Solving the Beale Papers

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Recognize the "History" in this photo?

.....big cloak, carries a burning cross, you know ....4 miles from Bufords....

View attachment 1509777

At least I can see clearly when the image of a Klansman is right in front of me and am not lost in the 'Americana' of the Beale era's influences

look at what lengths these country boys went to sculpt their property lines around the image of these Knights of the Golden Circle

There is even a ceremonial ground left intact there that forms the circle on a hillside that was lit up with crosses burning, where the locals have had recent
...and once again, what does this have to do with the original 1885 Beale story?
... or is this campfire tale told somberly by someone shimmering in silhouette with a flashlight held under his chin on a dark Halloween night?

Putting this proposed solve to rest, yet again, and again! But true believers will always believe despite the cold hard facts placed before them.

The stone's you see there are not the original one's ....... but you assume that I made them or something....?

I have photos of the originals.....toasted your rumor with butter and jam......

church cross 1 edit.webpchurch cross 2 edit.webp

lowertrail1.webpThe top one was the original....and the clay one below.....

And there is also a well known picture of the originals, BigScoop, sitting on a Fender of the car of the man that found them in AZ, with the other Heart Stones that were found later using these map stones......the museum was allowed to make copies and has never refuted the fact.

original stones.webp Here was the first copy made.......these later dried and cracked and were replaced by the ones you see in the article, that you tried to use to forget about anything Ive funny you can't stop your hate posting.....

You can't do that so easily and run off Scooper......but you can believe anything you read on that site, including their numerous OTHER pages there on that same site, that show there are locations that they themselves used the "fake" stones to find......that is the joke about the resource you used to debunk this all.....that source plays both sides of the Dutchman, but neither have anything solved from the numbers at the bottom of the map stone.....

The ones in the Mining Museum are clay copies and they have admitted that there has been a series made to replicate them ... there is even a post here in the Lost Dutchman Legends section that shows a full review of the stones and which one's are the original stone tablets ..... go tell them that they are fake ....try

These Stone tablets featured a few marks that were different from the copies when examined by TNet, being related to the image of a certain spire that was misinterpreted as Weaver's Needle, so in the clay tablets these were altered slightly to make the scratches more basic and remove the wear.....taht was why the in depth discussion was made here.....on this very website.....

Can you believe that BigScoop? All the info was right here on the site for BOTH

Must be hard to prove your reasoning.....or me wrong.

All the leg work in the research behind the operation that made the Beale Papers as a front........
All the mines found
All the bodies of the men found

All the associates of the operation have been found including: James Reavis (Forger and Author of the Beale), Jacob Waltz ("Extremely Tanned" Agent of the KGC), Rockefeller and Morgan the Ringleaders

The Operation's business cabal has been documented in its fullest by another author concerning the banking affiliations they were fueling with this stolen loot from the mines, and ..........
The 30 men's shares and the vault with the 31st share ...... roughly lined with stone......... under a large rock, with rocks placed on top as a marker as to its a FARMILIARlocation....which is obvious as to the context of the meaning being on a Farm that takes the shape of an image that is very clandestine......

Where is this "Operation's business cabal" documented?


They formed an alliance in VA as KGC operatives working for Rockefeller and Morgan, sent to St Louis where they met James Reavis of the Peralta Land Scam,

Then travelled to the mines in Arizona, in the Superstitions, using the stones that Reavis found when he purchased the land that the Peralta's owned, with the ruins there, and the trail to the 18 mines that the Jesuits once used until their expulsion in 1751, the date on the stone cross.

They went there to mine for 2 years leaving in the 3rd month of March, mining for 18 months or more, to return one stash to Virginia, returning to mine in Arizona for 7 months, until the second stash was returned to Virginia as the tale shows in the Beale.

