Tom there are many countries were metal detecting is heavily restricted and or forbiden, Romania is one that heavily restricts it and if you do not get permission you end up in p rison.
Law in Romania, related to metal detecting, can be presented in few points:
In order to posses a metal detector in Romania, one has to obtain a non-expensive authorization from the Police (one specific authorization document for each metal detector owned).
After the application is filed, the document is issued within usually 10-20 days.One is not allowed to metal detect in archaeological sites or close to those and the private property has to be respected.
Metal detecting in an archaeological site, without the prior written permission of the Ministry of Culture, is a crime and it is punished by prison time.
All finds older than 100 years are to be surrendered to the relevant authorities within 72 hours. Failing to do so is a contravention and is punished by fine. On the other hand, behaving like an owner (offering, selling, modifying etc.) of the finds is a crime (severe theft) and it is punished by prison time.When a find is legally surrendered to the authorities, the finder is entitled to a reward of 30% of the value of the find. When the find is considered to be an extraordinary one (aategory “Treasure”), the reward is increased to 45%.The authorities have 18 months for releasing the reward.