Sen. Rand Paul: My filibuster was just the beginning

We didnt have this technology back them either - much more indiscriminate. But certainly many of the Native American leaders were specifically targeted. Many for bounty if I'm not mistaken.

It wasnt just the leaders,it was every man ,woman and child.If they didnt show up at the reservation when told to,then they were considered hostile and exterminated,men,women children.No exceptions.

So you don't think al alwaki was a legit target?

To be a legit target one has to raise arms against the country.Alwaki never did,neither did his son.

Are we to spy on each other? Have we forgotten the soviet block? East Berlin? Are we so full of ourselves that we consider that we are above history? How far are we to let this madness persist? Gun shaped do-nuts, tax cuts =spending, drones in American airspace, infringements not only on the 2nd but every other right we posses. This is not debate class, there is no grade, life as we know it is at stake. Are we not at a crossroad just like in the infancy of our nation? Stand and fight!

Are we to spy on each other? Have we forgotten the soviet block? East Berlin? Are we so full of ourselves that we consider that we are above history? How far are we to let this madness persist? Gun shaped do-nuts, tax cuts =spending, drones in American airspace, infringements not only on the 2nd but every other right we posses. This is not debate class, there is no grade, life as we know it is at stake. Are we not at a crossroad just like in the infancy of our nation? Stand and fight!

We are at no more of a crossroads than any other time in this country's history. Study US history, these debates and worse have been going on since before this country was founded.

Its fear nothing else,people who refuse to conform are feared.People who think for themselves are feared.The corrupt gooberment wants to stay in power,they fear the free thinking people.Whats the easiest thing to do to something you fear?Overpower it,conquer it,kill it.

Its fear nothing else,people who refuse to conform are feared.People who think for themselves are feared.The corrupt gooberment wants to stay in power,they fear the free thinking people.Whats the easiest thing to do to something you fear?Overpower it,conquer it,kill it.

Don't the pro gun people state that the government should fear the people?! I completely disagree, but I thought I've seen this statement posted numerous times?

The government should and do fear the people.As I stated,what do you do with something you fear.

The government should and do fear the people.As I stated,what do you do with something you fear.

So you are saying that the people are getting what they ask for - a fearful government. That's too bad - I certainly don't think anyone should be "fearful" in the United States.

But I do agree with you that whether its a person or a government - fear is a bad think and tends to lead to irrational actions. I see this in a lot of people who "fear".

So you are saying that the people are getting what they ask for - a fearful government. That's too bad - I certainly don't think anyone should be "fearful" in the United States.

Close,but not exactly.The first instinct against something you fear is to,as I said,kill it.If a corrupt gooberment starts to fear its people whats going to happen.The gooberment feared the Native american who refused to bow and go to the reservations,what happened to them.

Close,but not exactly.The first instinct against something you fear is to,as I said,kill it.If a corrupt gooberment starts to fear its people whats going to happen.The gooberment feared the Native american who refused to bow and go to the reservations,what happened to them.

If that's the case than why do you believe that people should arm themselves to make the government fearful. Aren't they basically bringing the governments reaction upon themselves - getting what they ask for so to speak?

If that's the case than why do you believe that people should arm themselves to make the government fearful. Aren't they basically bringing the governments reaction upon themselves - getting what they ask for so to speak?

A better question would be,why shouldnt the people have the right to arm themselves.If the gooberment was honest would they fear repercussions from the honest citizen.A dishonest gooberment would be the ones fearing the repercussions from the honest citizen.There would be no need for reaction from an honest gooberment towards the honest citizen and vice versa.

The government should and do fear the people.As I stated,what do you do with something you fear.

That's only if you base your life on fear. That Amygdala-based response has been around for maybe a couple of billion years and what's come out of it except fossils?

In the last maybe 1000 years, there has been real progress in the human race, and none of it based on fear.

Did the Berlin Philharmonic fear Herbert Von Karajan? Did Albert Einstein fear his students or faculty? Can you tell me what Nikola Tesla was afraid of? How about Sir Isaac Newton? Michelangelo? Socrates? Thomas Jefferson? Ludwig van Beethoven? Rene Descartes? Gottfried Wilhelm Leibniz? Johann Wolfgang von Goethe?

Human progress, all that makes us truly great has nothing to do with fear. Fear is a primal response; there is a whole other dimension to human thought - centered in the neo-cortex, and manifested in what we call civilization.

