Season 4

It's also important to note that no proof has ever been shown that a cypher stone was ever found in the money pit. When the Onslow company was running out of money, they then "discovered a cypher stone". In 1965 the money pit was excavated down to 134 feet with a 100 foot wide hole. Nothing was found.

This article offers the best analysis of the oak island money pit that I have read to date:

But that in itself is entirely false.....a common debunking claim, as numerous parties were kin to the discovery of the stone at 90', and the ability to work on the code.

How else could it translate 4 ways?

1) into English with a double F ......a null to warn of false info
2) a Portugese/Spanish cipiher telling to block the side channels with corn, worked through a wheel cipher
3) a Spanish Translation in Castillian, or noble Spanish, telling of another location that holds a Biblical Discovery
4) a navigational tool with geometric symbols added.

Here is #3....the first two were deciphered already

Cipher_Stone_Replica Deciphered.webp

Literraly Translates..... The treasure there has a new discovery of the Bible.

But that in itself is entirely false.....a common debunking claim, as numerous parties were kin to the discovery of the stone at 90', and the ability to work on the code.

How else could it translate 4 ways?

1) into English with a double F ......a null to warn of false info
2) a Portugese/Spanish cipiher telling to block the side channels with corn, worked through a wheel cipher
3) a Spanish Translation in Castillian, or noble Spanish, telling of another location that holds a Biblical Discovery
4) a navigational tool with geometric symbols added.

Here is #3....the first two were deciphered already

View attachment 1386529

Literraly Translates..... The treasure there has a new discovery of the Bible.

That translation doesn't make sense to me. Depending on where it is, the same symbol converts to different letters. Unless I am just missing something. Also, as far as the actual stone, the previews for next week show them looking for and possibly finding it.

I was wondering that also..The "e" alone has a different symbol for each time it is used in the translation..

That translation doesn't make sense to me. Depending on where it is, the same symbol converts to different letters. Unless I am just missing something. Also, as far as the actual stone, the previews for next week show them looking for and possibly finding it.

just proof there is allot of imagination involved

That plank in the swamp is interesting. Especially if what they say Fred Nolan found is also true. It is hard to see how parts of a large ship could end up in that swamp. Still if it was a whole ship there should be far more artifacts from it. I find the idea that someone sunk a whole ship in there not very plausible. I am a bit surprised it is not full of rubbish abandoned and dumped from years of treasure hunting.

They seem to give up on what they do pretty quickly. Why not try probing that area with long metal/wood hooks and see if there are a lot of planks etc. It would be pretty easy to drag some hooks through that area where they think something may be.

I also hate the way they simply ignore something that was the main story last episode. ie what happening with the 'hatch'

The rubbish they found in the tailings from the bulldozer is just likely to be remnants of the previous treasure hunters I would think. That stone with a few scratch marks ie a cross seems again to be seeing things that are not really there. Probably made by a bored worker scratching him name into a rock.

I hope they really start showing us something pretty soon.. So far it is a very slow 42 minutes...

That plank in the swamp is interesting. Especially if what they say Fred Nolan found is also true. It is hard to see how parts of a large ship could end up in that swamp. Still if it was a whole ship there should be far more artifacts from it. I find the idea that someone sunk a whole ship in there not very plausible. I am a bit surprised it is not full of rubbish abandoned and dumped from years of treasure hunting.

They seem to give up on what they do pretty quickly. Why not try probing that area with long metal/wood hooks and see if there are a lot of planks etc. It would be pretty easy to drag some hooks through that area where they think something may be.

I also hate the way they simply ignore something that was the main story last episode. ie what happening with the 'hatch'

The rubbish they found in the tailings from the bulldozer is just likely to be remnants of the previous treasure hunters I would think. That stone with a few scratch marks ie a cross seems again to be seeing things that are not really there. Probably made by a bored worker scratching him name into a rock.

I hope they really start showing us something pretty soon.. So far it is a very slow 42 minutes...
Funny how he can walk out in the water and say " Lookey Here " and find a piece of slate with an X on it
while his Buddy Stands on shore & waits :laughing7:

if as old as they claim, the scratch would not have been that light.
If visible at all by this time.

I call B.S. from the start on that.
I can do that here . Just give me a 60 Second head start on when the Camera Crew will be out Back :tongue3: I'll even find one with a Possible Caveman's booger stain on it

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I also hate the way they simply ignore something that was the main story last episode. ie what happening with the 'hatch'

They follow the script ...?

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I was thinking about it and I think a plausible explanation for the plank is some one else tried to make a platform out into the swamp looking for stuff in the swamp. ie part drained it and made a platform. like the brothers were doing last season with plywood.

The only thing they were really thinking about with the plank is how old it was. Just lets them know that "someone" was there around the time frame that all this supposedly happened. Way too many theories it "could" fit into at the moment, and could be nothing other than just and old plank.. I hope that it doesn't take all season to drain the swamp again and we get to see them dig in there..

