Sen. Rand Paul: My filibuster was just the beginning

No I can not say that I have a problem with that.

What about his 16-year-old Abdulrahman who was killed in attack, he was not radical, he was an American citizen, he had no ties to terrorist organizations and was unjustly targeted because of his father.

Gawd!!...As i'm the only "outsider" to have commented here upto now i guess your post was aimed at me again Bevo? 2 previous threads have been locked on this subject and have had posts removed for being slightly critical about the length of his speech, so all i asked was would the thread be locked if anyone not a supporter commented! Was i a little overbearing in the way i asked it for you or something?

There were other people killed even though they werent on the hit list,I guess killing without cause is justifiable.Collateral damage(the killing of the innocent)is reasonable.In my opinion,only in the eyes of megalomaniacs.

What about his 16-year-old Abdulrahman who was killed in attack, he was not radical, he was an American citizen, he had no ties to terrorist organizations and was unjustly targeted because of his father.

Sure and how many "civilian" deaths occurred in Iraq and Afghanistan. Kosovo, Vietnam, Korea, WWII. Etc etc etc. I know many liberals thought bush should have been taken up on war crime charges - obviously I don't agree.

Actually if I'm not mistaken he was riding in a car with numerous other terrorist members that were being targeted at the time.

But back to the original question do you think Anwar al-Aulaqi was a legitimate target.

Good nyt article on the whole thing today - did you read it?

He was killed in a resturant while eating............... He was targeted...

There were other people killed even though they werent on the hit list,I guess killing without cause is justifiable.Collateral damage(the killing of the innocent)is reasonable.In my opinion,only in the eyes of megalomaniacs.

So would that mean ever president that has ever fought a war would be a megalomaniac? Certainly the far left wanted to put bush / Chaney up on war crimes for Iraq. Give the thousands of innocent casualties I guess you agree with them? I'm wondering if you can name a war that did not have meaningful civilian casualties?

There were other people killed even though they werent on the hit list,I guess killing without cause is justifiable.Collateral damage(the killing of the innocent)is reasonable.In my opinion,only in the eyes of megalomaniacs.

There is nothing wrong with being anti war by the way if that is your belief.

So would that mean ever president that has ever fought a war would be a megalomaniac?

When a civilian is put on a hit list,though he didnt bear arms against his own country,what would you call it?

Certainly the far left wanted to put bush / Chaney up on war crimes for Iraq

They should be,so should your buddy obumer for his crimes.

Give the thousands of innocent casualties I guess you agree with them? I'm wondering if you can name a war that did not have meaningful civilian casualties?

How many wars were there that had leaders putting specific civilians,that werent bearing arms,on hit lists?

When a civilian is put on a hit list,though he didnt bear arms against his own country,what would you call it?

They should be,so should your buddy obumer for his crimes.

How many wars were there that had leaders putting specific civilians,that werent bearing arms,on hit lists?

Buddy? I voting for Romney so in not sure what your talking about.

Yeh, I guess we just have different opinions on how to carry out foreign policy and the protection of the country. Violence is never neat and clean. Thats why many question folks carrying out their own justice with their own weapons.

Wasn't this thread about "American citizens on American soil"? Or am i mistaken?

dano check out irregular militia.

Yeh, I guess we just have different opinions on how to carry out foreign policy and the protection of the country

Except this was protection against somebody that didnt bear arms against this country.

I think Rand was on the mark with his actions. Lets listen to his question.

That's right most civilians casualties the citizens are completely unarmed.

Maybe so,but they certainly are not purposely targeted from a written hit list.

He was killed in a resturant while eating............... He was targeted...

Where have you seen he was targeted? I thought it came out that they were going after the Egyptian terrorist banna? If he was absolutely no threat then why would he be "targeted" - for the hell of it?

If he was absolutely no threat then why would he be "targeted" - for the hell of it?

The same reason Native Americans that refused to come to the reservations were considered hostile even though they werent.FEAR.

Maybe so,but they certainly are not purposely targeted from a written hit list.

We didnt have this technology back them either - much more indiscriminate. But certainly many of the Native American leaders were specifically targeted. Many for bounty if I'm not mistaken.

So you don't think al alwaki was a legit target?

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