I don't think the show is going to find much at all, Its all about the exploits of the guys to make a show, sorry to burst the bubble of you believers of the legend. Its just not going to be in this show! what is interesting though is the hints of signs and topography the guys see and don't tell here, saving for later maybe? Got to make the series though! Its still makes good TV, I would have done it given the chance. LOL! Beautiful country there even though its hot. Its all in the thrill of the hunt-that's why we are all on T-Net and the guys on the show are just like all of us..Maybe after the show we'll find out what they really learned on their fact finding adventure!!!!
Well said; "They're just like all of us", which I would agree with 💯%. This is what everyone here on TN should understand. As much as the series "seemed" fake - I don't believe it really was per say. I've come from the Film Industry and I will admit - production companies want a particular narrative for ratings, but these guys really ARE the
real thing. These guys live in this area (Wayne, Frank and Woody) and their drive to find answers are very real. In watching Wayne's videos, as the series continued privately, Wayne explained a lot about what was going on during the series and what the production company did - that didn't sit well with the group involved. They themselves were not happy about certain elements of the show and how it was edited.
With regards to the cross found, again I don't think things were "faked" just for ratings. We now know, the cross was removed by someone after the fact - and the group really has no idea who did it and they were not happy about the result of said missing cross. I also don't believe the wall holding the cross was a built up wall by someone. I think it was a given - that the wall wasn't a walled in seal, intentionally trying to hide something. I get it though, its difficult to see through the production company's "fog of entertainment" and still believe things ARE NOT intentionally placed for a discovery on film. The film industry really does want to give the viewer a perspective that can be considered
real, but for the sake of the show - production companies will recreate an incident that they were not privy to film - which can make what you're watching seem fake.
This small group of guys are just that, a small group of guys - just like us. They're curious and intrigued by all the legends that have transpired throughout the last 140 years and I believe Wayne and the gang want to solve some of these legends that, have eluded so many for so long.
As for the things they may be "hiding" or not "sharing" with, shouldn't be a surprise. I find most here on TN, refuse to share their inner secrets of things they've discovered or have come upon during their researching of specific areas within the Supes. Many here can sit at their monitors and point out this and that - but you have to ask; are they themselves out there, pushing through the environment - overcoming obstacles, risking their lives in order to solve these legends like Wayne, Frank and Woody?
Personally, I plan on going out there and meeting up with Wayne. There, I can make my own decision as to - are these guys the real thing or not. I'm one to believe, that these guys though they may seem strange in their ways (who isn't), are in fact honest treasure hunters that, love to explore and discover our historical past and what it comprised of. There is so much disinformation out there, it makes things difficult to sort out what's clearly and historically correct and what's just put in for dramatic story telling.
I wonder if people realize, those that were on the show - roam this site and can see the disappointment of others.