Gold Member
The cats are all smacking their lips!ok,
john,.........we will have live entertainment!!! steel drums/Caribbean style.
ropesfish, can bring ribs if you want but I/we will probably need more side dishes than anything else. I am trying to do this without having to actually cook much at all, mostly heat and serve. some extra ribs probably wouldn't hurt.
tom,.........yep, I got the pm box is full message I will send you my pm by e-mail asap.
heres what I have planned for the food as of right now, let me know what you all think about the menu and the quantities......
st Louis ribs, 3 bones.............enough for 125 people.
pulled pork for sandwich or alone............ 125 people.
hamburger for ..................................... 50 people.
hot dog for ...........................................50 people.
chicken wings ........................................200 wings.
2 large pans of baked beans ....................175 servings.
2 large pans of mashed potatoes...............175 servings.
buns for pulled pork sandwiches................80
buns for burgers......................................50
buns for hot dogs.....................................50
bottles of bbq sauce..................................9
all of this is cooked and delivered. let me know what you think? I will be asking for everyone that can to bring a side dish!!!!!!
will post more latter!!!!!!!!! only 12 days till the cookout!!!

I'll bring bag salads and dressings, how's that! Ranch, Italian....... what else? Maybe a few sodas.....
Check your paypal, there's a small donation. Thank you for putting everything together and look forward to seeing everyone!
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