Dear group;
And now for my rebuttals:
"Lamar is no expert he's a student, you can really tell by the way his dissertations contain no substance, quote no references, and are purely misguided, have no facts to back them up, and are strictly based on his own opinion and some strange want to champion a cause that needs no champion."
Yes, it's completely true that I am a student and I've found it to be a lifelong pursuit, however the fact remains that EVERYTHING I have written thus far is factual in nature and intention and should be so self-evident that no references need be required. I can not help even it if someone is slovenly in nature and haphazard in their research, and if a person is unwilling to devote the miniscule amount of time necessary to prove to themselves that what I have written are the facts, then I refuse to aid these people further, as I can not abide by lazy people.
To discover that there has never been a Jesuit Pope or Cardinal takes about 2 minutes of dilligent research and everything else which I have written takes perhaps 10 minutes time. If someone is unwilling to devote 10 minutes to prove for themselves what I have written is indeed fact, then that person deserves nothing more from me.
I am also not championing a cause, however I am attempting to refute some allegations from certain people regarding certain groups of innocents. It is everyones' duty to protect the innocents from slander and I am merely doing my part.
And now:
"And what of the original documents, which, as I recall, were written in Hebrew, Aramaic and Greek? Lots of potential language problems translating into Latin too, let alone English."
Yes, this is an entirely true statement, as practially all of the orignal documents which comprise the Holy Bible were indeed originally penned in Hebrew, Aramic and Greek, however one must always remember this one simple fact. When the Holy Bible was first translated into Latin, Hebrew, Aramic and Greek, these were still considered to be living languages and therefore it was a very simple task to translate words, sentences, paragraphs, thoughts, ideas and parables from these languages into the Latin used during the time in question.
The original Latin translations were complied within two centuries after the death of Jesus Christ, so it may safely be assumed that these interpretations very closely resemble the original texts in both nature and context. All of these translations were written in Classical Latin instead of the more modern Vulgate Latin.
That a large part of the new Testament was written in Latin was a great aid to the early intrepretors of the day. Practically all of the Old Testament was written in Hebrew and as such, translating that was a rather simple and straight forward affair.
The Greek Septuagint (Holy Bible) was also written in the first thru third centuries AD, mostly from the writings in the Hebrew Bible.
Biblical Aramic was also used extensively, however most of the original works have not survived and thus later Latin translations are the only existing copies, and they were utilized heavily in several portions of the modern Bible.
So, during the writing and translating of the Holy Bible into Latin, only one to two centuries had elapsed, making the chore much easier, and taking into consideration that the languages were similiar in nature aided the translators a great deal.
This can not be said with the English translation of the Holy Bible as some 16 centuries had passed between the writing of the Holy Bible in latin until it was translated into English by the academics of King James. By the time the scholars commissioned by King James had started their work, the Holy Bible had been re-written some ELEVEN TIMES or more by various Roman Catholic scholars!
So, not only was the King James Bible inaccurate because of either partial loss of meaning, or complete loss of meaning of the texts whilst translating the work from Latin into English, it also suffers from all of the inaccuracies which have been heaped upon it from the various revisions by earlier Roman Catholic scholars.
Once again, what I have written is not based on suppositions, what I have written is firmly based in factual history and these same facts are widely available and quite easily uncovered by anyone who is willing to put forth a modicum of effort and ambition. Perhaps I have yet to discover what my true purpose on Earth is, however I feel that it is NOT to spoonfeed others that which they can do for themselves.
Your friend;