Season Two - Nov. 4, 2014 9:00 pm

The detector they used last summer will only show metals, I told Marty to use ground radar this time. It will show all artifacts not just metals. If they wanted to locate any voids or tunnels there is a way but it cost a lot to have it done. I just hope they found something from the Templar period , that alone could help us at New Ross. Someone built a castle at this site and I don't think it was the Spanish.

Update / Ya I did say ground radar will not work in Nova Scotia because of the high grade clay, but the swamp has no clay just mud. Radar will show any artifacts above the clay in the swamp. This is one of many ways to locate metals and artifacts in the swamp.

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The detector they used last summer will only show metals, I told Marty to use ground radar this time. It will show all artifacts not just metals. If they wanted to locate any voids or tunnels there is a way but it cost a lot to have it done. I just hope they found something from the Templar period , that alone could help us at New Ross. Someone built a castle at this site and I don't think it was the Spanish.

to convince me Templers even ever existed on the island or hemisphere,
it would take allot more then something from the Templar period.
it would take enough Museum quality relics, to convince me someone didn't
just salt the place with a few pieces of period trash they paid a hundred bucks or so for :tongue3:

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What they picked up as gold and silver was stones made of magnetite. We have them at our site in New Ross, NS. just 15 miles away. On our TV show we had the same thing happen. I still believe what they located was a camp fire site and that's how the stones made it out there. The coin found would be from someone camping at the pond of drinking water, before it was a swamp.

The stones were used as a way to throw off their compasses as they crossed in the presence of they knew that they were over a trove.....??? Seems like dowsing theory if there are numerous sites with these magnetic rocks

you walk by and I guess the stones were used that way some how to move the compass suddenly........

or they knew you were using metal detectors so they hid the treasures with me, and left you some baited stones.....LOL

anyways .....we win......

Do you have images of the New Ross site? I saw some footage of New Ross on a show, I believe it was called "America Unearthed", and it didn't look like any Scottish or Irish site . . . just a few rocks. Zero masonry evident. Just jumbled piles. Perhaps the Mi'kmaq had a village site there? We're too quick to discount the native people and their ingenuity - helps us justify that we're better off with the land than they were.

We have a local "castle" the Iroquois stored winter food stores in. It was an elevated mound with a wooden palisade and only became a "castle" when General Sullivan went through in 1777 and had to justify a large battle (drove off some women and children and captured a "castle" - sounds better than pumpkin shed). Place is still called "Castle Creek".

:director:This is just another example how treasure legends are born. theres absolutely no proof of a treasure being buried on the Island, the whole story was created out of hearsay, all you have to do is
have plenty of people pumping lots of money into this tall tale, and boom, you have created another bogus treasure legend. cant you just adopt a puppy or something. np:cat:

No, no. Someone 120 years ago is said to have seen lights on the island and there was a possible rope mark on a tree limb that was over a depression in the ground.

Sheesh. What more proof do you need?

In any event, it's the earliest reported case of treasure folks filling their hole back in. How polite.

I enjoy this website/forum because it's a place for people to discuss theories and ideas about treasure hunting; in this case on or around Oak Island. I find it entertaining and sometimes very interesting to hear views other than my own. Sometimes I find what others have written to be plain old silly, sometimes I find it to be amazing or intriguing; but I'm always happy that others have shared their ideas.
What I don't understand is when people post things that are simply angry, that don't even attempt to add to the discussion. This is a treasure hunting message board. If you don't like the discussions that are found on a treasure hunting message board, why would you hang around one? If I found the French unpleasant, I don't think I would frequent Paris!

Having said that, I'm looking forward to the show's return tonight. I hope the brothers have had a successful season and the History Channel gives a little less made-up drama this year.

Happy hunting

Bureaucracy run amok!!

How about putting a tax payer provided Archaeologist to monitor it. Afterall isn't that what they're paid to do?

I also find it laughable that they use....

"He said a decade of research by Norwegian researcher and documentary-maker Petter Amundsen shows Shakespeare’s works have “clear links to the island” and that the Knights Templar treasures could be buried there."

as their money grubbing excuse.

This is just one reason why I voted no on amendment 1 today in Florida. I could just see the FL bureaucrats claiming all kinds of lands as preserves, parks and so on closing it off to hobbyists that look for things all with the millions from those they tax.

But yeah I'm interested to find out what they have found that's got them all stirred up!

They waiting is almost over! :occasion14:

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to convince me Templers even ever existed on the island or hemisphere,
it would take allot more then something from the Templar period.
it would take enough Museum quality relics, to convince me someone didn't
just salt the place with a few pieces of period trash they paid a hundred bucks or so for :tongue3:

People claimed for years Mel Fisher salted the waters while looking for (not finding) the Atocha...

"Why would there be coconut fiber and the elaborate water drain system if there was no treasure?"

Ships moved up and down the east coast all the time carrying trade goods, coconuts being one of them, currents have also been known to carry items thousands of miles, and so on. Carbon dating on that fiber would be the next critical bit of info. Yes? Did they do that? May only be a few years old, if that? As for the hole, as is often learned later, not every unexplained structure is related to treasure. Just saying, sometimes there are reasonable explanations.

