The Gold Fox Extreme works great and everything packs right into the back of the truck. The 2 black totes are used to haul gear. One holds my jacking blocks, locks, electrical wiring and daily trailer tools while the other that you see behind it, with the hoses coming out of it, holds the hoses, pumps, trommel legs and spray bar, along with my gold mining equipment, Karen's lights and charcoal for the BBQ. The truck is packed tight and everything has its place.
I have 6 different levels of separation for the recirculation system.
First the material drops off of the sluice, and most of the sand and heavies, classified to 3/16" out of the trommel, stays in the Red Bucket #1.
Then the flexible purple bucket, #2, when it is filled with water, pushes back into the red bucket and tilts it so that what doesn't stay in the red Bucket flows over into it. I can run one bucket of unclassified material and the tailings fill the red bucket around 3/4 up, so I empty it after every bucket. Pretty much, the purple bucket catches most of the slimes. I notched it out so that the water flows in the direction of the arrows. The slimes and clay that are suspended in the water then dump into the lower right corner of the tote and most of it settles to the bottom right there in the front of the tote.
Then in the opposite corner is the 3" ABS siphon, #3, that separates it even farther into the next stage.
Later after I took this picture, I found that I could put a 30 mesh screen over the 2 hoses on the opposite side marked as #4.
I cut a 2x4 to set in and hold the 30 mesh Keene screen tight. This keeps most of the roots, leaves and floaters out of the next stage. So the -30 flows into the 2 hoses.
The hoses are cut to fit, the ends are wired together and they drop the -30 on top of the purple -50 mesh screen that you can see the edge of and marked as #5... Now were getting to the small stuff and -50 is smaller then needed, but the spray bars are drilled with 9/64ths holes, so I need to have it classified small enough to maintain a smooth flow.
Really, I need a little bit longer tub, but I bought the black tub originally for the Gold Hog Multisluice recirculation system and it fits over my generator in the truck. The purple classifier is locked in by resting on the edge of the tub on the far side and locked against the inner tube that you can see around the green classifier #6.
So the completely filtered water down to -50 drops into the tub and the super slimes mostly settle out there.
Then the last stage is the green 20 mesh screen that floats on top of the water in the inner tube with the pump sitting in it. Small but efficient, the system works and I do just fine getting gold
On the outfeed of the trommel is the white bucket with a 1/2" classifier, I run a detector over the -1/2" and check the +1/2 by sight for the nuggets.