Solving the Beale Papers

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The bodies were found in the proximity of the Peralta Stones....the map stone showing a code.....

2=3-Mine Symbol-18=7 scribed at the bottom of the stone......

these were the exact times in the Beale the men were made to go on their 2 yr contract.....leaving in the 3rd month of March to the mines, to mine for 18 months or more, returning one trove to VA and returning to mine for 7 months for a second time to deposit that load again near the first in VA, returning for the third.....

to be massacred leaving gold scattered there around their bodies,......28 in one area, and 2 off in the field running towards the hills....they were all said to be 'mystery' miners.....shrugged off as Mexicans killed by Apache, the coded stones were planted to set off these tales.....but you cant stop to make the maps while being attacked so they were planted for another inform the family of the Beale 30 that there are other parts of the maps.....these stones are truly required to locate both the mines and the troves and vault of the 30 men.....both the stones and the Beale Ciphers are needed....along with other clues you find along the way

they also did not return to claim the box.....and the box contained the papers original info.....
...and how did you come to this conclusion?
It does appear to forcing different and unrelated pieces to fit ones theory.

...and how did you come to this conclusion?
It does appear to forcing different and unrelated pieces to fit ones theory.
AKA "Dove-Tailing" & "Shoe-Horning"; IF IT FITS...

...and how did you come to this conclusion?
It does appear to forcing different and unrelated pieces to fit ones theory.

I bet you had to force yourself to write that after seeing how blatantly ignorant of the facts you are.......

That two major troves eluded millions for so long.....must be hard to come to that conclusion......being from such a successful hunting career....

You still dont have the Beale and you still dont have the Dutchman....

Nothing was forced here.......finding the troves was a smooth as a flat rock in a streambed

I bet you had to force yourself to write that after seeing how blatantly ignorant of the facts you are.......

That two major troves eluded millions for so long.....must be hard to come to that conclusion......being from such a successful hunting career....

You still dont have the Beale and you still dont have the Dutchman....

Nothing was forced here.......finding the troves was a smooth as a flat rock in a streambed
Is this an admission that you, Eldo, have found and placed your hands upon the afore mentioned treasure troves?

Is this an admission that you, Eldo, have found and placed your hands upon the afore mentioned treasure troves?

Found the Vault Location, yes, Found the 30 shares, yes

Dug Up The 30 Shares And The Vault For The 31st, no, landowner permission not granted yet.

Informed the authorities like the San Carlos Apache Nation, Pinkerton, the FBI, and Senator Jim Webb, yes

Discussed the Discoveries at a meeting held at the Union League in Philly, yes

Conducted a full interview and set up a Pilot Film with Production Allstars in Yuma, yes

Brought down the Confederate Flag?


Found the Vault Location, yes, Found the 30 shares, yes

Dug Up The 30 Shares And The Vault For The 31st, no, landowner permission not granted yet.

Informed the authorities like the San Carlos Apache Nation, Pinkerton, the FBI, and Senator Jim Webb, yes

Discussed the Discoveries at a meeting held at the Union League in Philly, yes

Conducted a full interview and set up a Pilot Film with Production Allstars in Yuma, yes

Brought down the Confederate Flag?



I've already been warned about that post and was banned for a week so please dont repost it like a tool for your own use.....

Go dig your own troves....

you've got something to show from all that "Research" don't you?

cmon one pic of ANYTHING Beale related that isn't textbook

I've already been warned about that post and was banned for a week so please dont repost it like a tool for your own use.....

Go dig your own troves....

you've got something to show from all that "Research" don't you?

cmon one pic of ANYTHING Beale related that isn't textbook
A challenge...? LOL! Define "isn't textbook"...

Found the Vault Location, yes, Found the 30 shares, yes

Dug Up The 30 Shares And The Vault For The 31st, no, landowner permission not granted yet.

Informed the authorities like the San Carlos Apache Nation, Pinkerton, the FBI, and Senator Jim Webb, yes

Discussed the Discoveries at a meeting held at the Union League in Philly, yes

Conducted a full interview and set up a Pilot Film with Production Allstars in Yuma, yes

Brought down the Confederate Flag?


Based on ONE stone... WHERE are the OTHERS..?

Found the Vault Location, yes, Found the 30 shares, yes

Dug Up The 30 Shares And The Vault For The 31st, no, landowner permission not granted yet.

Informed the authorities like the San Carlos Apache Nation, Pinkerton, the FBI, and Senator Jim Webb, yes

Discussed the Discoveries at a meeting held at the Union League in Philly, yes

Conducted a full interview and set up a Pilot Film with Production Allstars in Yuma, yes

Brought down the Confederate Flag?


Well all of this certainly confirms things. No, wait a minute, no it doesn't confirm a thing, actually. Not the first time Beale folks here on Tent and elsewhere have traveled these same general footsteps. But you keep at it.....

Found the Vault Location, yes, Found the 30 shares, yes

Dug Up The 30 Shares And The Vault For The 31st, no, landowner permission not granted yet.

Informed the authorities like the San Carlos Apache Nation, Pinkerton, the FBI, and Senator Jim Webb, yes

Discussed the Discoveries at a meeting held at the Union League in Philly, yes

Conducted a full interview and set up a Pilot Film with Production Allstars in Yuma, yes...
...and this is the Beale vault in Arizona?
Not in Bedford county, Virginia as claimed by authentic statements?

YEP! E.F. Beale... see...? (1858 or so). He even took a BIG ore of GOLD to "Philly", too!

Put another one in the Beale Theory vault.

Why, HA! E.F. Beale PROBABLY knew John Pickrell Risque, inspector of MINES out there! AND! Brother of James Beverly Risque of Fincastle/Lynchburg, Va.!

AND! At GOLD Gulch, N.M. John P. Risque, Capt. A.M. Slawson, Pinkard, & one other man were killed by Indians (tribe unknown) in 1882 (4/23 or 24/1882); John P. Risque had a wife (Jeanie) & son (John P. Risque, Jr. - 2 months old & born in N.M.)... John P. Risque was a LAWYER in Albuquerque, N.M. & Inspector of Mines... John P. Risque was to be interred in St. Louis, MO. (home of his wife).

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A challenge...? LOL! Define "isn't textbook"...

Something Boots On The Ground.....a carving, a secret map, a decoder ring you found buried in a strange box.....anything physical other than names and places in books

Yes its challenging for some....for others it comes naturally

Based on ONE stone... WHERE are the OTHERS..?

church cross 1.webpchurch cross 2.webp1350 to 1420.webp1sttrailmapstone.webp1650 to 1710.webphorse.webp

2100 to 2120.webpHere are the Heart Inserts....the trail map one is inserted to complete the trail to the mines first....

then this one is added in place for VA.........for the 30 shares..

Found in the vicinity where 30 men were buried in a mass grave after being massacred......featuring tailings and ore scattered nearby, as well as a couple of leather bags found with plate and high quality gold ore....

Something Boots On The Ground.....a carving, a secret map, a decoder ring you found buried in a strange box.....anything physical other than names and places in books

Yes its challenging for some....for others it comes naturally
LOL! Well, I COULD show you carvings on some Beech Trees, Drill Holes, WHITE Quartz (square with a DRILL HOLE... next to Goose Creek), NUMEROUS old Bean Pots, OLD Fort (in a semi-circle), Monacan Burial Mound in Montvale, Va.; BUT! I won't.

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