, etc., etc., and simply produce that direct connection, that required provenance. Nothing will ever change until you do, and that's not just with me, it will be the same way with anyone who has only entertained treasure tales, their understanding of actual provenance in support of the tale being all that really matters. It's 2017, the internet has pretty much educated everyone on all of this these days. No so easy to sell folks on such things anymore. :icon_thumright:

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You joined July, 2014, :laughing7:.....I've been here under two different user names since the 90's. :laughing7: See, this is what you have no knowledge of, the actual long-long history of claims so similar to yours. You think you're explaining things that we've never heard before but the truth is we've been here long enough, well, we've pretty much heard it all before, numerous times, if only with a different slant or angle. This is why those of us who have been in involved in the is tale for so long understand that "you either have a direct connection of you don't" and that "provenance is all that matters." But wait, there's more.....!

This is also why we have full understanding how, and why, the number and alphabet games are so easily manipulated to deliver what ever type of remedy one desires. Again, the running history of this speaks for itself and certainly serves as that provenance. Pick any book or writing and you can manipulate that text in endless ways to produce the desired outcome. Again, you have even provided more provenance of that cold hard fact. How do we know this? We know this because you can't drop all the props and sketches, etc., etc., and simply produce any type of direct connection, or true provenance. Just as is, and has always been the case with all of these claims of solves and remedies.

And as for not having "left my desk,"....:laughing7:....I've probably poured through more documents and collections then you could even imagine, which is why as far as this Beale is concerned, "I've grown quite educated on the subject due to all of the above and I simply know better now." :icon_thumright: Pretty much a waste of time to put on the ground in search of things that don't really exist, or have no provenance of their actual existence.

But you can always prove me wrong, step up to the plate and drop all the props and sketches, etc., etc., and simply produce that direct connection, that required provenance. Nothing will ever change until you do, and that's not just with me, it will be the same way with anyone who has only entertained treasure tales, their understanding of actual provenance in support of the tale being all that really matters. It's 2017, the internet has pretty much educated everyone on all of this these days. No so easy to sell folks on such things anymore. :icon_thumright:

Imagine......the "running" history........Running from the facts?

And you being so pissed that you throw your hat down and step on it......

Stop saying that I haven't provided keep throwing up a handful of statements from a records hall that you claim holds a secret to the background of the potential of a trove being connected to one person......

I walked the entire trail of clues to physical locations, found their bodies from that map, and have shown you the logic involved comes from two half truths......both having lies left with each, to ponder as a question as to why the puzzle cant be put together having one piece......can't figure that out since when again?

Now you are bragging about being a "senior member" but that you have been posting with two different names? Sounds more like you are playing games here and not researching, funny how you keep wandering every post off into the same exact tangent, and you merely ignore anything I post......

Boo hoo....

Every time I show you, you ramble off, so now it's time for you to go back to your endless stack of papers and talk about how YOU, BIGSCOOP (under two different names), have been unable to put your finger on it being here SO MANY YEARS......

Being SURROUNDED by the running history.......

That's basically you talking trash to most of this website's members......

Imagine......the "running" history........Running from the facts?

And you being so pissed that you throw your hat down and step on it......

Stop saying that I haven't provided keep throwing up a handful of statements from a records hall that you claim holds a secret to the background of the potential of a trove being connected to one person......

I walked the entire trail of clues to physical locations, found their bodies from that map, and have shown you the logic involved comes from two half truths......both having lies left with each, to ponder as a question as to why the puzzle cant be put together having one piece......can't figure that out since when again?

Now you are bragging about being a "senior member" but that you have been posting with two different names? Sounds more like you are playing games here and not researching, funny how you keep wandering every post off into the same exact tangent, and you merely ignore anything I post......

Boo hoo....

Every time I show you, you ramble off, so now it's time for you to go back to your endless stack of papers and talk about how YOU, BIGSCOOP (under two different names), have been unable to put your finger on it being here SO MANY YEARS......

Being SURROUNDED by the running history.......

That's basically you talking trash to most of this website's members......

But you have no "provenance" to any of it in regards to actual connections to Beale, Oak Island, etc., etc. Nor do you have any actual "provenance" in regards to the true existence of those said treasures. It's all 100% pure speculation and personal desire. Period!

On the other hand, and in sharp contrast, per example, today I was considering driving 100 miles north to a destination that routinely produces old gold and silver treasures for myself and others. But now it appears that storms are moving in so I've decided against it.

However, it is worth noting that research produced “provenance” that those treasures did, and do, actually exist in good numbers at this location which is why a fair amount of it has been recovered this past year. Myself, and others, never put boots on the ground in search of such things until we actually have said provenance that such items do indeed exist in the location being investigated.

In days past there were many times that we went treasure hunting in locations where treasures just never existed, they had simply looked promising to us or we had simply wrongly speculated in regards to their potential, etc. A lot of boots on the ground in pursuit of nothing, as it turned out. Was it wasted time? No, not really, as we learned from it and now we don't make that novice error anymore. :icon_thumright:

"Provenance" is the pursuit...PERIOD! Without it there is no true, or real, pursuit.

