Season 7 - The story goes on...

A fresh water well. There have been numerous dug in search of treasure around the Money Pit. Some to depths of over 140 feet and filled with Fresh Water not Salt Water. Maybe all that Vaughn, McGinnis, Smith and Ball found was a well dug in the early 1730's by the British Army for fresh water for their men that were stationed there from 1730 to 1738. It could also have been a shaft for mining of minerals as Nova Scotia as all kinds of minerals and mines even gold mines along Gold River.

and we suddenly take that info as fact from WAY back when and we don't take other stuff as fact from way back when.. Just saying. You can't pick and choose what is fact to fit your narrative... Not saying it isn't possible as I don't know anything about drilling for fresh water or drilling for it on a small island, but I wouldn't think that most people would be digging for fresh water at over 100' on an island that is only 35'-45' or so above sea level... BUT even if they did it would just be a pit, no need to brace it all off starting at the 80' level and down and not all the way to the top... let alone tunnel off once that far down..

I also do not know why the anomaly (tear shaped) is not most likely to simply be a part of a previous searchers shaft (or a natural feature like the sand at 'the latrine' they found earlier). The seismic mapping has not shown anything of any use so far. It seems like the whole seismic mapping at most shows nothing unusual is under the ground at Oak Island.

It wasn't clear to me if the seismic mapping could distinguish between water, sand, etc. Tear-shaped says to me 'water cavern'. But once they excavate through the center: will this be the end of the big dig? Would there be any reason to resume the "Upland excavation" that Billy has been uncovering with the mega-digger?

It wasn't clear to me if the seismic mapping could distinguish between water, sand, etc. Tear-shaped says to me 'water cavern'. But once they excavate through the center: will this be the end of the big dig? Would there be any reason to resume the "Upland excavation" that Billy has been uncovering with the mega-digger?
It seems quite pointless to try to discover 'theorized' flood tunnels used to protect treasure if you have shown that there is no treasure...

I have not seen them find anything that is "original work" as they call it. All I have seen them find is "searcher work". The old Money Pit was put down deeper by a Company in 1803 or there abouts, so yes the timbers they used could have been from the late 1780's or 1790's. The connection tunnels and the attempts to stop the ocean from freely flowing in, by dynamiting and pouring stuff down holes. There is no treasure down the Money Pit hole except for the $35 Million dollars thrown down a well shaft that had been filled in. No records of any treasure and not even a single coin has come out of the Money Pit. The treasure is on the West End of Oak Island on Lot #21.

Once Again...All You "Fools" Who Say...The Curse Of Oak Island...Will Not Continue!

With Ratings Like These...Who Would Be Fools To Stop It?

The Curse Of oak Island - Season 7 - 2.jpg

The Curse of Oak Island April15th, 2020.png

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With Ratings Like These...Who Would Be Fools To Stop It?

View attachment 1824312

It is not stopping. The name is changing to "Beyond Oak Island." There are at least three other treasures in Mahone Bay. Four treasures if the ship that sank in 1398 with treasure was not recovered and buried on Oak Island or another Island. There are also another treasure North of Nova Scotia buried the same year. Then there are eight more ship loads that were buried at different locations along a trek of about 2,000 miles at a later date in the 17th Century.

Undocumented stories concerning treasure are considered legends, lore, and tall tales.
There exists NO legitimate verifiable documentation of a "ship that sank in 1398 with treasure" near Oak Island and/or Nova Scotia.

With Ratings Like These...Who Would Be Fools To Stop It?
Ha ha.. With everyone stuck at home I suppose all TV shows are in for a good viewing audience.

This is made soooo much worse with NO SPORT....

Still I do not imagine they will even be able to film this year with all the lockdown orders in place so if there was going to be a season 8 (Please NO....) it will be at least 2 years away.

I guess next year will be all re-runs of TV shows as I imagine there is stuff all filming of anything happening this year.

I am an economist by training and the worst economically is yet to come.

History shows us we will see 3 waves.

1. The first wave - The disaster (The health crisis)
2. The second wave - The economic crisis
3. The third wave - The social and political crisis

We are not even close to being through the first one yet.

Stay safe my friends and all you actual treasure hunters out I wish you the best of luck....

On a positive note I read a very good thought to keep in mind a few days ago..

"Every day I wake up I say to myself. We are one day closer to a vaccine"...