Didn't take them long to verify that coin was in the swamp or somewhere else buried for a long time to develop its patina. A point against recent drop theory.

Well here we go again.

So there is a theory to be proven of the origins.

Robot and I seem to think there are multiple uses from different sides at different times, after the burial of something.....

the something in my honest opinion is a distraction, a 'five fingers of death' funnel system, a system engineered for the death of specifically the english Privateers

the reality is that nothing was found except more guide stones, and the marked stone, telling them to dig in English, 'Forty Feet Below, Two Million Pounds Are Buried' - with one unused symbol, using a forced cypher solve

yet nobody attempted to translate to Spanish or even greek or coptic??? as the symbols all correspond to??

yet theres spanish scissors, a coin found from a 1600's spanish print, spanish shoe, and other goods like the Cornish Pick Axe head that relate to an older time there as well, from more recent attempts in the 1800's and 1900's to find the "treasure"

LOL dont you think if they :

1) dug all this, that there was something to "hide", and
2) if something to "hide" then why would it be in an obvious "money pit", while:
3) there are other clues on the island in marker formation for navigational measurement and direction, complete with a flood gate system to trap someone if following an English speaking language, and now
4) confirmed artifacts from Spanish eras from the reign of the Hapsburg King Phillip IV

and nobody believes me that we are going to be in a serious commission for the Kingdom of Spain, in claiming this trove for their recovery efforts and preservation efforts as well.

the island is by far known to many, and I have found at least 3 older maps that show it on the charts as an obvious outlying theres no doubt there is something there....

a seventh victim if they arent careful

I am suspect of the Drilling that sent four down the shaft unconscious, as they said maybe from the machines they were using the shaft filled with Carbon Monoxide, but really, its an open air shaft that isnt far down enough to create stale air, that instantly overcomes someone.....??

who is to say there wasnt an ancient way to booby trap something and use water to activate the fumes???

Carbide Miner's headlamps and cavers lamps are made to hold carbide rocks and drip water on them to make Acetylene Gas. This is lethal if in high concentrations, and severely unstable, so the slightest spark could ignite the gas

Say there was a chamber below, and they drilled down.....releasing the flood and letting the water seep into the pit to the lower areas, and it filled with this carbide gas

the water would activate a HUUUGE amount of gas over a slow release period of a few minutes, at least 30, and consume them, all. is my theory, and the gas faded and were able to get the bodies out afterwards

as I dont think that mercury vapors will emanate through water unless heated.....

so the question is was there a serious Water activated gas chamber booby trap created?

and is there anything else there.....that might release some other harm>?

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I find it entertaining and sometimes very interesting to hear views other than my own. Sometimes I find what others have written to be plain old silly, sometimes I find it to be amazing or intriguing; but I'm always happy that others have shared their ideas.
What I don't understand is when people post things that are simply angry, that don't even attempt to add to the discussion. This is a treasure hunting message board.

No anger here - in fact I get chuckles out of many excerpts from the TV show (I do get it I find out).

The coin that was found is a "Pirate Coin" instead of a "Spanish Coin" or a "Fisherman Coin".

The KellyCo "expert" had a large coil that sent "magnetic waves" down into the frozen swamp instead of VHF radio waves.

The triangular swamp "may have been manmade" and then they show an overhead view with a straight roadway forming the base of the triangle and cutting it off from the sea with a built-up dike for the roadbead. Well "duh". You build a road that traps water back - of course it's manmade. And no wonder the tree died that left the Mysterious Stump. The roadbed flooded the land trapped behind it.

Has anyone calculated how many ships would have been required to go to the West Indes (presumably) to get enough coconut fiber to fill a series of tunnels 500 ft long to Smith Cove and, as suggested, another 1,000 ft to South Cove with enough fiber that it wouldn't have silted in over 200 years (or more)? Four 200 ft long ships, maybe, going 2,800 miles EACH WAY if they came across from Europe first at eight knots or so and fighting the Atlantic Current to go south.

Wouldn't it have been easier to take the one ship with the treasure south?

Just providing a discussabe counter-point. Theories that cannot refute valid questions need revisions. These questions and observations may assist in the eventual solution. (I used to do Break Even Analysis for International Paper - hard questions make for sound reasoning).

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No, no. Someone 120 years ago is said to have seen lights on the island and there was a possible rope mark on a tree limb that was over a depression in the ground.

Sheesh. What more proof do you need?

In any event, it's the earliest reported case of treasure folks filling their hole back in. How polite.

Forget Oak Island, I'm ready to go after that treasure in your basement.

People claimed for years Mel Fisher salted the waters while looking for (not finding) the Atocha...

perhaps he did :dontknow: that is a sure fire way to keep the investors happy,
till he actually found the right site.
no one will ever know for sure

Didn't take them long to verify that coin was in the swamp or somewhere else buried for a long time to develop its patina. A point against recent drop theory.

Yea I was happy to see they did the testing.
at least that helps disprove My "planted" Fear :thumbsup:

not 100% of course, But Helps :thumbsup:

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