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Pretty much a waste of time to put on the ground in search of things that don't really exist, or have no provenance of their actual existence.

So why are you here then if you don't think its real.....

Because you are trying to argue with others about moot demands making claims about other facts that hold no really need to just go write a book about not finding it over all these years, and market the sympathy over your tragic situation :laughing7:

The pamphlet says don't spend time on it like Morris did......

And here you are walking years of your own misery around other posts....

You trolled mine for over a year to no avail, and you've trolled others IN THE SAME EXACT MANNERS for god knows how long......admittedly using two different names....and you think we can't sense that type of illusion you're using...?

....still complaining to the board that nobody has found YOUR answers, and nobody can find THE Beale.....hmmmmmm where have I heard that before?

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routinely produces old gold silver treasures for myself and others

This is what you are after ?

Old Gold Silver?

LOL.....what's that ........ is that up near Provenance?

Let me know when you find that "Old Gold Silver" Cache next to One-Eyed Willy's Treasure Ship

But you have no "provenance" to any of it in regards to actual connections to Beale, Oak Island, etc., etc. Nor do you have any actual "provenance" in regards to the true existence of those said treasures. It's all 100% pure speculation and personal desire. Period!

On the other hand, and in sharp contrast, per example, today I was considering driving 100 miles north to a destination that routinely produces old gold and silver treasures for myself and others. But now it appears that storms are moving in so I've decided against it.

However, it is worth noting that research produced “provenance” that those treasures did, and do, actually exist in good numbers at this location which is why a fair amount of it has been recovered this past year. Myself, and others, never put boots on the ground in search of such things until we actually have said provenance that such items do indeed exist in the location being investigated.

In days past there were many times that we went treasure hunting in locations where treasures just never existed, they had simply looked promising to us or we had simply wrongly speculated in regards to their potential, etc. A lot of boots on the ground in pursuit of nothing, as it turned out. Was it wasted time? No, not really, as we learned from it and now we don't make that novice error anymore. :icon_thumright:

"Provenance" is the pursuit...PERIOD! Without it there is no true, or real, pursuit.

The Other's.........from the show Lost?

I think you have
simply wrongly speculated

Simply......teaching us how it's done.....

You know Eldo, this might be of value to you as it was for me.
Not all that many years ago a very successful treasure hunter replied to me, after I had questioned him about his seemingly uncommon rate of success when compared to others, self included, "they don't find as much because they hunt from the heart, not from the head."

Sure, it was a very cold and hard and arrogant statement, but, it was also 100% dead accurate. :icon_thumright:

But you have no "provenance" to any of it in regards to actual connections to Beale, Oak Island, etc., etc. Nor do you have any actual "provenance" in regards to the true existence of those said treasures. It's all 100% pure speculation and personal desire. Period!

On the other hand, and in sharp contrast, per example, today I was considering driving 100 miles north to a destination that routinely produces old gold and silver treasures for myself and others. But now it appears that storms are moving in so I've decided against it.

However, it is worth noting that research produced “provenance” that those treasures did, and do, actually exist in good numbers at this location which is why a fair amount of it has been recovered this past year. Myself, and others, never put boots on the ground in search of such things until we actually have said provenance that such items do indeed exist in the location being investigated.

In days past there were many times that we went treasure hunting in locations where treasures just never existed, they had simply looked promising to us or we had simply wrongly speculated in regards to their potential, etc. A lot of boots on the ground in pursuit of nothing, as it turned out. Was it wasted time? No, not really, as we learned from it and now we don't make that novice error anymore. :icon_thumright:

"Provenance" is the pursuit...PERIOD!

Without it there is no true, or real, pursuit.

Now you are talking about Oak Island.......that's WEIRD.....

And you have Monarch Butterflies on your blog are really not all there are you? Comparing your research, taking one step forwards and two steps back.......

"Provenance" is the pursuit...PERIOD!

Who are you chasing?


You know Eldo, this might be of value to you as it was for me.
Not all that many years ago a very successful treasure hunter replied to me, after I had questioned him about his seemingly uncommon rate of success when compared to others, self included, "they don't find as much because they hunt from the heart, not from the head."

Sure, it was a very cold and hard and arrogant statement, but, it was also 100% dead accurate. :icon_thumright:

You are not a friend, nor are you providing advice.....your Morals and Dogma are being show the way out.....

You are not a friend, nor are you providing advice.....your Morals and Dogma are being show the way out.....

My morals? :laughing7: What, or how, pray-tell, did your assumed speculations regarding my morals become a part of this debate? I gave you some sound advice based on years of experience, explained the definition of provenance to you as it pertains to treasure hunting, and somehow this is a portrait of my morals? :icon_scratch::laughing7:

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