WOW this one blew up over night...
I can see we have a passionate conversation. So I would like to inject some FACTS into some of this hear say and where did you get your information accusations ?
Here is the ROMANIAN LAW stating that what Tom is saying can be done without batting an eyelash is actually ILLEGAL i. Romania. Use Google translate. I read and write Romanian.
The law is 36 pages long.
Here is the full link to the
The law states that you need to apply for a permit to even OWN a metal detector. This has to be filled out in front of a police officer.
Documente necesare la dosar, pentru autorizarea detectorului de metale.
– copie xerox BI / CI
– copie xerox factura de provenienta (sa aiba numele titularului autorizatiei, numar si serie de factura si de asemenea, sa fie trecuta si seria detectorului in aceasta factura)
– cazier judiciar luat in vederea obtinerii autorizatie de detinere detector metale ( 10 ron la trezorerie TIMBRU FISCAL DE 2 LEI – de retinut)
– taxa la trezorerie 10 ron ( taxa e sub numele de ” taxa obtinere autorizatie detinere si functionare”, asa sa cereti).
– cererea o completati a politie in fata politistului , deci o puteti primi acolo, sau va puteti prezenta cu un model de cerere realizat mai jos, in acre completati acolo doar data.
Local Metal detectorists in Romania are afraid of the local police where they simple say that the police will confiscate
Their metal detectors if the 36 page law is not followed. They also talk that people that received metal detectors as gifts also had them confiscated thru the Postal Customs. It also states that the laws become tougher in 2016 so this is not an archaic post.
The following was written in a Romanian Metal Detecting Blog

Începând cu anul 2016, în anumite județe s-au confiscat detectoarele de metale cumpărate în vederea autorizării, datorita legislației neclare din acest punct de vedere. Le sugerez celor care vor sa își achiziționeze sau care primesc în donație detectoare de metale, în prealabil sa contacteze ofițerul de patrimoniu de care aparțin pentru a-l înștiința despre acest lucru și astfel, se vor evita aceste probleme.
Clarificări in ceea ce privește studiul zonelor care se doresc a fi detectate. Va rog citiți cu atenție pentru a nu avea neplăceri ulterioare.
So I guess one can go into a Cuba like Government with their gun blazzing saying I am an American and I know my rights I demand to have the right to metal detect...and have your metal detector confiscated and possible jail time. They refer to what is in the ground as their national heritage treasure and removing it as an act against all Romanian people.
It’s not hear say, it’s not bullshit it’s what happens outside our country. So you better kiss miss liberty on the lips before you kiss your detector good bye. They will not mess around and they will take your stuff and you will be S.O.L.
Like I said I know better and will keep my toys, Thank you, if you are adventurous go for it. Keep in mind that I do SHARE Toms great attitude of “you miss 100% shots you don’t take...”within reason .Read my signature block below... they only difference is that I choose to take the path of least resistance.