Season Two - Nov. 4, 2014 9:00 pm

"There were GIANTS in those days." Old Testament...

"there were Midgets on free Mind Bending drugs in those days too." Me thinking out loud while sucking down too much coffee :laughing7:


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If memory serves me correctly, the entire area was "heavily mined" at one time by the British. Still doesn't explain the presence of that mine shaft system though?

Bigscoop, the Lagina brothers did have the coconut fibers dated. It came back to be between 1260 to 1400 with 95% accuracy

Shoutout to Jason Nowell and Bill Seliger of GME and to Gary Drayton, Tnet'ers on the TV show The Curse of Oak Island!!

What a show last night!!

Trusting Jason's expertise we have a high probability the coin wasn't a modern plant to the degree that if it was, the planter at least went to the trouble of using an old buried coin from somewhere else.... hey hey I'm a believer but just putting that out there, lol !!

While they were trying to find more in the swamp I wonder if they've consider using an underwater scooter. They could possibly make a pontoon type "propwash" but it looks fairly shallow. So that got me thinking about an underwater scooter. They will move a ton of sediment and could expose whatever might be down there.

I also wonder why they were so quick to give up on anomalies that the diver couldn't find....Maybe they're just buried deeper. I did see this time that the deepmax was registering NON FE in the circular indicator and when they flashed back to last season the indicator was showing only the FE section of the indicator.

I wonder what that machine would do with an iron box filled with gold and silver??
Also what about the coinage boxes being lead lined? We know from 1715 fleet recoveries that the chests of silver coins were lead lined...

And then the sad part about the MLA trying to pass Oak island preservation laws. Isn't it private land? Didn't the Lagina brothers purchase a lot of the island? So I guess in Canada they can control privately owned land, wow!!!

And just by what legal basis can they take control of this privately owned land?


No disrespect....Because some Norwegian dude comes along and uses some geometry above your comprehension you believe what he says to be true? No matter how wild the story is?

I mean come on!! At least when the State of Florida stole treasure from Mel Fisher they waited till it was actually found!!!

"If the bill becomes law, it means discoveries, such as coins, would become the property of the province or "another public institution as designated by the Minister of Communities, Culture and Heritage, such as a museum."

"The mystery at Oak Island is a rich part of South Shore heritage," she told a Halifax news conference. "With this bill, I believe the legacy of Oak Island will be preserved and carried forward for future generations of South Shore residents and all of Nova Scotia."

Sounds like the old argument we are capable of handling heritage, but you, the private sector can't so we're going to legislate authority to take control. Maybe the Lagina brothers should tell the Legislative Assembly that the Mel Fisher museum is the most visited museum in the southeast United States. Oh wait then they'll surely want the artifacts because they'll want the entrance fees....

Hmmm sadly last night unknowingly voters just gave our Florida bureaucrats billions to do such things here!!:BangHead:

If memory serves me correctly, the entire area was "heavily mined" at one time by the British. Still doesn't explain the presence of that mine shaft system though?

Hello Everyone - after watching last night, the teaser about the abandoned mines peaked my interest the most -does anyone know more about the old mine shafts? I assume these would be located up in the hills, but I don't see any hills in the maps I've looked? when did this mining supposedly take place, and were those mine shafts searched in the recent past? I think a hiding place above ground would be a better place to store treasure than digging a wet hole - also what about the fools gold they supposedly collected?

That was the first I heard about the mines and shipment of fools gold that went back to Europe. Anyone know if there is any evidence for these mines? If they were there it certainly gives credit to something being buried there, not starting of scratch, and putting in booby traps. It also might explain the fibers if they were used as some sort of filtration to get the "gold".

This is why I have zero excitement over them finding iron signals in the swamp during second season episode one. At this place it would be hard to MISS old iron junk. It's been tossed repeatedly for 150 years.







I would bet there have also been lumber companies and other work done. "Oak Island Drive" is a road that goes along the causeway across the swamp and would have required heavy equipment.


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If memory serves me correctly, the entire area was "heavily mined" at one time by the British. Still doesn't explain the presence of that mine shaft system though?

Eh...? HENCE, Ye Royal, HMS Latrine... 5 SEATER. The Brits were NOT shy...

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Thanks for the shout out Au, all I could do was give the coin a thorough investigation and then give my honest opinion based on my experience. They were here filming for 7 hours, and that got reduced to a mere 2 minutes on the show, lots of great microscope work and chemical testing was cut out of the finished product. I do think the coin exhibits the characteristics of a brackish water find. It had more corrosion and pitting than any land find I have seen or conserved, but less than any of the shipwreck coins I have found and cleaned. Bill Seliger agreed and he has even more experience than I do, especially with shipwreck finds from marine environments. There was zero marine encrustation on the coin anywhere, and the oxidation was consistent with the environment it reportedly came from. If I had seen anything that lead me to question whether it was from the environment stated, I would have said something. To me, it exhibited the exact characteristics I would expect from a coin that spent a long time in a brackish water environment.

