11-21-10 cider
Thats gotta be 20% by now!

And ....... wake up patriots!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
This thread needs Lit ... .... UP!!!!

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Yea your right Viking.... I've been real lax as of late. Been working in woodshop developing a larger and smaller box but with the same basic "Chassis". Also working on a "Wounded Warrior" theme to present to them. I need some large jigs developed to speed up the process and I can easily do this. But I think I'll wait till the new larger building is done before doing this needed step. Manufacturing and assembly work is what I do best after 31+ years of doing it.

I've been a little busy me self.If it isnt car problems its work problems.Now I'm playing the waiting game with the slumlord.

I had a guy order two toy boxes with his sons names on them last week. So I got them built and texted him that there're done. Great he says the pics looked awesome and wife is excited about getting them home! He says I'm overseas right now and will return on Tuesday. Last night he calls to get directions to my place. After I gave them to him I asked where did you travel too? He says AFRICA! Not what I wanted to hear... I live ISOLATED here on my ridge top and now I have a globetrotter coming here from AFRICA!!!! I hope he was in South Africa (like on the beach).

that's kinda grim, maybe he was just joking about the Africa thing. still planning on working on the website Brad. still kinda sick if that's possible after this long. TH gave me advice on cinnamon and honey..that really works well.


that's kinda grim, maybe he was just joking about the Africa thing. still planning on working on the website Brad. still kinda sick if that's possible after this long. TH gave me advice on cinnamon and honey..that really works well.


Well I hope ya start feeling better soon Mike and wish ya the best.

Guy came out today and picked up the 2 custom boxes he ordered. He wasn't kidding about the Africa travel comment. But, it was in the Capital of South Africa. He expressed the SAME CONCERNS as mine!!!! He works at Vanderbilt but I didn't ask in what capacity. He was really happy with what I'd built and gave me the balance. But with all the news of Ebola it sure as hell hit my "radar".

Alright... Let's go camping guys..... Cooling off now. Everybody get here, we'll head back early in morning and set up camp. We'll cut wood, clean up site and set up cooking area. And the first guy who complains about FARTS, CURSSING, or says "I don't like that" is banned from site (1 hr. time out minimum)!!!!! And the first deer/turkey and multiple squirrels down hits the grill first.

That would be a blast guys..... MAYBE SOMEDAY!!!!!!!!!!!!

Hay ya got any maple 'round there? I know a lot of guitar necks/bodies were made from maple from around your parts. I'am going to make a guitar body (or 2) from scratch. Not like the one above... but natural with lots of grain/flame. One piece body would be great!.

Hay ya got any maple 'round there? I know a lot of guitar necks/bodies were made from maple from around your parts. I'am going to make a guitar body (or 2) from scratch. Not like the one above... but natural with lots of grain/flame. One piece body would be great!.

I have a flying V guitar body I made,solid maple one piece.Its just shaped and sanded with a protective coating of wax on it.Nothing routed into it yet.

I have a flying V guitar body I made,solid maple one piece.Its just shaped and sanded with a protective coating of wax on it.Nothing routed into it yet.
Check out this site, you have to look around a bit.
I have thought about one of those machines, I have all the rest of the why not!
Roundhorn V, roundhornFlying-V-Body-lg.webp
Pointy V pointyjackson-kvxt-king-v-2916402501-1.webp
or RR type? RR11512-2.webp

The one i made is more like the middle one,the V isnt as wide though.This saturday Im picking up the cable I need to upload pictures.If I can find the body(damned if I know where I put it) I'll post a picture of it.I got the wood for free plus made it on company time.This had to be 12 years or so ago.

The one i made is more like the middle one,the V isnt as wide though.This saturday Im picking up the cable I need to upload pictures.If I can find the body(damned if I know where I put it) I'll post a picture of it.I got the wood for free plus made it on company time.This had to be 12 years or so ago.

One ain't bad.
I have bodies, necks, electronics, tremolos, tuners...every were!

One ain't bad.
I have bodies, necks, electronics, tremolos, tuners...every were!

Sounds like me with guns when I lived in NH:sign10:

Got questions. I've built a home, several barns and 1 pole building. I even made my own trusses for most of the buildings. Now here's what I think I'm going to build (have studded up then finish). I'm thinking a 30' x 60' x 10' basic structure off of a large cement pad. I'm thinking I'd like to go up another 8' for 30' (2nd story). So I'd end up with a 30' x 30' x 8' loft. I'd turn it into a "man cave".

