gollum,old dog,
I think that some tiny part of this picture is missing in that I don't see the Jesuits
there by themselves, a contingent of Spanish Soldiers/Conquistadors was defiantly
posted, They were the real protection, seeing the Jesuits as the brain trust, the skilled
mining engineers, the keen businessmen, they did the lay-out of the mine, overseeing
the operations of all the mission business. Herding, mining, agriculture, slave trading.
Just a thought..trying to get the picture to come in to focus........
The slaves were obviously used to mine and extract the ore once it was mined.,the nasty
work of using mercury took its toll..since the slaves were "under the control" of the Spanish Soldiers
it gave the Jesuits the 'plausible deniability' - likewise the friends of the Jesuits, we asked
to come over to the New World, to accept Spanish Land Grants, furthering the 'arms length'
agreement of the Jesuits to have 'dominion' over the land and its assets.
I do know that they imported expert miners from Germany and Wales, from the 'worked
-out' tin mines to Mexico in the mid 1500's, that legacy lives on as part of the culture in
the "omm pahh" music and the accordions in most of the National Mexican music.
Oh - as an aside, I have a very close friend, treasure hunter, dowser, who was taught
how to dowse by a Mexican-of-German decent, His life's work was to dowse for Jesuit
Treasures left prior to the Expulsion, for the Catholic Church!, They only wanted the
Gold and Silver Church Artifact and Relics. Any ore, metallica, or dore bars were his
to keep. He worked very closely with another Mexican National, whom he went to
school with..who just happened to be a Mexican Army General..who gave him protection
and carte blanc anywhere in Mexico his research led him to...both parties have passed on
and now it is ok to reveal a little about this subject..since it shows that the Church had
knowledge of the Jesuits activity and was interested in reclaiming Reglious relics that the Jesuits
had cast from the gold and silver mined from the areas that they had control over..