Viking & Red.... I see no reason at all that you two can't get your asses down and over here to help me put this new building up. I just can't make up my mind on what I really want to put up. Today its a 30' x 60' x 10'. And I'm thinking of pouring and extra 8-10' pad down one of the 60' sides. Then put an 8' roof down the length for outside storage. Could petition off and build a couple small storage sheds then also later. Steel siding? Vinyl? Steel roof? Shingle? I will fully insulate and drywall when done like my other shop. Also thinking of going up another 8' for 30' for extra storage or maybe finish off as a rentable loft.

I'm worse than a women in a mall right now.... :dontknow:

if I may suggest, go with a steel roof..nothing more relaxing than a steel roof during a thunderstorm.
PS got back from urgent care, they tell me I have type A strep throat. at least antibiotics will help.
okay going back to bed.

if I may suggest, go with a steel roof..nothing more relaxing than a steel roof during a thunderstorm.
PS got back from urgent care, they tell me I have type A strep throat. at least antibiotics will help.
okay going back to bed.

Hey Mike sorry to hear your ill and I wish ya the best buddy. Maybe tomorrow will be better for ya.

I'm all in for a steel roof for my new building but I don't plan on sleeping on a pile of sawdust and enjoying the storm. But I also don't want the condensation building up inside on the steel and falling back on me or my ceiling insulation. Need advise / knowledge in this arena. So if anybody on this thread has any PLEASE ADVISE....! Thanks, Brad

Viking & Red.... I see no reason at all that you two can't get your asses down and over here to help me put this new building up

I've been waiting for viking to come and get me(me gut car problems)he's late.:laughing7:

I've been waiting for viking to come and get me(me gut car problems)he's late.:laughing7:

Ok Viking... there ya go... Red has car problems and waiting on you. And I'm waiting on both of you. So get up early, pick up Red and then head South to TN.

Man I wish it was that easy guys... right? Maybe someday? :dontknow:

October 4th...Hunting season opens!:icon_thumright: Also that is "Garage sale Saturday". Close to 100 sales, compared to the usual 10 or so. A couple of days ago we had a high of 90, low 58. It is in the 80's now, I'm hoping for rain! I will be firing up the smoker, salmon are waiting for that sweet...mesquite.:laughing7:

Viking do yourself a favor,try using some sugar maple in your smoker.

P.S...I've been waiting for two days now for you to pick me up.Limit is going to become upset that we're late.
P.P.S....Pick me up an ice coffee when youre almost here,cream,three sugars,large please.:icon_thumright:

Viking do yourself a favor,try using some sugar maple in your smoker.

P.S...I've been waiting for two days now for you to pick me up.Limit is going to become upset that we're late.
P.P.S....Pick me up an ice coffee when youre almost here,cream,three sugars,large please.:icon_thumright:

I will try sugar maple. I have in the past used alder, mesquite, hickory and apple.

Sure..I'm on the way! In about a year or so:laughing7: I will be watching the sunrise tomorrow, with my .30-06. It's been to hot for the deers liking though. I may have access to a 1000+ acre ranch for elk this year. Last year a friend of mine, and the guys with him all got an elk opening day! The joy of private property.

I will try sugar maple. I have in the past used alder, mesquite, hickory and apple.

Sure..I'm on the way! In about a year or so:laughing7: I will be watching the sunrise tomorrow, with my .30-06. It's been to hot for the deers liking though. I may have access to a 1000+ acre ranch for elk this year. Last year a friend of mine, and the guys with him all got an elk opening day! The joy of private property.

Try some cherry'll like it!

OK Yesterday I bough a Beeman .177 model R7. Spendy guns when new. It needs a new mainspring. After some research you need a press to change it. Tips? Ideas? This is the only thing that ever wears out on these guns, I'v heard.

Is this what you mean viking?


Yes!! I was going to search the...."interweb":laughing7: but hoped someone has done this. That is better info then I found. Thanks!!

Yes!! I was going to search the...."interweb" but hoped someone has done this. That is better info then I found. Thanks!!

No problem buddy,good luck.I also saw a video on your gun.Takes about 18 pounds of pressure to cock it.I've used some real S.O.Bs,one of them you had to break the barrel on your knee and cock it the same way,on your knee.after 25 shots you felt like you did some weight lifting:laughing9:

Hey Mike sorry to hear your ill and I wish ya the best buddy. Maybe tomorrow will be better for ya.

I'm all in for a steel roof for my new building but I don't plan on sleeping on a pile of sawdust and enjoying the storm. But I also don't want the condensation building up inside on the steel and falling back on me or my ceiling insulation. Need advise / knowledge in this arena. So if anybody on this thread has any PLEASE ADVISE....! Thanks, Brad

Wow,, So many questions about the building construction. How about we jump to the roof construction?

Are you installing on purlins or are you installing roof sheathing? Lay down a good underlayment first and you are in great shape. (Look into Marco Metal, masterrib) We are about to install 7500 Sq Ft of it.

Wow,, So many questions about the building construction. How about we jump to the roof construction?

Are you installing on purlins or are you installing roof sheathing? Lay down a good underlayment first and you are in great shape. (Look into Marco Metal, masterrib) We are about to install 7500 Sq Ft of it.

Dave.... If I install roof sheathing on the rafters I'll probably just tar paper and shingle then...??? It would seem like a waste of money to sheath and then steel roof wouldn't it??? Maybe not??? It would seem difficult to lay a steel roof with an underlayment on rafters or purlins or am I missing something (probably am)? Got power company coming out today @ 8:30 to discuss and a couple of local contractors to bid on to just stud building out quickly for me. I'm stuck on a 30' x 60' x 10' now.

A garage door opener would limit you to 8 ft door with a 10 ft ceiling . Look into the company I provided. You may be surprised.

You have a problem limitool. Your box is full. I tried to send you what you needed.

A friend used an expensive barrier, not sheet metal but fabric of sorts ,seems it was similar to what can be used on lower edges of roofs for ice guard. over osb sheathing before adding steel. (O.S.B. sheaths the trusses.)
Ceiling and walls will be insulated. Ramping temp up and down creates condensation in most structures. Even with roof vented.

Ok, adapted and overcome.

In box now emptied (sorry...all)... Got your private email Dave and thanks. The 8' garage door will be just fine for what I have in mind as it's what I have now... or am I missing your point Dave?

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