Do you have images of the New Ross site? I saw some footage of New Ross on a show, I believe it was called "America Unearthed", and it didn't look like any Scottish or Irish site . . . just a few rocks. Zero masonry evident. Just jumbled piles. Perhaps the Mi'kmaq had a village site there? We're too quick to discount the native people and their ingenuity - helps us justify that we're better off with the land than they were.
We have a local "castle" the Iroquois stored winter food stores in. It was an elevated mound with a wooden palisade and only became a "castle" when General Sullivan went through in 1777 and had to justify a large battle (drove off some women and children and captured a "castle" - sounds better than pumpkin shed). Place is still called "Castle Creek".
The well was supposedly the last of the remnants of the ground structures there except for a foundation, this being comprised of numerousscattered stones, and some aligned to forma a shaped outline
the stones there at new ross were hand made and feature the Hope Stone, a keystone shaped rock, which i think was used in a building or as part of the building of the Well. There is a large area of metallic goods there on their its promising, but they have found the magnetite rocks placed there as well
was this to be used with some form of dowsing rod, or a magnetic trove finder of some sort they had?? what a cool way to hide lodestones to throw off a compass showing that you are over a site......!
the problem with the research there, was laid from a hunch by the lady who was instrumental in leading the investigation into a location there, but she was not involved in digging, Joan Hope, and the Hope Stone is called that after her. She also had a crew of Hippy types there on a commune in the 70's, saw UFO s there and amongst other things she said she saw there were fantasy which led to a review, and somewhat of a public disapproval of the theory led by her state of mind a the time, as well as using some Psychic remote viewers to say there was originally a two story building, just makes the story outrageous fantasy to most........
but she and others in the area speculated that it was the Sinclair Family, due to tales that show Henry had made an early voyage here......but the facts never show that he made it to these parts, it shows more of the Prince Edward Island area as being the area of record for is landing.
The MiqMaq said there were travelers dressed with the cross on their robes, but didnt specify who by name. The MiqMaq flag has the Christian cross on it, and is red and white colored with a star and crescent moon so it leads me to believe these men were not of the english order of nobility, so to say, perhaps the Knights Templars is more fitting for robed men wearing the cross.
I am guessing the Gold River New Ross site is something of a location of a map point of reference but this is not by any means proof of Sinclair right of ownership, as the Scott Wolters character has declared in the show. He is basing this all on a hunch when the Templars left crosses carved on other areas of Nova Scotia as well.
This 'Spanish' evidence is clearly now all over the internet, so based on one possible trip the Sinclairs are outweighed, and based on numerous findings and other associations, we have a strong Templar presence and a Spanish origin of their order making these journeys.
To say that the english used this as their pyrite mines.....?? but left a booby trap in english with a dual cypher in spanish?? for what?? they were obviously not on the island mining fools gold.....LOL maybe on another peninsula somewhere up near the Gold River area??
Well this Nova Scotia gentleman right here was known to have invited the world renown author of English origins to the site of Oak Island, so he may be talking about the extensive operation in this old article....Mr James Bond is the English Author
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