So... it's been a lot of years since I've wanted to write...
I still remember it clearly, so long ago, that day when I said that I would never write again... I had finally finished and posted my story about our gold mining adventures in 2005. I used to take a month or so and write huge articles and back them with pictures like I did above in the Lukens Mine article. I was a moderator on the 49erMike web site that was originally started by Tom Ashworth. Mike bought Armadillo Mining in Grant's Pass Oregon from Tom and the web page was a part of the deal. It was a good site, "The Prospectors Cache" and many articles can still be found on the way back machine today...
Anyway, it would take me a month or so to put just one article together and arrange it perfectly so that all of the pics would come up in the right places, there were no spelling or grammar errors. The last one was 7 pages long, so I'm talking about huge articles! So, I posted it and everything was great, people were reading it and commenting just fine... Then Ron got drunk again... posted a bunch of crap on it, called me a bunch of names, and I lost it... I read his bs and swore that after spending over a month in my spare time between work and raising a family, getting that article ready, that if that was how much my work was appreciated and that nobody really cared about my stories at all... I was done. I haven't written an article like that since.
I've thought about it here and there, but that web page was special, in that it had no boundaries other then picture size. And I might have 30 pictures in an article that would be 7 to 10 pages long! You don't find web pages like that these days and it was a ton of work for everyone involved just to keep it up. I would spend hours reformatting other people's posts so that everything of theirs was perfect also. It was one of the leading gold mining web pages until like so many, it went down and was basically lost forever. I used to be able to pull up my stories, but they are gone now mostly. That was 2005... so it's been 15 years and today I feel like writing again after all these years

more or less, maybe not 7 pages but hey, it's a new beginning and I'm happy again and not consumed with the thought against picking up a pen again

Here's one of the old articles that you can check out if the old wayback machine works for you. Sometimes their links just don't work for everyone.
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