I would think it would Bandit, or just buy a cheap whip antenna and put it up high somewhere, just not on your roof, unless you have it grounded very very well, with lightning rods, I would hate to hear of somebodies house burning down due to that, seen it happen before, it sucks.


Ever into HF?

did ham for years, still have a 500 watt silverstreak amp for for my base cb...I really miss the old days before cable, would dead key that mic and static up all my neighbors tv sets for 1/4 mile :D

An old freebander here,I love shootin skip.Seems to me you got everything down,

old microwave makes a good faraday shield from EMP.

I wish I still had the base setup we once had, had 2500 watts on that setup, one neighbor finally got smart, which for him it turned out really bad
one night snuck over and stuck a straight pin right into the center of the coax going up to the antenna...meh /cry...amps really dont like that to much...


when you guys get all quiet here and there, are you off chatting somewhere ? I am really lonely over here to the point I may start being a lonely troll, and I hate going down that road..I really miss my wife, she does not talk to me much anymore, this is all I guys and gals.


I wish I still had the base setup we once had, had 2500 watts on that setup, one neighbor finally got smart, which for him it turned out really bad
one night snuck over and stuck a straight pin right into the center of the coax going up to the antenna...meh /cry...amps really dont like that to much...


Blows things out quick,my eyes are always on the SWR.

you know I am gonna start talking here to myself, if it annoys anybody just tell me to go away and I will..stupid meds only do so much, talking is what helps, to bad the rest of the world does not realize that...nevermind I am being selfish.

I'm an old freebander. 1974 until about 1989 or so when I finally got my General Ticket. It was not easy in those days like it is now. You used to have to go to an FCC Office and they would breath down you neck.. No was hard. Angelo Ditty FCC was an ass.

I'm an old freebander. 1974 until about 1989 or so when I finally got my General Ticket. It was not easy in those days like it is now. You used to have to go to an FCC Office and they would breath down you neck.. No was hard. Angelo Ditty FCC was an ass.
Funny how the names of ******* government bureaucrats are burned into our memories with a red hot branding iron. Never forget the cop who wrote me up for an open container in California 30 years ago..."Officer Buzzard".

I'm an old freebander. 1974 until about 1989 or so when I finally got my General Ticket. It was not easy in those days like it is now. You used to have to go to an FCC Office and they would breath down you neck.. No was hard. Angelo Ditty FCC was an ass.

I lived on Cosby Tennessee last cycle,good skip,had a home brew 4 element yagi on the flat side,talked around the

world,talked into Australia for hours at a time and made a lot of nice people too!

No , that is bottled in bond bullpucky .

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