They never returned, but they left their own maps, the other 5 stones.....the 2 Map Stones, The Horse Stone, The Witch Stone, and the Latin Heart Stone

The code on the bottom of the map stone validates the connections between the two, and shows their times exactly as mentioned in the Beale Papers documents in their Perilous Enterprise...
It should be noted that none of this is mentioned or even alluded to in the 1885 BEALE PAPERS copyrighted by James Beverly Ward as agent in 1884.

...don't make this into a civil war reenactment or we will have to go talk with Ol' Simpson....Ulysses Simpson Grant.
You do keep bring the Confederacy into your version of "the real story behind the Beale story".

Like I said, and has been demonstrated and confirmed time and time again in these threads and elsewhere, "true believers will always reject cold hard fact in favor of manufactured and fabricated evidences in support of their position." Yet, once all of the props and speculation are taken away still not a single shred that can be directly connected to the source of the tale. This is the only thing that speaks in volumes. You either have provenance or you don't. It is, has always been, and always will be, that simple. :icon_thumleft:

"A lot" of educated men believed in, built stories and evidences around, and even pursued the fabled Fountain of Youth. And we all know this and many other pursuits just like it ended. Enough said.....:laughing7:

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Where is this "Operation's business cabal" documented?

You never heard of this Standard Oil trust?

You think these are good ol boys from the KGC there to help American get back on its feet?

Like I said, and has been demonstrated and confirmed time and time again in these threads and elsewhere, "true believers will always reject cold hard fact in favor of manufactured and fabricated evidences in support of their position." Yet, once all of the props and speculation are taken away still not a single shred that can be directly connected to the source of the tale. This is the only thing that speaks in volumes. You either have provenance or you don't. It is, has always been, and always will be, that simple. :icon_thumleft:

"A lot" of educated men believed in, built stories and evidences around, and even pursued the fabled Fountain of Youth. And we all know this and many other pursuits just like it ended. Enough said.....:laughing7:

What do any of YOUR examples have anything to do with the Beale?

Are you lost and rambling about how you haven't solved it yet?


You do keep bring the Confederacy into your version of "the real story behind the Beale story".

And won't see me changing my opinion to fit in with your 3 person general consensus

And I won't be removing it because you haven't seen "proof" are the living proof of their operations....and the denial that most people use as a generic excuse....

You're that repetitive, and that ridiculous at the same time.......should anyone take your research seriously.....?

Prolly not....

...should anyone take your research seriously.....?...
Does anyone take your endless unrelated unconnected name dropping fables seriously?

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What do any of YOUR examples have anything to do with the Beale?


That's just it Eldo, by presenting all of the props and speculation that you have as remedy, then what I post has everything to do with the Beale. And here's what you're apparently still missing, "and you are part of the provenance that makes what I post factual, and real." There's the difference between what you and I post, I have provenance in support of my statements, you don't. :icon_thumleft:

Its a wonder that out of over 10 thousand views here that you feel inclined to be the only handful of naysayers that come here can't stand to see this being posted can you....

It just shows the nature of your optional theory to argue against mine is really moot and has very little foundation in the reality of the time of it's publications.

That each person in denial of evidence matching every time throughout the two puzzles is in reality only trying to solve a mere fraction of the puzzle for their own satisfaction

My posting of facts is not anything that you BigScoop, ECS, or anyone else should be so fixated on...

..if I am so wrong then why did Jean Laf add a complimentary page..

....and if I am so wrong then why did they make a production over an hour long on the subject?

That which has over 7000 views that are partly generated from my showing of facts here and references to them?

Because the amateur theorists are being separated from the people that are professionally researched and that the facts are reviewed by others that are now contemplating them......

Its a wonder that out of over 10 thousand views here that you feel inclined to be the only handful of naysayers that come here can't stand to see this being posted can you....

It just shows the nature of your optional theory to argue against mine is really moot and has very little foundation in the reality of the time of it's publications.

That each person in denial of evidence matching every time throughout the two puzzles is in reality only trying to solve a mere fraction of the puzzle for their own satisfaction

My posting of facts is not anything that you BigScoop, ECS, or anyone else should be so fixated on...

