Related 19th Century News Paper article

I apolgize if this question has been covered before as I know little about the post Beale pamplet publication period or the Hart connection.

Who or what was the source of the information in the Roanoke Newspaper of 1893 (Article posted by Jeff)

I initially thought it was the Hart Brother's (from Roanoke) but they didn't get involved with the story until 1897 and didn't contact Ward until 1903.

It seems to closely follow the story in the Beale pamplet? Even though the Hart's were from Roanoke they apparently weren't aware of the article?

It seems that the story was pretty familiar to a lot of people in 1893 (Certainly the readers of the Roanoke newspaper.)

It just struck me as strange.

Did a Roanoke reporter simply run across a copy of the pamplet and decide to write the story and the Harts had never heard this account until they began researching? That may be the simplest answer?


Yep, I think you're touching upon the truth of the matter, that being that not so much of a hint of the alleged affair existed prior to the 1885 publication, everything else coming afterwards and with no provenance to support any of it as is so typical of treasure tales. Once a story catches on then there forms an endless stream of folks looking to profit in its wake.

The wife of John William Sherman, work at the Roanoke Times and was responsible for that "human interest" story about the Beale Papers, which makes the "J B WARE" typo interesting.
It is a very basic retelling of the story narrative contained in the pages of the 1885 Beale Papers, no new revelations.
John William Sherman was James Beverly Ward's cousin, and printed the Beale Papers at the Virginia Print Shop.

What paragraph is the J B WARE of this 1893 article?

What paragraph is the J B WARE of this 1893 article?

Is this to what you are referring. 1886 review?


Could it be because John William Sherman's wife worked for the Roanoke Times and treasure stories appeared as "human interest" stories in newspapers during that time period- The Florida newspapers during the same time period ran buried pirate treasure tales.

Could it be because John William Sherman's wife worked for the Roanoke Times and treasure stories appeared as "human interest" stories in newspapers during that time period- The Florida newspapers during the same time period ran buried pirate treasure tales.

Actually it was on the front page of the newspaper! I have the newspaper it was in.

Actually it was on the front page of the newspaper! I have the newspaper it was in.

Women's movement was not for a bit of time later! A woman was a man's property at that time and did not work!

Women's movement was not for a bit of time later! A woman was a man's property at that time and did not work!
Ever heard of Nellie Bly?
"A woman was a man's property" is another ridiculous statement pulled out of your repertoire that lacks real merit in this discussion.

Ever heard of Nellie Bly?
"A woman was a man's property" is another ridiculous statement pulled out of your repertoire that lacks real merit in this discussion.

Was that the lesbian woman of that time? They called her some bad names at that time.

Could it be because John William Sherman's wife worked for the Roanoke Times and treasure stories appeared as "human interest" stories in newspapers during that time period- The Florida newspapers during the same time period ran buried pirate treasure tales.

Please show some proof of your Mrs. Sherman working there in 1893. We know how your imagination about fictional facts of the past works.

Was that the lesbian woman of that time? They called her some bad names at that time.
...and how does that remark add to the conversation concerning that Roanoke Times "human interest" article on the Beale treasure story?
You need to take a good hard look on how your "imagination" works before you pass judgement on mine and others.

Was that the lesbian woman of that time? They called her some bad names at that time.
No doubt, given that you have made many such assumptions already, if you can figure a way of working the whole lesbian gig into your Beale hypothesis you'll do it if it suits your desired end. A flood? Sure, that's fact. And since Beale went off into the "wild west" with thirty other men why not claim it to be fact that they were all gay? Such assumptions as being fact from you wouldn't surprise anyone at this point.....

ECS is confused about what article he is quoting.
...and you, Crypto, are just confused.
Finding all these hidden ciphers in ciphers must be putting a strain on you, making you believe that a book review in the Lynchburg Virginian by John William Sherman, and a "human interest " treasure story in the Roanoke Times that paraphrases the Beale Papers story content, can be construed as proof that the fictional treasure tale actually happened. :laughing7:
I guess you operate under the assumption, that any mention of the Beale story, be it a book review, an article about the treasure story, or information presented by mediums and psychics that mention Beale, must be considered as evidence, due the lack actual REAL evidence.

Is this to what you are referring. 1886 review?

View attachment 1483667

In taking to an Beale Papers expert I have found out that the first two book review newspaper articles were in 1885 April in the Lynchburg Paper.

ECS is just confused about the three articles!

Yet we have a newspaper article now in 1893 talking about all the people looking for this lost gold and silver. Amazing how this point of interest has been moved eight years forward with an update on the ciphers and the hunters of gold.

I now will see if I can find the next newspaper article that make reference to the Below Papers.

Is this to what you are referring. 1886 review?

View attachment 1483667

Thanks for sharing the article. I know it has probably been around awhile but I was unfamiliar with it.

My question: Were there two Beale Pamplet reviews published in the Lynchburg Virginian in the 1885 and 1886 time frame or only one?

ECS provided one source for an article (LYNCHBURG VIRGINIAN, April 10, 1885-Page 1, Column 3). Is this the same article as the one posted?

I also see James B. Wade in the article but is there another article identifying the agent as J. B. Ware?

ECS also relates that the April 10, 1885 article contains a reference that the book review mentioned that the treasure was buried by "several miners in 1828" (I don't see that in this article?)

I hope someone can clear up my confusion with a simple explanation and maybe provide the additional article if there is one.:)

Thanks in advance,


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The 1885 book review article appeared in the LYNCHBURG VIRGINIAN and was written by James William Sherman (yes, there were two), the 1893 "human interest " treasure story (James B Wade) was in the ROANOKE TIMES, with information provided by Sherman's wife, Anne Marie Helbig Sherman, was responsible for the ROANOKE TIMES article.

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Can you help me find a J B WADE? Must be here somewhere, having been a problem finding that particular name in this article. Possibly sometimers?

Please show some proof of your Mrs. Sherman working there in 1893. We know how your imagination about fictional facts of the past works.

She was not. Her and her husband never moved to Roanoke for another twenty years, 1913.

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