for the last 6 hours 3 of the main backbone servers and a few really big DNS's have been being pounded in a monster DDoS attack, I am talking 80k plus bots, thats some serious bandwidth clogging them pipes, been slowing down bad last 2 hours, double posts WILL happen, and its gonna get alot worse...HEY! dont look at me that way I am innocent...promise.


PS dont fret it TH i was grumpy earlier, dead tired and running on fumes...make me a admin and I will make that 2nd forum rock, you should see the site I made on there, been working on it for the last 24 hours straight lol.


thanks thought my puter was updating or messing up, so the hackers are in a race to see how many hacks b4
12:01am 1/1/2014 LOL


Never be the lo mein on the totem pole...

[I stole that from H. Allen Smith - never before had the chance to use it.]

Happy New Year to All,

~ The Old Bookaroo

That's what's wrong with your thinking. Bass ackwards.

Maybe learn before taking shots.

No , that is bottled in bond bullpucky . The real deal is made with untaxed spirits and if well made is much better .
This stuff ain't too bad but there is plenty of the real stuff around these parts as well. I'm keeping one jar of this stuff un-opened because they switched to a more traditional square bottle with a Black label & White lettering & now they are being sued by Jack Daniels for copyright infringement. The jars like this are already bringing a few bucks even empty. I took a jar to NH for my sons wedding and passed it around. Pretty good stuff.


  • 303888_270754732958677_767796246_n.webp
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Mike here's a problem for ya you might be able to help me with. I have Dish network internet because it's all I can get up here in the mountains. Got a wireless router hooked up to my modem and a laptop in my garage which is about 60' from the house. If I open all the garage doors I can get a signal in the garage. If they are closed I don't. I'm assuming it's because it's a metal building ? Need a cheap way to fix it. I do have another wireless router I got from a friend. If I mount that on the outside of the garage & hard wire it to the laptop will that work ?

Configure the second router as a repeater and place it in a position closer to the garage. Increased signal.

Do it at my place of work so I can get wifi at the farthest corner of the store.

Nice to see Red's thread take off

I'm not disputing that it tastes good to you . The problem is that all the commercial distillers leave the headaches in their product because of the profit incentive . A real craftsman takes the headaches and hangovers out when he makes the raw product . From there it is easy to make a good tasting drop .

A hunting buddy of mine in the Adirondacks has a friend in Tenn., and trades deermeat for beef, and each trade includes some of the finest Peach infused moonshine, and all the " headaches" have been removed......think I may take a sip from mason's jar, and welcome in the New Year.......Gary

Configure the second router as a repeater and place it in a position closer to the garage. Increased signal.

Do it at my place of work so I can get wifi at the farthest corner of the store.
LoL... Is this something a retired junkyard dog with very little computer expertise can do without blowing my eyebrows off ?

This stuff ain't too bad but there is plenty of the real stuff around these parts as well. I'm keeping one jar of this stuff un-opened because they switched to a more traditional square bottle with a Black label & White lettering & now they are being sued by Jack Daniels for copyright infringement. The jars like this are already bringing a few bucks even empty. I took a jar to NH for my sons wedding and passed it around. Pretty good stuff.

Best liquor I ever drank,Tennessee shine.

I just watched 297k warbots launch off of EFnet...gonna feel like 28.8k days here before to long lol
if anybody is wondering what I am talking about, all a warbot is, is a PC that has been infected with a trojan, that is then taken over without the owner knowing it, a bot aka rogue app is launched in a null hidden process, it goes and wait, untill some script kiddie says go to X IP and repeatedly ping it, no biggie with just a few of them, but when you have several hundred thousand of them pinging you, your shiznit slows to a crawl and all your legitimate traffic cannot get biggie when it is just somebody that has a grudge, but if its somebody somebody else did wrong..bleh I have seen DDoS last for weeks...not that I would ever condone such behavior, atleast not in this lifetime, maybe in a few previous ones lol


Anyone else ever feel this way....


LoL... Is this something a retired junkyard dog with very little computer expertise can do without blowing my eyebrows off ?

Encore made the best ones. I have a friend who used to use it to "piggyback" from his neighbor's wifi. He may want to sell it. New they were about $25 at

Here is a repeater: NETGEAR WN2500RP-100NAS Universal Dual Band Wi-Fi Range Extender -

One of the higher rated ones is here: - HooToo HT-WR01 Wireless N 300 Mbps 802.11 b/g/n Access Point / Signal Repeater / Range Extender (White)

Just follow the instructions. You'll need to know your network's password then configure it as a repeater.

Easy for anyone who can set up a regular router.

I just watched 297k warbots launch off of EFnet...gonna feel like 28.8k days here before to long lol
if anybody is wondering what I am talking about, all a warbot is, is a PC that has been infected with a trojan, that is then taken over without the owner knowing it, a bot aka rogue app is launched in a null hidden process, it goes and wait, untill some script kiddie says go to X IP and repeatedly ping it, no biggie with just a few of them, but when you have several hundred thousand of them pinging you, your shiznit slows to a crawl and all your legitimate traffic cannot get biggie when it is just somebody that has a grudge, but if its somebody somebody else did wrong..bleh I have seen DDoS last for weeks...not that I would ever condone such behavior, atleast not in this lifetime, maybe in a few previous ones lol


Several ways to try to avoid "participating" in that ddos attack:

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Off to work. Doing a web ad for our local assessor ... that means I have to undo the crappy ad put together by her "professional designer" that I paid for and do it right ...

Want something done right you always have to do it yourself there buddy.

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