
john,.........we will have live entertainment!!! steel drums/Caribbean style.

ropesfish, can bring ribs if you want but I/we will probably need more side dishes than anything else. I am trying to do this without having to actually cook much at all, mostly heat and serve. some extra ribs probably wouldn't hurt.

tom,.........yep, I got the pm box is full message I will send you my pm by e-mail asap.

heres what I have planned for the food as of right now, let me know what you all think about the menu and the quantities......

st Louis ribs, 3 bones.............enough for 125 people.
pulled pork for sandwich or alone............ 125 people.
hamburger for ..................................... 50 people.
hot dog for ...........................................50 people.
chicken wings ........................................200 wings.
2 large pans of baked beans ....................175 servings.
2 large pans of mashed potatoes...............175 servings.
buns for pulled pork sandwiches................80
buns for burgers......................................50
buns for hot dogs.....................................50
bottles of bbq sauce..................................9

all of this is cooked and delivered. let me know what you think? I will be asking for everyone that can to bring a side dish!!!!!!
will post more latter!!!!!!!!! only 12 days till the cookout!!!

The cats are all smacking their lips! :cat: :cat: :cat: :laughing7:

I'll bring bag salads and dressings, how's that! Ranch, Italian....... what else? Maybe a few sodas.....
Check your paypal, there's a small donation. Thank you for putting everything together and look forward to seeing everyone!

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I'll be there around 2 or so with Randy, and maybe Cal. I have a few books you can put on the raffle and I will bring you some cash.

Hey Chuck, The Zodiac Divers stopped by our Tampa offices yesterday and left a donation and raffle item for you. I will have it with me, or one of the Tampa gang will bring it if I can't make it. As it stands Jennifer and I plan to attend, looking forward to yet another great time with old friends.


Side dishes it is...maybe some sort of dessert?

thanks pat-tekker-cat!!!!!, salads and sodas sound great!

signumops,......thank you very much!!!!

scubafinder, ..........sounds awesome!!! really hope you can make it!

ropesfish,............dessert would be good also!.......they call lobster tails desert, right?


ok, only 4 days until the cookout:headbang:

I want to remind everyone to bring your own beer and alchohol!!! I will have a bunch of sodas(coke, 7-up, diet rite.)
everyone that can, please bring a side dish or desert to share !

I know I will need some ice and coolers and I don't have a bunch of coolers so if you can bring a extra cooler or some ice I would appreciate it!!!!

I have someone checking on a canopy.

remember, can bring a table and sell or swap some treasure/treasurehunting related items!!!!!!
if you have something you can donate for the raffle please bring it.

im sure I will probably forget something important:dontknow: but there is a publix right up the road from the pennwood if I have to run and get something.
looks like we will have great weather, cant wait to see everyone!!!!!!!:occasion14:

######## anyone coming to the cookout that lives near Pompano Beach????, please let me know asap. ########

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To raise $$ for the cookout, I will be offering $5 shots of Atocha Rum! All money goes toward to cookout.


Like this,Lynn 100_0657.webp

I will bring one bottle. If you have a bottle you would like to donate to the cause, please do. The more the better. That park is gonna be rocking!


Chuck, I can pick up those raffle items at RTG in Pompano if you'd like. I sent you my cell # via PM yesterday. Just let me know dude.

Hey Jason, we had a fantastic visit to your facility, you guys really have got your ducks in a row. I wish you the best in your up coming adventures.
I wish I could have stayed in FL for the cookout but we still have to earn a living, retirement is just around the corner so I think I will be spending alot more time down your way when that happens.
Anyway, I hope every one has a blast this year at the CO and your weather is good.
Good luck everyone with your Treasure Hunting in the up coming season and hopefully we will meet you all next year.


Also, Terry (Signumops) I will try and get you a copy of the book I brought down, Its a fantastic story about the White Star Lines first desaster that is for the most part un-known by the Marine Achaeological world.

Dave, thanks for the comments about GME, we are trying to do things right and all of us are proud of what we have accomplished so far. The future looks bright! It was great meeting you guys as well, your work is pretty amazing itself. That kind of diving isn't for the faint of heart, I always like anyone who consistently gets out there and DOES the work. You guys certainly fit that description.

Terry, I can definitely recommend the book, I'm almost through it and it has been a great read...what an amazing but mostly forgotten story. I'm bringing a signed copy to the cookout as a raffle item, compliments of Dave and ZD's. I may be a bit late but it looks like I will be there.


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Chuck, I have a 10 X 10 Canopy that I will bring down on Saturday morning, just give me a call if you need any other assistance.

some treasure finders I'm finding might show up too - out of the Tnet loop - we forget not everyone on the Internet - telling them BYOB, beer, ice, side dish, donation…..thinking chairs might be a good idea too?

any other advice let me know - Mom and I will be there - ice and some beer, dessert - whatever I can round up.
pretty full day tomorrow too with the SCMA salvage law meeting and Marx lecture at F.I.T. - don't forget that guys and gals.

I'll bring some beer and some money for food. Trust me, nobody wants to eat anything I cook.

Because I have the best wife in the world it looks like I will be going to Marx's talk and the cookout!

If anyone wants to talk about being a Divestor, Crewvestor, or non-paycheck crew (division share) on a 1715 Fleet operation this season look me up! Lots of exciting new things this season going on!!

Me +1 :headbang:

I'll bring bottled water as usual...

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Ack...looks like I will be lucky to make the lecture.
Someone take notes at the You Can't Dive Here meeting, please.
Any last minute needs, Chuck??

Ooops I got a little behind on my replys!!!!
I'm already here along with a few others. A couple of our regulars will not be able to make it.
As for what anyone needs to bring, I think bringing your own folding chairs just in case you need them is a great idea!!
We will probably need a few extra coolers and ice.
Sidedishes, fried chicken, beer for yourself and to share etc:
Really looking forward to seeing everyone!! Drive safe getting here!!!

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