Rock Face - Is it all in my head? - 150 year old photo and modern photo


Jr. Member
Jan 4, 2017
Primary Interest:
All Treasure Hunting
I'm new to researching treasure marks and signs, but find it all fascinating. I have this rock formation near me that first drew my eye in an old photograph, circa 1860's. I was able to pull up the area on Google Maps and grab this modern screen capture. This looks very much like a face to me, in both images, as well as being a face with something in its mouth. It's in a rather significant area for settling in California, as well as near by Spanish Missions. Anyone care to chime in? Thanks!


I'd go to the location and get some pics in person. Get some close ups and some standing back.

So this face leads me to an old stagecoach road. Along the way I push through some brush to get a view of the nearby hillside, and find a very large oval rock to stand on for the best view. The brush was too thick to get a profile view, but there were a few rocks wedged underneath that I could imagine as a head, all being a possible turtle. I stood on the rock, enjoyed the view, but didn't notice anything. I snapped a photo with camera phone and continued up trail. I had to crop and zoom the original photo, as to keep possible landmarks private, but on examination on the computer at home I zoomed in an found what appears to be a mine. Maybe an "X" next to it too. Lots of boulders around it. I would have to hop a fence onto government land to access the area, and on satellite view on Google Maps shows the only trails coming from government side of things. It's remote and inaccessible I'm afraid.


And then in the photo I notice to the left on the far mountainside a giant cross. That may need further investigation.


So as that direction was both off limits, and a bit of a cliff from the "turtle" I continued the opposite direction up the old stagecoach road. I continued down the trail into the forest more than a mile and came to this capped well. This was the end of my trip for the day. More altitude than I'm generally used to. Of course now I see all sorts of messages in the stonework of this old well. For sure an owl and a triangle. Heck, I see a padre.


Maybe I'll be up for another hike this weekend.

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Hmmm, all pointers seem to say go this way. What's this way? A very large old tree...with an interesting shape dead center.


Thank you Weekender for your feedback. I am having fun. Really more amazed how things are seeming to just fall in place. I was already researching the area when I found this forum and threads by sandy1 and the like (not that there's any like you sandy1, if you read this :-). The tree image was pulled from the background of a general area photo. Didn't notice it on site, but I was only there a few minutes. It looks like I'm going out there tomorrow with my son, as I've peaked his interest. Be nice to have some company out there for a change. I will get more thorough coverage of the tree, well, and I may bring a camera with long lens to get a better shot of the mine and surrounding boulders. I also have a full spectrum modified DSLR I'm curious to try for auras, but that'll probably be another day, when I'm closer to the dig site. ;-)

Few notes so far....

Mine photo has two prominent boulders, one possible devils head with horns and the other possible duck with head facing backwards. Maybe good I turned and went in the direction towards the well.

Cross photo makes me curious if it's a marker for the next vault location or meant to tell me I'm currently on the right path. Maybe both. That mountain may be accessible from what I see on Google Maps. But that's a future adventure.

Well photo has possible owl, snake, padre, triangle, and a mountain spring runs through the well.

Tree photo also has curious shape on the left-most tree. Snake head with something above mouth? Or maybe an owl? Not clear enough here. My instinct is to forge a path between the two giant trees and see what comes up.

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Went out to the area with my son this morning. Did not make it as far as the well, but learned a few things along the way. First, here's a picture of the turtle I stood on to find the mine and cross.


I did not bring my DSLR with long lens, but did bring a pair of binoculars. Glad I did. Was able to get a much better view of the mine and surrounding boulders. The "mine" turns out to be a large boulder with a second rectangular boulder on top. The top boulder overhangs a bit, and casts a rectangular shadow on the face of the bottom boulder, looking like a door or vault. So, maybe not a mine. Maybe a shadow symbol of vault or doorway? All the rocks in the area sure looks like there was a dig there in the past though. The devil face/heart on the left looked very much like a heart or devil face still with the binoculars, with a lightening bolt, or broken heart. Not discouraged from these findings. Still curious and still on the path.

Would love some feedback from more experienced hunters. Don't seem to be getting much love on this forum...maybe is IS all in my head. But this turtle looks like it was made by a master to me.


Interesting turtle head.

Add'l notes:

I know of a few mines in the area. But the area being spread over a few miles. This is rather central to a few.

The well is over a mile from this turtle. Maybe not connected or loosely connected. Maybe more than one cache/vault in area do to being spread out.

My faith in the turtle grew this trip, but maybe not reading the signs right. Think the turtle may be closer to something else I'm missing.

Knowing what looked like a mine is just a bunch of rocks, makes me more curious about that bunch of rocks. It's certainly an eye catcher if you're looking. But it's location may have also provided a reverse view of the turtle. Maybe it lead to the turtle. Maybe it's a distraction. A devil or broken heart doesn't draw me there. I think I'll return to study the turtle more. Trying to move too fast.

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I read that historical (pre-2001) Google Earth images include IR wavelengths. I have not been able to confirm this. But that didn't stop me doing a historical satellite image comparison of my area of interest. Here's a 1994 image next to a 2017 image. The turtle marker's head points (red arrow) to the circled location. Blue arrow points to the false mine opening. Sure seems to be an anomaly in the area circled. Brightest spot in the image, even zoomed out. Circled area is within 30 yards of old stagecoach road, at bottom of wash. Think I'll do some poking around at that spot this weekend.


