Sent you a donation for food/entertainment. Will bring lots of dessert type stuff(and I will eat a lot of it too). Is the raffle for a great cause such as helping with some ones cancer treatment/bills or something similar? If so, I will be glad to bring a few things. (the guy with the dog)

were less than one month away now!!! anyone that hasn't donated please do so if you can by paypal at or I will meet you somewhere if your reasonably close.

pre-cookout donations will make this much easier and I really do appreciate everyones help!!!!!

Seeker, how is it going donation wise? Do not want this coming out of your pocket....

American by birth, Patriot by choice.

I would rather die standing on my two feet defending our Constitution than live a lifetime on my knees......

FYI, just a heads up. There are still rooms available for April 26, just booked me one. Seeker, will bring my donation with me.


thanks to Vicki for the donation!!


bigdogdad, this is just a plan ol cookout. raffle is for fun and to cover some of the cookout costs. did not get your donation yet, did you send it by mail?

treasurehunter, anywhere from 50 to 125 people each year have attended these cookouts in the past and unfortunately , the person running the cookout usually does not recover the cookout expenses.

diverlynn, thanks for the heads up!


bigdogdad, this is just a plan ol cookout. raffle is for fun and to cover some of the cookout costs. did not get your donation yet, did you send it by mail?

treasurehunter, anywhere from 50 to 125 people each year have attended these cookouts in the past and unfortunately , the person running the cookout usually does not recover the cookout expenses.

diverlynn, thanks for the heads up!


In the post above this one you thanked Vicki. Vicki is my wife. It came from her pay pal account. I will tell her you said thanks.

In the post above this one you thanked Vicki. Vicki is my wife. It came from her pay pal account. I will tell her you said thanks.

thank you!! you should should have said "bigdogmom".......:laughing7:


I'm still here for advice. One of my biggest worries and concerns was getting the word out and trying to figure out how many people would show up. I'm not sure what you're doing, but an awful lot of guys I know aren't even aware this cookout is happening. You can't depend on Treasurenet and Treasureworks alone. There are Metal detecting clubs and other interests to be contacted. Also, a backup plan is needed in case more people show than you estimated. I'm sorry you got stuck with this on your own. I seem to remember you and AuDreamers wanting to form a committee to take this over since I realized it was too big for one person to handle alone. It appears the committee didn't get formed. Let's pray the weather holds out and everyone who does come has a good time!

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The whole idea of this event is for everyone interested in treasure hunting getting together for a day to meet in person and have a good time. Nobody should feel obligated to have to feed and entertain the guests at this get together. If everyone brought enough to feed themselves with a little left over, then everyone should have something to eat. It is just a one day picnic/barbecue. I helped aquanaut in the past and I will help seeker41 this time. There are a lot of people that tend to show up at parties and picnic's empty handed expecting to be catered to. If everybody took care of themselves and brought a little extra this would cover the people that bring nothing. If the people that bring nothing have nothing to eat that is their problem. It is all about having a good time. If we need more food there is a Publix just down the road. Maybe you could charge a small meal fee. $5.00 would cover it. Everybody should bring their own drinks.

john, chris never committed in the first place, I asked a few others and they didn't have any interest in being on a committee or didn't think they would have the time so I decided to do it with my wifes help. it will get done. been harder than I thought because I wasn't expecting to work six days a week(mandatory) since Christmas!!!!!!!!!


if this turns out to be a laid back event with more food and beer to go around for those that do attend, be it!!!!!


don't know when we will get back to FL - planning on by the 25th as want to make the Robert Marx lecture and admiralty law seminar in Melbourne - see my "alert" topic. these cookouts have always been a great group of people and I am sure nothing will change - it is the get together that counts. If Mom and I can make it will bring some beer, food - won't be too well planned on our part but looking forward to the chance to say hi. a salute to all of you working so hard - yeah I know there are tables and chairs and details no one brings but don't sweat it -TREASURE HUNTERS: we dig in the dirt, we blast holes in the sand, we fight sharks :tongue3:, we get all excited over chunks of encrusted metal - we can survive any picnic! :laughing7:

"yeah I know there are tables and chairs and details no one brings but don't sweat it"

there will be tables and chairs thanks to trembul!!! I also hope to have live music, great food and lots of fun! at this point, we pretty much just need people to show up. please pass/ get the word out to all the regulars that attend and any un-regulars!

if you have attended the cookouts in the past and will or will not make it this year please let me know, I would like to get some kind of head count.........only 19 days til the cookout!:occasion14:


have sent donation via Paypal - thanks to high speed Internet via BTC Bahamas - how times have changed! Will plan on being there - 2 of us - "Mom Jo" and myself -

looking forward to seeing everyone and catching up on the diving news -

Glad you two are coming Bonnie!
If there are musicians out there that want to have a jam session, bring your stuff! You might wind up being the "live entertainment" this time!

My wife and I will be there. Should I bring a few racks of ribs?

chuck,my wife (Mischievous Mermaid) and I will attend.

Word about the cookout has been sent out to the St Lucie Metal Detecting Club and the Treasure Coast Archeological Society via Facebook. Also sent out reminders to individual folks and posted the information on my FB wall. Monica & I will be there. Tom

Chuck or anybody else trying to reach me, my Tnet inbox has been full for 3 years now. Reach me at


john,.........we will have live entertainment!!! steel drums/Caribbean style.

ropesfish, can bring ribs if you want but I/we will probably need more side dishes than anything else. I am trying to do this without having to actually cook much at all, mostly heat and serve. some extra ribs probably wouldn't hurt.

tom,.........yep, I got the pm box is full message I will send you my pm by e-mail asap.

heres what I have planned for the food as of right now, let me know what you all think about the menu and the quantities......

st Louis ribs, 3 bones.............enough for 125 people.
pulled pork for sandwich or alone............ 125 people.
hamburger for ..................................... 50 people.
hot dog for ...........................................50 people.
chicken wings ........................................200 wings.
2 large pans of baked beans ....................175 servings.
2 large pans of mashed potatoes...............175 servings.
buns for pulled pork sandwiches................80
buns for burgers......................................50
buns for hot dogs.....................................50
bottles of bbq sauce..................................9

all of this is cooked and delivered. let me know what you think? I will be asking for everyone that can to bring a side dish!!!!!!
will post more latter!!!!!!!!! only 12 days till the cookout!!!


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