Congratulations on a successful event to Chuck and all his helpers and thanks to all the attendees for being there. :)
Great food, wonderful music, massive raffles. I had a great time. It was nice to get to meet some new folks and get to visit with so many nice people.
Stories were told. Some were true and some others just haven't happened yet.
The only problem with living so close to the event is that I am not far enough away to really escape from the jobs that are waiting at home, so I had to leave way too soon.
Soooo...when's the next one?

Thanks for a wonderful event. My mom & I had a blast, & you've all motivated me to finish writing my 1715 screenplay more than ever.

My doggy, on the other hand, is worn out from the sensory overload after licking so many salty sailors! She LOVED it.

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Sorry I had to miss the event, I would have loved to been there.:sad1: I will try again next year, maybe my timing will be better then.
I hope everyone had a great time and please post up lots of pix.:thumbsup:

FUN! Thanks to all the hard work of the organizers - well done!

Hats off to Seeker he organized and put together a fantastic picnic.

American by birth, Patriot by choice.

I would rather die standing on my two feet defending our Constitution than live a lifetime on my knees......

Just a quick pop-in to say, "What a great day"! (I made it home safe)
Thanks to all! Will mew mew more later, once recouped. :laughing7:

Now where's the rest of them pic's! :laughing7:

Thanks for pics!
By request, a few from last year....... :laughing7:

You can always count on the salad-cat!

saladcat (2).webp

After taking in a little sun......

tanning cats.webp

We found our picnic pirate partner ......


And after good kitty kibbles, all was right, again!

pirate cat.webp

:laughing7: Ya'll keep having fun! And, more pic's please! :laughing7:

Hey MamaCat, good to see you, too! Do I have any more brothers and sisters yet? :laughing7:

What an absolute BLAST!!! Kudos and a great big THANK YOU to Seeker for an outstanding time...already excited about the next one!! :notworthy: Just absolutely freakin' fantastic!! :laughing7:

Nice job, Trembull. Who was that fat man wearing my shirt?

Trembull,Nice job is right on. We did miss Dell and Trudy and Russ and Sherene....

Well, I made it to the Shipwreck crew gig! I couldn't stay long but had fun. Renewed some friendships and made more. Nice get together, Chuck and Ann! I'll do it again. TTC

Trembull, that video was very well done. Thank you. Thanks again to Chuck and Ann.

Can't watch video on smartphone Says music is Minder Music and UMG and is copyrighted in this country.

Must just be smartphone issue..

American by birth, Patriot by choice.

I would rather die standing on my two feet defending our Constitution than live a lifetime on my knees......

great video Trembull, If that isn't Sir Robert Marx than it's one heck of a good stand in.
Again, I wish I could have been there.

i want to thank everyone that came to the cookout and apologize to all for not being able to chat with you more!!!!! every time i started a conversation i got yanked away to go do something.
i hope the cookout was at least on par with the previous 5 put on by my friend john.

special thanks to all that made pre cookout donations, they were badly needed and greatly appreciated!!! huge thanks sommy and to daryll for his help and bringing the tables and chairs!!!!

thanks to ray and kellyco for attending and helping out with donations, i hope some of you bought some of the cool stuff kellyco brought!
thanks to rtg scoops , first texas products and garrett for their donations!!!!!

a few of our regulars were not able to attend due to illness, you were greatly missed and i hope to see you next time!!!!

i hope everyone has an incredible year treasure hunting!!!!!!
thanks for a great time,

I bought some water detecting publications from Kellyco..... may be time to get back in the water! (AZ doesn't have many beaches!) TTC

Hello seekfinder41. Name's Sessler. I'm new to this site and read your Treasure hunters cookout scheduled for April 26..I assume that's April 26 2015 or am I a little late on the info? I live in Bradenton, FL. I'm interested in attending. Can you give me an idea of the variety of Hunters that will be possibly attending. Anyone that is contracted/subcontracted to the 1715 Fleet in Sebastian? Along with my interest in attending to talk stories and share my finds and meet new people, I'm also looking to gain 1715 Fleet subcontractor contacts. Thanks and I check back with you. J Sessler

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