The coin was even more interesting than detailed on the show, it was originally minted in 1625, de-valued to 7 Maravedis (probably in the 1640's) and then re-stamped as 8 Maravedis in 1652.

For the record, after removing the oxidation in mild citric acid as shown on the show, the coin was properly conserved and stabilized. It went through electrolytic reduction and was then sealed/protected with a Benzotriazole bath before receiving a super-light coating of clear polyurethane sealer. Didn't want any of the conservators here to think I just burned the oxidation off and sent them on their way as it appeared on the show. :-) It was a neat experience, and mom is super proud. LOL

So cool to have experts like yourself here. Soooo, what's your take after examining the coin? Just a random drop or could there be more treasure? : )

Would there be certain mints that used the Arabic "8" instead of the Philip iV era Roman "VIII"? Might help isolate the origin somewhat.


Oak Island Coin
Oak Island 8 Mara.webp

Charlie, I always assumed it was more of a date issue. You can see the remains of the Roman VIII above the Arabic 8 in your lower picture, the original 1625 date is visible below after the cleaning on the same side of the coin. I believe the coin was originally minted with Roman numerals when it was struck in 1625, then devalued, and when re-valued to an 8 in 1652, they had switched to the Arabic 8. Unfortunately I haven't found a particularly good reference on Maravedis. I've cleaned and studied hundreds of bronze coins, but only 20 or 30 Maravedis, so I'm far from an expert on the numismatics of them.

Henry, that expert word is a loosely used term. :-) My theory is "where there is one, there is usually more". I have a lot of theories on Oak Island but I have never been there and hunted it myself...yet. I do find it enticing that they got so many hits on several different detectors in the swamp, but I would be all abouit getting to the bottom of the money pit via robotics or whatever it took. I would like to bring a portable hookah compressor down there and dive in that swamp until I had found and removed several of those hits, maybe devise something to rake out a lot of the vegetation and clear the bottom a bit. I bet I could work that out with Rick and Marty, but GME and the waters off Cape Canaveral currently hold all of my attention.

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Do you have images of the New Ross site? I saw some footage of New Ross on a show, I believe it was called "America Unearthed", and it didn't look like any Scottish or Irish site . . . just a few rocks. Zero masonry evident. Just jumbled piles. Perhaps the Mi'kmaq had a village site there? We're too quick to discount the native people and their ingenuity - helps us justify that we're better off with the land than they were.

We have a local "castle" the Iroquois stored winter food stores in. It was an elevated mound with a wooden palisade and only became a "castle" when General Sullivan went through in 1777 and had to justify a large battle (drove off some women and children and captured a "castle" - sounds better than pumpkin shed). Place is still called "Castle Creek".

The well was supposedly the last of the remnants of the ground structures there except for a foundation, this being comprised of numerousscattered stones, and some aligned to forma a shaped outline

the stones there at new ross were hand made and feature the Hope Stone, a keystone shaped rock, which i think was used in a building or as part of the building of the Well. There is a large area of metallic goods there on their its promising, but they have found the magnetite rocks placed there as well

was this to be used with some form of dowsing rod, or a magnetic trove finder of some sort they had?? what a cool way to hide lodestones to throw off a compass showing that you are over a site......!

the problem with the research there, was laid from a hunch by the lady who was instrumental in leading the investigation into a location there, but she was not involved in digging, Joan Hope, and the Hope Stone is called that after her. She also had a crew of Hippy types there on a commune in the 70's, saw UFO s there and amongst other things she said she saw there were fantasy which led to a review, and somewhat of a public disapproval of the theory led by her state of mind a the time, as well as using some Psychic remote viewers to say there was originally a two story building, just makes the story outrageous fantasy to most........

but she and others in the area speculated that it was the Sinclair Family, due to tales that show Henry had made an early voyage here......but the facts never show that he made it to these parts, it shows more of the Prince Edward Island area as being the area of record for is landing.

The MiqMaq said there were travelers dressed with the cross on their robes, but didnt specify who by name. The MiqMaq flag has the Christian cross on it, and is red and white colored with a star and crescent moon so it leads me to believe these men were not of the english order of nobility, so to say, perhaps the Knights Templars is more fitting for robed men wearing the cross.

