Very interesting reading ,I could read stuff like this all day.
The Lynchburg Daily News1885 April adout the same time as the other two in the Lynchburg Virginian.
Yes, I have the book... NOTHING!Do you have the book or you are just using Google? There is more information in the book.
Not only are the Beale Papers not mentioned in Margaret Couch Cabell's "SKETCHBOOK OF LYNCHBURG", but more noticeable is the absence of any mention of a Thomas J Beale or his alleged stay at his parents inn in Rowland Dabney Buford's co-authored with N D Hawkins "HISTORICAL SKETCHES OF BEDFORD COUNTY".FACT: NO mention of the Beale PAPERS Pamphlet/"JOB PRINT" in the SKETCHBOOK OF LYNCHBURG: A Story As Told In 1887; I have it & found NOTHING!
My two cents. In 1967, I set type for the U.S. Army, as part of my occupational therapy, it was not easy. You would take the numbers and letters from a tray, place them into the block, do your print job, check for correctness. If it looked correct you printed the number of copies required. When you were done you put all of the numbers and letters back in the tray, one at a time. It was not easy to keep from putting the wrong one in the wrong box. All I am trying to say is if the printer made a mistake in reading or setting Wade or Ward it really has nothing to do with the story. In fact if the treasure ever existed the government in some form or another, would have removed it. I have heard that they can detect large quantities of gold and silver from out of space. We are to busy knit picking to see what the objective is. For me it solving the codes, which was also hand set.
Carrying on.
P.S. J. B. Ward was the Librarian of Congress at Washington D. C., who recorded the registration of the book. While there I found copies of hand written letters to Jackson from Captain T. J. Beale. You would be surprised at what you can find there. Everything is going digital. I even down loaded a copy of the original book and saved myself fifty cents.
Someone here has a thread posting about the letters to Jackson about the military road rebuild. Cap Thomas Beale Sr of New Orleans.
There was a sword given to this Beale too!
By Jackson and Beale was a spy in NOLA for Jackson too.
"How about a document or letter to verify Beale as a spy for Jackson?"
Franklin, wasn't a book written about that?