Sen. Rand Paul: My filibuster was just the beginning

If it ever came to a civil war it would not be like the last one, it would be gorilla warfare fought in the cities in every city after dark and not easy to put down... The infrastructure would be the first to be struck...

PROBABLY "situation-specific"...

So you acknowledge the government lies on specific situations to serve their interest......There is hope for you Rebel....

So you acknowledge the government lies on specific situations to serve their interest......There is hope for you Rebel....

LOL! You wish... Oct., 1962 Cuban Missile Crisis; was CLOSE to WW III. Nuclear War with USSR. WHITE "LIE" (Disinformation) didn't hurt. At 11, had had NO "Need to Know".

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If it ever came to a civil war it would not be like the last one, it would be gorilla warfare fought in the cities in every city after dark and not easy to put down... The infrastructure would be the first to be struck...

Learn from getting Bin Laden; Blacks Ops with "night vision" going after leaders advocating VIOLENT overthrow of US Gov't. Cutting off heads of snakes.

Rebel - KGC said:
LOL! You wish... Oct., 1962 Cuban Missile Crisis; was CLOSE to WWIII. Nuclear War with USSR. WHITE "LIE" (Disinformation) didn't hurt. At 11, had had NO "Need to Know".

Maybe you didn't but your parent's sure had the right to know.

We were also close to a military coup, the joint chiefs of staff wanted a preemptive strike and Kennedy didn't, instead he was convinced to use an blockade but called it embargo because blockade is an act of war..

What we didn't know was Russia already had tactical nukes on the island and would use them on an invasion from USA.

I respectfully disagree, all governments fear a well armed population for they are then forced to face the governments power stems from the people....

A good example is what is happening in Middle East right now......

Middle East countries don't have thousands of nuclear missiles. Thousands of biochemical warfare initiators. Planes tanks and drones by the thousands. Do you REALLY think the Government are scared of your "well armed population"? If a Hitler or Stalin got in power there and you kicked up a'd all be dead in days!
You're all making the mistake of believing the next one will be like the first Civil war...mano a mano. Not a chance in hell!

As for RJC's "scared of the Indians" stuff....your Government was NEVER scared of them. They just had that "you WILL do as we tell you!" complex going on!

Dano they would not use nukes or bio for same reason I said, it would kill both sides, war would be inside all cities no confined to certain rebellious states..

Your thinking of England where you would have to fight with knives, forks and spoons...

As for RJC's "scared of the Indians" stuff....your Government was NEVER scared of them. They just had that "you WILL do as we tell you!" complex going on!

Youre wrong dano.Same as the English feared the Zulu in the south africa and started the war with King Cetshwayo.

Youre wrong dano.Same as the English feared the Zulu in the south africa and started the war with King Cetshwayo.

I have to say dano is historically correct. In both cases not only was there absolutely no fear, the colonial powers considered these people to be sub human / heathen / savage - etc. use whatever derogatory term you want. Matter of fact the instances when westerners were defeated was usually because they sooo underestimated their opponents because they had such a low opinion of them. Think little big horn. Etc. interesting line of thought but completely incorrect.

I have to say dano is historically correct. In both cases not only was there absolutely no fear, the colonial powers considered these people to be sub human / heathen / savage - etc. use whatever derogatory term you want.

Hence why they feared them.King Cetshwayo had a standing army of over 40,000,that is why the brits feared them and started the war.

Red, you should study the Age of Imperialism. This is not about fear, it is about arrogance. About beliefs of racial and religious superiority. It's about Britain wishing to control all of southern Africa especially after the discovery of diamonds. It's about finding absolutely and pretext do invade, conquer and annex the remaining small independent boer and Zulu states in the region to create the union of South Africa.

And from a pure common sense standpoint you don't go to war with those you fear - you go to war with those you believe you can defeat. This is why the Cold War never became a hot war - too much fear of each other. This was the entire concept behind MAD, etc.

You have no idea at all how close we were to WWIII on multiple occasions.... It was not the fear of the other side that kept it from happening, it was pure luck.........

Hence why they feared them.King Cetshwayo had a standing army of over 40,000,that is why the brits feared them and started the war.

The war was started by the British commander WITHOUT the knowledge or authorization of the British Government, so it had NOTHING to do with "fear"! Stock's was i.

Middle East countries don't have thousands of nuclear missiles. Thousands of biochemical warfare initiators. Planes tanks and drones by the thousands. Do you REALLY think the Government are scared of your "well armed population"? If a Hitler or Stalin got in power there and you kicked up a'd all be dead in days!
You're all making the mistake of believing the next one will be like the first Civil war...mano a mano. Not a chance in hell!

As for RJC's "scared of the Indians" stuff....your Government was NEVER scared of them. They just had that "you WILL do as we tell you!" complex going on!

Yuh Think?

I've read hundreds of books on Indian history, and the last time our Government "feared" the Indians, it was British in the 1600's. It's like me fearing mosquitoes.

I would offer up that if you want to influence government, you should do something else besides buy up all the 22 shells and hide in a buried school bus with a thousand cans of Campbell's soup.

Fear is no replacement for rational thought. Just saying .............

Yuh Think?

I've read hundreds of books on Indian history, and the last time our Government "feared" the Indians, it was British in the 1600's. It's like me fearing mosquitoes.

I would offer up that if you want to influence government, you should do something else besides buy up all the 22 shells and hide in a buried school bus with a thousand cans of Campbell's soup.

Fear is no replacement for rational thought. Just saying .............

AGREE! Powhatan "Indians" (Native Americans) ACTUALLY saved the BRITS when they experienced the "Starving Times"; read about my grandma, POCAHONTAS!

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