We are the government - all of us. I personally know federal governmental leaders, including some in Congress and retired ones. They're decent people with a very difficult set of parameters to work in. Mind I didn't say all of them are like that. It's 100 times worse than being on the school board. I have influenced the course of government; not for personal gain (which makes it easier) but for folks in general - older people, veterans, the poor, and some that need recognition for selfless service to others.

When I said that Paul was "droning on and on", the pun was intended. It's hard for me to believe that many who criticize our government for using drones would do so if the other party was in power. I've followed the wars we've been in since the 90's, and there was nary a peep from the same folks who are crying the loudest now.

If the same operation was carried out against American citizens, there would be no end of outrage. President Obama didn't comment on it simply because of that. It's not an option, and is only a pointless political accusation. In the wake of Bin Laden's end by Seal Team 6, my Inbox was full of idiotic comments like "it wasn't really him", "It didn't really happen", "Obama was wrong in invading Pakistan", and my favorite from Rush Limbaugh, "Barack Obama owes us an apology." For taking out Bin Laden? The terrorist who killed 3,000 Americans on American soil?

It's as though they sat around seeing who could take the most stupid pills, sniff the most laughing gas, and seeing who could come up with the most preposterous nonsense, the only purpose of which was the discredit President Obama for the act that even Bill O’Reilly said "because I do believe the President did a gutsy, good job on this.” He did, by any standard. Like Seal Team Six, when the chips were down, he came through.

When we don't all pull together, we all lose. I don't fear death, but I do fear the "French Revolution" (really violent and insane anarchy) and the destruction of all the gains of Civilization for the last 1,000 years. Is it really worth all that just to hate your fellow citizen?

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A better question would be,why shouldnt the people have the right to arm themselves.If the gooberment was honest would they fear repercussions from the honest citizen.A dishonest gooberment would be the ones fearing the repercussions from the honest citizen.There would be no need for reaction from an honest gooberment towards the honest citizen and vice versa.

But you state that citizens should arm themselves so the government WILL fear them. But then state that a fearful government is a bad thing because they do not act in the people's best interest. It seems to be a contradiction.

I would prefer that the government does not "fear" it's people but instead "respects" it's people.

But you state that citizens should arm themselves so the government WILL fear them. But then state that a fearful government is a bad thing because they do not act in the people's best interest. It seems to be a contradiction.

I would prefer that the government does not "fear" it's people but instead "respects" it's people.

That's why we have the Bill of Rights.

But you state that citizens should arm themselves so the government WILL fear them. But then state that a fearful government is a bad thing because they do not act in the people's best interest. It seems to be a contradiction.

I would prefer that the government does not "fear" it's people but instead "respects" it's people.

I never stated that the citizens should be armed so the gooberment fears them.Only a dishonest gooberment would fear the honest armed citizen,seems thats where we are today isnt it.I also never said a fearful gooberment,i said a dishonest gooberment.Why would an honest gooberment fear the honest armed citizen?Now why would a dishonest gooberment fear the honest armed citizen.Thats a gimme.Now tell me why the unarmed honest citizen should fear the dishonest gooberment.

Why would an honest gooberment fear the honest armed citizen?

No government fears an armed citizen or citizens, not a one of them - honest or dishonest. That's just not reality. And never will be.

I respectfully disagree, all governments fear a well armed population for they are then forced to face the governments power stems from the people....

A good example is what is happening in Middle East right now......

That's not happening without outside help.

Who would do that in our case? Canada? Mexico? China? Russia? Syria?

Kinda a short list, huh?

Mo betta we take control of our own government the easy way, huh?

Are we to spy on each other? Have we forgotten the soviet block? East Berlin? Are we so full of ourselves that we consider that we are above history? How far are we to let this madness persist? Gun shaped do-nuts, tax cuts =spending, drones in American airspace, infringements not only on the 2nd but every other right we posses. This is not debate class, there is no grade, life as we know it is at stake. Are we not at a crossroad just like in the infancy of our nation? Stand and fight!

Been that way, since 9-11; where have you been...?

Only if they allow it. Having worked in intelligence when in the military service I know for a fact government lies to the people and misdirects their true intent both on foreign and domestic issues...

So you are saying that the people are getting what they ask for - a fearful government. That's too bad - I certainly don't think anyone should be "fearful" in the United States.

But I do agree with you that whether its a person or a government - fear is a bad think and tends to lead to irrational actions. I see this in a lot of people who "fear".

FEAR... is KEY. Fear of the loss of the 2nd Amendment (BoR) :censored:

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