The down side to how they plan to dig and put casing in the area of the Money Pit is if they are off just alittle bit you find nothing at all... Dan Blankenship knew this and is why he started cutting holes in his steel casing to see what the area outside of it looked like and then he cut too much and it collapsed..

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Maybe this has been asked before... Has anyone on this forum with Dowsing ability performed their skill on a map of Oak island?

Been a fan of the show and the people since it started but, have to say, I've been losing interest since season 3. A lack of any real progress/findings. Even though each ep is approx 40 mins long, too much of it is spent by the moderator re-hashing previous events and speculating. I'm REALLY rooting for the guys but gee, something substantial has to happen soon for me to keep watching.

Since they are digging in an already dug then filled in hole (albeit with a much smaller diameter than the 1965 dig), the will only find remnants of waste items from previous excavations.

In light of everything we have seen so far,...what are the feelings NOW of this man's theory? He has felt from very early on that a ship had been "stuck" in the pit. His voice is annoying,...but what are your opinions?

But that in itself is entirely false.....a common debunking claim, as numerous parties were kin to the discovery of the stone at 90', and the ability to work on the code.

How else could it translate 4 ways?

1) into English with a double F ......a null to warn of false info
2) a Portugese/Spanish cipiher telling to block the side channels with corn, worked through a wheel cipher
3) a Spanish Translation in Castillian, or noble Spanish, telling of another location that holds a Biblical Discovery
4) a navigational tool with geometric symbols added.

Here is #3....the first two were deciphered already

View attachment 1386529

Literraly Translates..... The treasure there has a new discovery of the Bible.

Again, no proof of an actual stone has ever been produced. The decoding has been done on hearsay and sketches of the make believe stone.

I haven't really kept up with this thread but I have been watching Oak Island since the beginning. I gotta say, I am losing more interest as time goes on. The trailers for this season were more misleading than ever. "I'm not telling you what I see, tell me what you see"... a rock with a scratch. Paraphrasing but "Oh wow these tunnels seem to go on forever"... visiting some location not even on Oak Island. Is this supposed to be the final season? At the rate this season is going I already feel setup for season 4. I know all of these type shows follow the same formula and I watch them regardless, but it's looking like they will find evidence Hitler is still alive before we get to see one single piece of true Oak Island treasure. Out of all of the theories and guests over the course of the series, the ladies who brought the gold cross from their ancestors who claim to have found treasure were the most believable. Forget that there is no evidence of the stone, is there actually evidence of timbers located every 10 feet? I will keep watching but paleeeese get down to business already.

I haven't really kept up with this thread but I have been watching Oak Island since the beginning. I gotta say, I am losing more interest as time goes on. The trailers for this season were more misleading than ever. "I'm not telling you what I see, tell me what you see"... a rock with a scratch. Paraphrasing but "Oh wow these tunnels seem to go on forever"... visiting some location not even on Oak Island. Is this supposed to be the final season? At the rate this season is going I already feel setup for season 4. I know all of these type shows follow the same formula and I watch them regardless, but it's looking like they will find evidence Hitler is still alive before we get to see one single piece of true Oak Island treasure. Out of all of the theories and guests over the course of the series, the ladies who brought the gold cross from their ancestors who claim to have found treasure were the most believable. Forget that there is no evidence of the stone, is there actually evidence of timbers located every 10 feet? I will keep watching but paleeeese get down to business already.

Yes They keep talking about the things they intend to do,
but My guess by the end of the season we will have only 40 minutes of new treasure hunting
footage , if we are lucky.
and tons of b.s.

It would not be very deep. , and certainly notdiscovered the way they dug

The down side to how they plan to dig and put casing in the area of the Money Pit is if they are off just alittle bit you find nothing at all... Dan Blankenship knew this and is why he started cutting holes in his steel casing to see what the area outside of it looked like and then he cut too much and it collapsed..
They must of decided that this was cheaper then freezing the ground (what they said they would do last season). The other problem with this method that they now use is if there really are fantastic, unique, historic artifacts (ie ark of covenant - like they keep suggesting) I can see them smashing steel pipe right through the middle of it.... I guess they are seeking to get to the alleged open area (cavern) that is meant to be at the bottom of the pit. There is no way Chapels vault (if it exists ) will survive this method of digging.

if there was, it certainly would not have been discovered. the way that they dug.

I'll make a prediction of what will happen once the show is off the air...

I went into an art gallery years ago and the gallery was showcasing paintings of the ship MHS Bounty (from Mutiny on the Bounty fame). Included within the painting was a small shadow box near the bottom of the frame that had a small piece of iron. The claim was the iron piece was cut from the actual iron ingots that were used as ballast in the hull of the HMS Bounty. This obviously raised the price of the painting dramatically.

Don't be surprised if paintings of Oak Island surface with small pieces of artifacts found there once the show is off the air.

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