1. Now the 88 shells have gold and currency with the diamonds?Remember the only testimony given concernig this only mentioned traverlers checks,not diamonds,gold,or currency.
2. The sinking of the SS Black Point occurred off of Point Judith,RI,which is not near Montauk,and would not be an effective diversion.
3. If the four men in the raft incident did occur,it would have been in the daytime,not at night.
4. On one of the several threads where you mentioned the U-853,you stated that you knew your friend when he was 8 and you were 12.There have been many versions of your story.
5. If your friend had been shown the location of the buried 88's,why weren't they recovered when you and he were there? Also on your Pirate treasure-trying to get a permit cache thread "I had a friend who had a first hand account about the treasure from the sub...In the process I heard about an old man from North Carolina that was also after the sub treasure...I called him..." What was Ovid Arnold's belief concerning this?Did Ovid and you ever dowse the site?
6. The more one digs into the story of the U-853,the rumor of treasure has less credibility.
ECS-I feel like I am on trial here and you are the prosecuting attorney. I will reply to your incessant line of questioning this time but that will be the end of this for me. I have repeatedly told you that I have information about this treasure that I will not put on here and you don't seem to be able to understand what that means. I will never win this arguement with you unless I took you to the treasure sites and dug up the diamonds while you watched. That will not happen.
The following are my answers/rebuttal to your points of contention.
1. You base what you think is in the shells on what a German admitted to during a trial. Whether he knew more or that was all he saw is hard to say. My information is that the 88mm shells contained diamonds, gold, and currency(paper/coins). When I have refered in the past to the 88mm shells I have just usually mentioned diamonds. My friend only remembers seeing the diamonds. There is more to this.
2. The sinking certainly got the U-853 lots of attention. In fact it got so much attention it was sunk. Of course it was a little ways away from Montauk. Why would they want to bring anyone near the Montauk site? They "diverted" the attention to themselves and it cost them their lives.
3. There is no proof that the raft would have had to have been launched in the daytime. Period.
4. I met my friend when he was 8 and I was 12. He had recently moved to Florida full time. Your point? He was traumatized by his father's death and the trips to the lighthouse were not that important to him at the time. Seeing a photo 20 years later jogged his memory. I tested and researched his memory for details of his childhood and parts of this story and he was very accurate.
5. When we found out where the diamonds were at the park I realized we were not prepared to recover them. We had thought it would be easy. I had bought plane tickets to there and back ahead of time. We rented a car. We ran out of time. He never wanted to go back. Long story. As far as Ovid goes, he had a friend named the "Duke of Pahokee". The Duke was the one that talked to the two Americans that had traveled to Germany and met with the sailor that was on the rubber raft. He told the Americans where the 88mm shells were buried. If this all sounds a little complicated or far-fetched, so be it. Ovid attempted to dig where the shells had been hidden next to the parking lot. That was how I came to know of him.
I never took Ovid to the park. I was going to but we didn't make it. That was on the trip where he showed me the location of the Beale treasure. I know, more BS.
6. As far as the rumor of treasure from the U-853 goes, to me it is not a rumor. My friend's dad found it.
lastleg-Me give up? Are you kidding? I am just getting started.
I am now done commenting or replying to this thread. I have assembled a team and we are going to go after the treasures one by one. I want to extend a thanks to Treasurenet as this would not have gone as well for me without this site.