I am guessing the Gold River New Ross site is something of a location of a map point of reference but this is not by any means proof of Sinclair right of ownership, as the Scott Wolters character has declared in the show. He is basing this all on a hunch when the Templars left crosses carved on other areas of Nova Scotia as well.

This 'Spanish' evidence is clearly now all over the internet, so based on one possible trip the Sinclairs are outweighed, and based on numerous findings and other associations, we have a strong Templar presence and a Spanish origin of their order making these journeys.

To say that the english used this as their pyrite mines.....?? but left a booby trap in english with a dual cypher in spanish?? for what?? they were obviously not on the island mining fools gold.....LOL maybe on another peninsula somewhere up near the Gold River area??

Well this Nova Scotia gentleman right here was known to have invited the world renown author of English origins to the site of Oak Island, so he may be talking about the extensive operation in this old article....Mr James Bond is the English Author

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More thoughts about Nolan's Cross - why not search the other points besides Mercy? - that Kingdom boulder stepped off and dug up right where Petter Amundsen suspected, with those three triangular dots, sure looked like evidence to me - I think I would be surveying the site to determine all the other Tree of Life points and detect those areas - ?

My theory relates to the other stones too, the ship shaped sextant stones, the drilled hole stones, and the Nolan cross.

They are all either directional markers or a scale map to be used to chart a final location on a greater scale of the whole area....of the Bay itself

Finder's Keepers were the ones who located the Hobson Island V Shaped "Square Root/Route" symbol, and a series of rocks that have corresponded to this area as being a map of the Islands.

This is evident in the area of the Bay, as there are mapped sequences that lead to the final location. Imagine the Spaniards charting an area from Spain to Nova Scotia with a huge map, and sun shaped lines that intersect in certain areas called cerro puntos, and they are sequenced from guidestones on Islands to show a series of clues and places to distract someone into a bottomless pit.....LOL

The Cerro Punto must be found, then the markings of the ChiRo or RoKai are found laid ON the Cerro Punto, to lead to Hobson, then pointing to Oak, where the Map Stones from Hobson are laid out on a map in scale, and the Oak Island clues then added to land you somewhere else where you use the Nolan Cross to find the sequence of numerous troves and carved out tomb openings

absolutely insane idea I know, to think it isnt there on Oak Island, LOL

nobody would dare to look elsewhere???

The Peter Amundsen information is accurate to a few inches, and thats solid evidence, yet this is something that is another coded series of clues to relate to another location, it cannot be laid out there under the stones as they have already checked the new ones they found to be left with dirt....

its just a map for the final area that is a sprawling area to be searched for each item that is listed....the tree of life is the chart of locators to each item from the Temple of Jerusalem on this next location.

Follow the trail of clues, and lose your current adaptations of theories and you can see its clearly something that someone has not fully been charted to an end point and the extensive photos posted should prove the island has really been completely gutted out in the areas,

and they think there is something going on in the Mercy point??

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That was the first I heard about the mines and shipment of fools gold that went back to Europe. Anyone know if there is any evidence for these mines? If they were there it certainly gives credit to something being buried there, not starting of scratch, and putting in booby traps. It also might explain the fibers if they were used as some sort of filtration to get the "gold".

I can't remember if I have forgotten this or it was new information but either way hearing this on the show it opened up yet more thoughts in all directions.

Like many since first hearing (as a child) about The Money Pit, the mystery of it is a big part of the thrill.

HAHA Jason "I KNEW" you had some editing done and had done more conservation than what was shown. Great job!

If you get to go up there take a scooter! If the 1715 off season wasn't also in winter I'd give it a go if I could!! :thumbsup: I also think that the swamp wouldn't have to be drained for it. Actually adding water to help carry away the sediment might help!

Can't wait till next week!! This is like getting bad wind during the salvage season waiting for the next day of hunting kills ya!

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If you take the Oak Island show , America Unearthed and the new show about finding giant bones in Massachusetts and find a common theme it will be that they are all so ridiculous and concocted it becomes embarrassing to watch. Yet like peeking at a solar eclipse it is hard to resist.

Another great show if you like throwing things at the TV. He was looking for pyramids in Rock Lake, Wisconsin and, surprise, couldn't find them in a Neiman-Marcus style yuppie mini-sub.

Now, my first stop would have been at a tackle shop to ask the local walleye fishermen about rock structures in the lake. Wisconsin probably has had more depth-sounder and chart-plotters trolled over and through it's lakes than anyplace on earth (including Loch Ness). ;-) You can bet if they were there the ice fishermen would know. And a bottle of Tullamore Dew would have unlocked that secret.

Hummingbird has side-scanning sonar for bass fishermen for $800. How many minutes of TV time is that?


But that doesn't sell any Hooked X books.

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