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Now...You Put Your Faith...In Something...With No Proof...No Evidence...No Theories!

"Every day I wake up I say to myself. We are one day closer to a vaccine"...

Best To Stay Asleep!


Still I do not imagine they will even be able to film this year with all the lockdown orders in place so if there was going to be a season 8 (Please NO....) it will be at least 2 years away.

I don't know how large the overall crew is on Oak Island, but for a dozen cast members and a dozen film crew it would be reasonable to administer tests, give them a 21 day quarantine, another set of tests, then confine them to the island and some designated quarters on the mainland. No different than volunteering to work on assignment in another part of the world for the summer. Arranging for the work in the US studios to edit and cut might be harder - I don't know how hard that would be.

The biggest challenge would be how to introduce outsiders, but they'd have to come up with a script to make it work. For example - just surface excavations with the metal detector or small digs with Billy. After all, the swamp, Smith's Cove, and money pit have all but been eliminated.

And what about offshore finds where they didn't even have permission to turn over rocks?

Of course the Oak Island tours would need to remain closed.

I don't know how large the overall crew is on Oak Island, but for a dozen cast members and a dozen film crew it would be reasonable to administer tests, give them a 21 day quarantine, another set of tests, then confine them to the island and some designated quarters on the mainland. No different than volunteering to work on assignment in another part of the world for the summer. Arranging for the work in the US studios to edit and cut might be harder - I don't know how hard that would be.

The biggest challenge would be how to introduce outsiders, but they'd have to come up with a script to make it work. For example - just surface excavations with the metal detector or small digs with Billy. After all, the swamp, Smith's Cove, and money pit have all but been eliminated.

And what about offshore finds where they didn't even have permission to turn over rocks?

Of course the Oak Island tours would need to remain closed.

The border is closed to all but essential traffic, and odds are that won’t change anytime in the near future.

The border is closed to all but essential traffic, and odds are that won’t change anytime in the near future.

But season 8 is essential!:laughing7:

Yes, I had forgotten about the border though.

I'm all for the hammer grab, clam shell retrieval method, but can you imagine half of the Arc of the Covenant coming up smashed flat between those jaws.

I'm all for the hammer grab, clam shell retrieval method, but can you imagine half of the Arc of the Covenant coming up smashed flat between those jaws.

Really? You think that could happen? Never.

Really? You think that could happen? Never.

No, because the clam shell jaws would melt, the cables would light up, fire would emerge from the can toward the sky, and hopefully no one else would be injured.

I'm all for the hammer grab, clam shell retrieval method, but can you imagine half of the Arc of the Covenant coming up smashed flat between those jaws.

This week, we didn't get to see the Arc coming up between the clam shell jaws, but we did see what happens if the 'can' encounters the Arc of the Covanent: hydraulic pressure rises to 2500 PSI and eventually a strut breaks on the oscillator, halting operations. They did find a sliver of concrete, proving that this is the top of the Chapel Vault! We'll get to see what they extract using advanced techniques in the season finale next week.

In the meantime, they discover a tunnel coming from the Samuel Ball foundation. I don't know what to make of that; who would build such a tunnel for any purpose? A drain is the first thing that comes to mind, but there would be no reason for such a drain.

Considering that the "snake" camera was 1 5/8" in diameter, the video appears to show the top and bottom of tunnel to be very much the same size; looks like the "tunnel" is only a few inches tall, and maybe 10" wide, which makes its purpose even more puzzling.

My first thought, when they made their find, was that they dug into an old privy...

It appears that they are pulling up chapels old works as the shield was his so probably the other stuff is as well.

The very fact that they drilled through the middle of the wood beam and found nothing lower shows that there is little chance of anything significant being lower I would of thought.

There is no real evidence that gold traces were seen on the earlier chapel drill bit that was meant to have find evidence of 'a vault' (1890s Chapel never told anyone that he saw that gold at the time or later - There is no record of this story before the 1930s). The first report of this (the gold traces on the drill head) was told by his son in the 1930s when he was raising funds for his own search that claimed his dad told him that story.

There is also little evidence that Sam Ball was that wealthy. He was by no means rich. Nothing supports that he had found large amounts of treasure.

I would bet a fair bit of money nothing of value has been left in his cellar...

The trailers for the next episode don't bode well it seemed they found a coin...

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