Solving the Beale Papers

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In "terms" of the "OP"... there is NOTHING to solve, PERIOD!

Notice the title of my post.....called Solving the Beale Papers

Now if you don't have anything to show just leave..... least to the degree that I have shown and created....

all of my work is with legit companies who see the facts as they are enough to give me a call and set up documentary pilots and film casting calls......

Then you seem to be missing the trail to the end of both of the mysteries........

You are mostly argumentative at best and its hilarious.....

Not one has presented anything here in defense of their comments to back it up.....not a thing to show here in your defense?

Face the anyone who doubts my findings....

Thats all that is needed to prove youre really just fans of the mystery and that the research into the timeperiods you have shown has "enriched" you with all of this new knowledge....


Nice story though.....but Im sticking to mine

Eldo, to whom are you directing this post-Franklin, Rebel-KGC, or me?
Casting calls for an entertainment show is not proof of solving anything, just that a production company believes it can make a profit by exploiting your theory. That's called showbiz!

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I have had several television production companies call me and I have turned them all down since I did the first two shows. I did one on the Beale Treasure for "Arthur C. Clark's Mysterious Universe" on the Discovery Channel. And I did a show "Million Dollar Mysteries" which was filmed at Johnson's Apple Orchard for Turner Network Television. All back during the 1980's. I have since been contacted by the BBC, the History Channel and the Travel Channel. When I turned down the History Channel they went and got another couple of treasure hunters, Smith and Jones about a Mexican showing them the "KEY" to the codes on top of Sharp Top Mtn. when they looked around he was gone----------probably fell from the heights? They also had a Fisher M-Scope that they had turned backwards and did not even have the instrument turned on. Makes good shows for people that are not in the know but really boring to us Real Treasure Hunters. You can have your two minutes of fame Eldo because those productions companies make millions of dollars and they will pay you peanuts. I received no compensation other than a free room and meal for the night while filming and missed two days work for $0. But you can boast and brag all you want to about those stones from out west leading to every treasure in the United States but I as well as others know they are bogus.


What is in the Beale is in the Beale and nowhere else ...

I am tired of seeing each of you that posts babbling historical discussions trying to flood the site and our posts with your history lessons......

Such a waste of your time and an insult to the actual work being done here.....
"What is in the BEALE is in the BEALE and nowhere else".
That, Eldo, is the entire purpose of the historical discussions.
If there is no existing historical documentation of any of the Beale events as chronicled in Ward's job pamphlet, then that means the story and ciphers are a work of imaginative fiction, and NO TREASURE VAULT.
Connecting bits and pieces of legends with the Peralta stones and the work of a known forger combined with a mélange of pseudohistory is not evidence of anything relating to the Beale story.
...but would be great fodder for a weekly treasure program that is based on entertainment ratings, not on facts.
I do agree with your self assessment-" insult to the actual work being done here".

You assume this was a Hunting Party?

Who do you think they were Hunting?

The Apache.....the "Buffalo"

Wake up......

The Confederate Flag is is its "History".....

These men would not have left any type of legitimate history for them to be tracked if they were Forgers would they?

No they would have made off to continue their operations in the second leg of the operations...... Ken Bauman takes off from there.....with his Red Knee discoveries.....

:laughing7: You assume that you have it ALL figured out? :laughing7:
If it was ALL a forgery as you claim, then the "hunting party" and the "perilous adventure" is nothing more that a fictional story.
All one can generate with fiction, is more fiction, be it with red knee tarantulas or forged papers or Peralta stones.

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Your crew's historical ramblings are quite obviously the reason you cant find anything but a post to gig jump.....
Seriously stop playing historian when it does nothing for the hunt but prolong your own diversion from actually using the Beale Papers to derive an actual coded sequence....

What is in the Beale is in the Beale and nowhere else but from direct information decoded there in the Papers....

I am tired of seeing each of you that posts babbling historical discussions trying to flood the site and our posts with your history lessons......
Such a waste of your time and an insult to the actual work being done here.....
...and the actual work being done is...?

what? you want an insiders look into my digging party's plans....?