I have a 720nm IR Pass filter on it's way in the mail, and as mentioned, I have a full spectrum modified Canon T3i to use with it. We'll see if I can pick anything up there once in hand. Not sure if I'll find treasure, but I'm having a heck of a lot of fun.

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The devil and turtle are great signs to me in locating caches . You should be very close to something hidden there. Look for the pit,cache burial sign Sandy1 talks about. If you dont find it there,dont worry, not all sites are set up that way. Thats what i have seen out my way. Good luck,and thanks for sharing the info.and photos.

If you do decide to dig, be careful, they will use those large stones to pin you, they will use loose non packing dirt under the large stones so they will slide on you quick. Wear a respirator also,especially if the dirt doesn't look right or matches the color or texture.

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Thank you for the encouraging and cautious feedback dog, the treasure hunter. I will take your words of caution seriously.

I'm working through my third read of sandy1's thread. Very hard to absorb it all. I've got three directions I'm being pulled in from my field research, so I'll definitely be looking for additional signs this weekend. The pit, cache burial sign you speak of...I'm looking for square cut "U"s, animals with something in mouth, triangles, hearts, and alignment notches, and any other curiosities. Is there anything more specific I'm missing for a pit/cache?

You've been a good student. I look forward to more of your finds. Please don't go out there by yourself, and perhaps try to get a hold of a copy of Kenworthy's book on death traps.

Thanks very much, miboje. I've been looking into Kenworthy's books. They seem to hold a hefty used price, but what price does one put on avoiding death traps. I'll have my son with me this weekend. He's nineteen and capable, although starting to look at me funny when I bring up auras.

Added a tool to my kit; a 720nm IR Pass. It was a 3" round unmounted filter so I made a filter holder out of cardboard and gaffers tape to slip into the mattebox in front of the camera. This allows me to adjust the light/air gap easily.


So today I buried a few ounces of silver 4 inches down in my backyard. In a few days I'll start testing for an aura. Here's today's view with all camera settings on auto...


And here's a shot I processed to grayscale just to show a processed IR image with the full spectrum modded Canon T3i and 720nm IR Pass filter.


Let's hope this new tool comes to my aid out in the field. Any tips from you IR imaging folks?

I will be interested in seeing how you make out with this set up. I hope you will update as you go along.

No luck with the IR photography yet, but only got off 500 or so images after almost 48 hours of the silver being buried. I'm going to keep working in my yard and try and see results before I go out to the field with the IR camera.

I did take a trip to the turtle site today. Followed a route from the turtle to the possible aura spot. Took some pictures along the way.

First, this wedge is right next to the turtle.


Then as I near the brush area with the aura, I have interesting collection of rocks...


And a few other rock shapes that catch my eye. This looks possibly carved out.


Here was a possible pointer along the way.


This was below the aura area...


And this small rock pile was where I thought the aura was. It was hard to judge my location once on the hillside with the aura. The brush was taller than me an thick to get through.


And then I noticed about 10 feet to the left in the brush a skeleton of some type.


Left for home soon after. Need to figure out a better way to confirm my location once in the brush.

EDIT: And here's a couple of other potential faces....



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The face two photos up above I rotated a bit to make it more obvious. Here it is with what appears to be a sealed shaft maybe ten feet behind it.


And the shaft with a couple of steps leading up to it.


Yes, I will be very careful.

The face two photos up above I rotated a bit to make it more obvious. Here it is with what appears to be a sealed shaft maybe ten feet behind it.

View attachment 1489267

And the shaft with a couple of steps leading up to it.

View attachment 1489268

Yes, I will be very careful.

Looks like you won't be the first one in!
Hopefully what ever is denned up inside is friendly.
And take a friend you can trust.
Good Luck,Stay Safe and keep us up to date.

Thanks weekender and HappyTrails55. I too think I'm onto something interesting.

I would still love to hear any analysis of some of these photos. This particular rock complex is quite beautiful. That face pointing to the sky stands out to me. As does the larger rock structure looking like an ape/wolf howling at the sky. The Native Americans in the area that date back to 450AD were known as the "People that face the Sun." Might be a connection. Might not be.

Next step will be putting a Go-Pro and light up in the shaft/cave/ time out.


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Thanks weekender and HappyTrails55. I too think I'm onto something interesting.

I would still love to hear any analysis of some of these photos. This particular rock complex is quite beautiful. That face pointing to the sky stands out to me. As does the larger rock structure looking like an ape/wolf howling at the sky. The Native Americans in the area that date back to 450AD were known as the "People that face the Sun." Might be a connection. Might not be.

Next step will be putting a Go-Pro and light up in the shaft/cave/ time out.

View attachment 1491105
Not sure what state your in nickatnight, i dont need to know. But what i like is that your keeping the possibilities open that this work may have been done by a much later culture. I have a Aztec/Mayan type culture out my way,it even goes way back beyond that. The wolf is a great find.Nice work,thanks for sharing your photos and info.

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