..if I am so wrong then why did Jean Laf add a complimentary page..

....and if I am so wrong then why did they make a production over an hour long on the subject?

That which has over 7000 views that are partly generated from my showing of facts here and references to them?

Because the amateur theorists are being separated from the people that are professionally researched and that the facts are reviewed by others that are now contemplating them......

7000 views! :laughing7:...I have some videos on my Youtube channel that have that much, and way more, and nobody even knows I'm alive on that enormous format. Add to this, any click still counts as a view even if the viewer quickly changed his mind and exited the video shortly after it started playing. As administrators we have access to a lot more data then you're obviously aware of....:laughing7:...can even tell you where all of our traffic is coming from and how long that traffic viewed our content, etc., etc.

And as for facts, as you claim that they relate to Beale, we're still waiting for you drop all of the props, creative sketches, and manipulated word and number play so you can show us your actual direct connection, or provenance that makes all of your props, creative sketches, and manipulated word and number play relevant? Still nothing, of course.

What you, and others, fail to realize is that every time you post all of this other alternate material you're actually further establishing that in reality, there are no direct connections at all and that the story itself holds no true provenance at all. So, we're still waiting on it and you either have it or you don't. Pretty darn simple when all we care about is the actual truth/reality behind the tale. All else is just more unconnected chatter and completely unsupported theory, at best.....:icon_thumright:

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Good question, as there is NO PROVENANCE for Laf's claims either.
Claimants tend to support, not the other claims so much, but the fact that others are making claim of solve without provenance just as they are doing. So it's really a means of justifying their own claims without said provenance as well.

The real issue is the actual claim of solve, whereas, if they would be claimed for what they really are, just unsupported theories, then there wouldn't be near as much negative feedback. But there will always exist those same contrary evidences/facts, regardless. There's just no escaping those realities.

... we're still waiting for you drop all of the props, creative sketches, and manipulated word and number play so you can show us your actual direct connection, or provenance that makes all of your props, creative sketches, and manipulated word and number play relevant? Still nothing, of course.

What you, and others, fail to realize is that every time you post all of this other alternate material you're actually further establishing that in reality, there are no direct connections at all and that the story itself holds no true provenance at all...
While not providing any supporting documentation to his robber baron theory, at least Eldo acknowledges that the 1885 Beale Papers narrative story is a work of fiction. :icon_thumleft:

7000 views! :laughing7:...I have some videos on my Youtube channel that have that much, and way more, and nobody even knows I'm alive on that enormous format. Add to this, any click still counts as a view even if the viewer quickly changed his mind and exited the video shortly after it started playing. As administrators we have access to a lot more data then you're obviously aware of....:laughing7:...can even tell you where all of our traffic is coming from and how long that traffic viewed our content, etc., etc.

And as for facts, as you claim that they relate to Beale, we're still waiting for you drop all of the props, creative sketches, and manipulated word and number play so you can show us your actual direct connection, or provenance that makes all of your props, creative sketches, and manipulated word and number play relevant? Still nothing, of course.

What you, and others, fail to realize is that every time you post all of this other alternate material you're actually further establishing that in reality, there are no direct connections at all and that the story itself holds no true provenance at all. So, we're still waiting on it and you either have it or you don't. Pretty darn simple when all we care about is the actual truth/reality behind the tale. All else is just more unconnected chatter and completely unsupported theory, at best.....:icon_thumright:

Don't get upset when you see that someone is making progress......and THEN come here like a tagalong looking for likes....

I had already come here posting tons of info before YOU ever came on board trying to make a statement about the facts you presented.....the fact that you come into the conversation after that fact is evident

Only after you decided to endorse their affairs to the tone otherwise, and even make a scene as to the fact that, once again, you can't find anything, and because of that fact everyone else is wrong....

Because of the simple fact you haven't left your desk hot shot.......

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