Get real loose ground here with every photo and video I show and make here, and then run over to the OI posts to try to derail posts over there..:laughing7:..your so childish with your behavior its obvious your front is a history channel -esque theory of the hoax island and mystery of the stupidstitions

go beg someone with a metal detector to tag along with him to "verify" his finds, and see what he says.....:laughing7:

I dont owe you anything, remember so stop demanding it as a condition of posting on my own thread....8-)

this is way over your pay grade and I am afraid a person like you would intentionally overlook the value of the history behind it, for a cheap score and propose a half witted hysterical version everyone "verifies" through "research"....(the kind you don't find squat with IMO:laughing7:)

And the reason you so easily ignore the history of this cipher is that you dont know the reason for its existence, and two, you dont know the value of its burial and why its been turned into a mystery.......fiction was burned in a pile back then for kindling....only the good book was around and they would easily smell a is the same with the Beale.....they too checked it all out in their days and felt it was nothing of a true historical representation of the times and the area.....

Yet you cant separate from this fact that the book was made in the late 1800s and are still looking, like the rest, for the fabled MR MORRIS, and the magic JB WARD......LOL....

You chock it all off to a face value hunt and that's fine.......but you never seem to show anything but easily accessible references that are your reason for argument, yet still after arguing nothing you present allows you to break the code....or even shows a cent of effort to work the physical codes.....

No you and the rest of the History buffs here want to see this 'armchair' as your home......holding a patent merely in the denial of another's discoveries....

Kind of a waste of your breath.....

Meltzers Crew and Ken Bauman have already seen my work and know the authenticity of these finds.....

Maybe they can motivate me to show something to the nation, after the truth about it was shown, as your comments have NOT been a motivating factor here and are a deterrent to traditional cryptographic research, which basically is the root of this mystery....

NOT the history behind the "Authentic Statements", as you have obviously fallen for.

The Simpson Papers | Beale Cipher
Eldo, one point on which we do agree, is that the story narrative in Ward's 1885 Beale Papers never happened as portrayed and is for all intents and purposes, a work of fiction.

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And that the reason that a tale of fiction was created was to cover the tracks of the activities of the KGC and OAK in the foothills of the Superstitions.... the largest land grab ever recorded in history.......

So the next of kin in Virginia would believe their siblings were killed in an "Indian attack", buying the story and allowing them to escape the murder and theft of the gold from the territories of the Apache .........

So what work has been done.....

All the leg work in the research behind the operation that made the Beale Papers as a front........

All the mines found

All the bodies of the men found

All the associates of the operation have been found including: James Reavis (Forger and Author of the Beale), Jacob Waltz ("Extremely Tanned" Agent of the KGC), Rockefeller and Morgan the Ringleaders

The Operation's business cabal has been documented in its fullest by another author concerning the banking affiliations they were fueling with this stolen loot from the mines, and ..........

The 30 men's shares and the vault with the 31st share ...... roughly lined with stone......... under a large rock, with rocks placed on top as a marker as to its a FARMILIARlocation....which is obvious as to the context of the meaning being on a Farm that takes the shape of an image that is very clandestine......


So just going down and digging aint happening that easily......

So just going down and digging aint happening that easily......

Amen...Eldo !

They all know already that they have to wait to know the "aint happening that easily" details. Takes time. Stay careful colleague.

Well the Mods said I cant post a link, but that cant stop you from doing the search for yourself.....cut and paste this into your google search browser and it pops up....

"Solving The Beale Papers"


That is not the only thing you can not do?

Crap is getting so deep hip waders is not good enough, I need scuba gear.
That is very common on these threads with all the claims of solutions and alternative Beale stories that have been presented as being the true story behind the fictional Beale story in Ward's 1885 Beale Papers job shop pamphlet printed by his cousin, John William Sherman, and advertised for sale in the Lynchburg Virginian newspaper for 50 cents then later reduced to 10 cents, and then the remaining first edition unsold copies burned in a fire.
Why was a second edition never printed?

That is very common on these threads with all the claims of solutions and alternative Beale stories that have been presented as being the true story behind the fictional Beale story in Ward's 1885 Beale Papers job shop pamphlet printed by his cousin, John William Sherman, and advertised for sale in the Lynchburg Virginian newspaper for 50 cents then later reduced to 10 cents, and then the remaining first edition unsold copies burned in a fire.
Why was a second edition never printed?
Dunno; why...?

That is very common on these threads with all the claims of solutions and alternative Beale stories that have been presented as being the true story behind the fictional Beale story in Ward's 1885 Beale Papers job shop pamphlet printed by his cousin, John William Sherman, and advertised for sale in the Lynchburg Virginian newspaper for 50 cents then later reduced to 10 cents, and then the remaining first edition unsold copies burned in a fire.
Why was a second edition never printed?

No that is what happens when posters can not talk freely without being hovered over by a vulture.

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