Season 4

Ok...I'll bite...

What is your theory on what was at Charing Cross and then moved? Why? When? Evidence?

Anyone could skip 4-weeks of episodes and still be up to snuff when they return. Yawnnnnnnn!!!!

It is a bit poor that the brothers have never mentioned this public funding and still imply that all the money being spent is theirs...

The $$$ will go to the producers but I think that the producers pay the bills. The brothers follow the script.

Yeah....Not that interested..

hate the show ?
Not me :dontknow:
I never watch shows I hate.

Disagree with the Shows Characters opinions ? Yes :thumbsup:
Think they are wasting their time with the Pits ? Yes :laughing7:

except maybe the Holy Hand grenade, in my opinion,
There is no Knights Templar Treasure .<that's a period]

Sorry But this is How I see the Templars

There may be treasures in the form of lost coins,
Hidden Pirate Treasure. & Lost relics there.
But except for lost relics from when certain areas were stripped out & re- covered over.
Nothing worthwhile will be found more then 3 feet deep.

do I Find the editors work very irritating ? Yes
Editors are Very irritating people.
They do more Repeating then showing new footage.
and the announcer should be fired too.
[if I was doing the show there would be No repeats after commercials.
that's what Rewind on the dvr is for if someones memory is that bad.
there would be no Cliff hangers. they just insult ones intelligence.
as do announcers . If someone can't see & hear & deduce what is going on.
TV is the least of their Problems

However... it is a Treasure Hunting Show ! That Trumps All :icon_thumright:

and I am willing to laugh or be proven wrong 8-)

Dont forget the coconut fibers.....

How else could those get onto the island ???


it is also a good Idea to Refresh Memories on the meaning of Money Pit

mon·ey pit

noun informal

noun: money pit; plural noun: money pits.

an ongoing drain on financial resource

And then we have the parables in the Bible written by Francis Bacon.....

The Parable of the Pearl

Again, the kingdom of heaven is like a merchant seeking beautiful pearls, who, when he had found one pearl of great price, went and sold all that he had and bought it.

Right after the Parable of the Hidden Treasure

The kingdom of heaven is like treasure hidden in a field, which a man found and covered up. Then in his joy he goes and sells all that he has and buys that field.

Known also related to the Money Pit in Bacon's Works is the Book of Revelations

Describing the Gas that overcame the 4 that day.....a trap set by alchemy to release a noxious gas.....

And he opened the bottomless pit; and there arose a smoke out of the pit, as the smoke of a great furnace; and the sun and the air were darkened by reason of the smoke of the pit.

Now these routes through the area, from Pearl to Hobson to Oak to Shut In Islands were found to be patterned by me in a sequence matching these phrases

And the first beast was like a lion, and the second beast like a calf, and the third beast had a face as a man, and the fourth beast was like a flying eagle

Shakespeare Lion.webp
Champlain's U.webp



And I saw, and behold a white horse: and he that sat on him had a bow; and a crown was given unto him: and he went forth conquering, and to conquer.


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It's also important to note that no proof has ever been shown that a cypher stone was ever found in the money pit. When the Onslow company was running out of money, they then "discovered a cypher stone". In 1965 the money pit was excavated down to 134 feet with a 100 foot wide hole. Nothing was found.

This article offers the best analysis of the oak island money pit that I have read to date:

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I think this website is better.

The Oak Island Legend

The website is quite telling and I personally have read it years ago. Although I agree with most of the findings notice the coconut fibre section and the Woods Hole study. IMHO, the authors own statements in his interpretation of this particular study are not plausible. And remember there have been other indentifications of the coconut fibre and its dating.

Cheers, Loki

hi single stacK, the treasure lies in a side tunnel, a precise distance and direction from the pit, to be recovered later if the water trap had beeen sprung. Just a SHALLOW EXCAVATION OF SAY 30 OR 40 FT.:occasion14:

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I think the show is fun and exciting whether it is true or not. These men are living a life that is the reason we all sign into Treasurenet. We love treasure hunting. It is great to wonder - what will come next? Could "The Valve" be some type of release to keep the water from flowing into the tunnels? Let's enjoy the show and wish them success.

it is ALL teasers, they never find anything

hate the show ?
Not me :dontknow:
I never watch shows I hate.

Perfect! I couldn't have said it better myself. In fact I'll watch the show on and off I guess I know about 75% of it. When they see a rock with a Templar cross on it I see a rock. When they pull up and old coin from the ground, I see someone putting it there the night before. That my friend, is precisely the feeling I get when I watch it. When I see a new map, I see an old lady sitting in her office in Cambridge Massachusetts trying to figure out how she's going to create such map in order to get on TV. I have yet to see one piece of empirical evidence that would even have me remotely considering that there is anything, and I mean absolutely anything worth more than a used condom. And that right there, is a fact to all you Ark of the Covenant chasing deranged and hopelessly optimistic treasure Hunters. I do applaud your drive however, it definitely keeps me entertained.

Oh crap!!! This is about to get uglier. With the discovery of the stone with the "hooked X", you know that a visit from Scott Wolter can't be far behind.

hi single stacK, the treasure lies in a side tunnel, a precise distance and direction from the pit, to be recovered later if the water trap had beeen sprung. Just a SHALLOW EXCAVATION OF SAY 30 OR 40 FT.:occasion14:
If this was the case it would have been found when the previous treasure hunter (Robert Dunfield) dug up the whole area. No side tunnels we found to the depth he dug (130ft)

I have found a photo of what the money pit looks like at the end of this series when they finish digging. There will be no doubts by then I am sure


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