Here's the question: I don't want supports utilized within my woodshop to hold up 2nd story. So what am I going to use as a "power beam" spanning the 30' in which to build the 2nd story on. Do I need to use 2" x 6" x 10' studs for a base to hold the horizontal beams spanning the 30'? I can't seem to get my head wrapped around this. So does anybody have any "simple" ideas or know what to do outside of expensive steel beams. I'm thinking a "power beam" could be built utilizing 10" or 12" studs, 1/2" plywood and a lot of Liquid Nail and a few fasteners. :dontknow:

Got questions. I've built a home, several barns and 1 pole building. I even made my own trusses for most of the buildings. Now here's what I think I'm going to build (have studded up then finish). I'm thinking a 30' x 60' x 10' basic structure off of a large cement pad. I'm thinking I'd like to go up another 8' for 30' (2nd story). So I'd end up with a 30' x 30' x 8' loft. I'd turn it into a "man cave".

Here's the question: I don't want supports utilized within my woodshop to hold up 2nd story. So what am I going to use as a "power beam" spanning the 30' in which to build the 2nd story on. Do I need to use 2" x 6" x 10' studs for a base to hold the horizontal beams spanning the 30'? I can't seem to get my head wrapped around this. So does anybody have any "simple" ideas or know what to do outside of expensive steel beams. I'm thinking a "power beam" could be built utilizing 10" or 12" studs, 1/2" plywood and a lot of Liquid Nail and a few fasteners

Find yourself a nice straight big fat tree,hardwood,pine,probably doesnt matter.30 feet is nothing when it comes to a tree.right now I'm reading a book about Old Iron Sides,the USS Constitution.The constitutions main mast was 200 feet tall and it carried a great deal of weight,probably comparable to your second story.I helped unload a log cabin kit once years ago.It was delivered by trailer truck but nobody to unload it,we unloaded it by hand.The main support beam was a nice big fat tree :laughing9:

Thanks guys.... I know this can be done but probably not as inexpensive as I'd like. I hate the idea of a "support (s)" being down below within the woodshop and Red this is what I'd like to avoid. I could easily build this with supports below but the supports "kill" a woodshops options as far as flipping, rotating and moving around. I think I have to just stick to basics and build a one story large building.

EDIT: Red... You know I have the trees for supports below if that's what I needed (wanted). I just know it's "cheaper" to go UP then OUT!!!

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I was just thinking my brother has an eight car garage and there are supports in the garage.If you had a heavy main beam supports may not be needed,maybe only on the two ends.I dont know if the log cabin ended up with supports.I know I worked on a house that had a fairly long main beam,no supports,it might of been 20 feet though not 30.

I was just thinking my brother has an eight car garage and there are supports in the garage.If you had a heavy main beam supports may not be needed,maybe only on the two ends.I dont know if the log cabin ended up with supports.I know I worked on a house that had a fairly long main beam,no supports,it might of been 20 feet though not 30.

Yea... I may need to rethink the "support" thinking if I want the upper loft with no supports below outside of steel beams.

The main support for that that house i just mentioned weighed in at something like 900 pounds(pretty sure I'm remembering right),it was solid,not slapped together 2x10s or 2x12s.

the screws in my head are turning..would 149 year old 12×12 hand hewn oak main beams work ? trying to remember the length of them. I'm pretty sure 2 of them are around 27-30 feet long and 4 of them are around 20 feet. if wondering I had bought a old farm house at a tax auction several years back. the field stone foundation is destroyed, but the beams are solid atop it which the house sits on. was planning on eventually fixing the foundation and then renovating the house, but not sure I'll ever do it and could just knock it down to salvage the beams. which can bring a pretty penny for fireplace mantles...but if you need them we can work something out. I'll have to check into whether I can knock it down since it has a centennial farm historic marker for it.


Brad I don't have a 2nd floor in the garage I had built last year but my build thread still might give you some ideas. It's 30x40x12. Enjoy. Finally my 30x40 garage is going to happen - The Garage Journal Board

Thanks Bandit.... That's about the size of my present shop now. It's now a 28' x 40' x 10'. I'm planning on adding the extra length and 2' width for some MORE ROOM. I'll have to join the forum in order to view your pics. Now I understand your need for the 12' ceiling because of raising vehicles but I don't think I'd utilize / need the extra 2'.

Thanks all for your input... Because of the extra costs and the probable need for supports below I'll probably pass on the overhead loft.

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