Recent dredge puts iron/pottery on the island!!!

I dont see it as Spanish if the vessel was returning to Europe and sank then the brick is out of place - at first glance the pottery would date 1780-1800000000000and on.....however the bricks made in the Caribbean were done to save on costs for spain and they were thinner almost like roof tiles termed Ladrillos, these looked like fired Bristol Brick and also they were often made downisland but not for a return voyage. Used in the colonies, I would guess European leaning toward English from London sank. The iron cannot be used to date the vessel those spikes are out of place, if you had a bigger mix then I may lean towards pre 1800 it just looks like debris from a new vessel. (1820)
Brick as ballast or fire or ... the one brick sure is darker and I bet you can narrow it down off the darker of the two bricks. Just my thoughts - good luck. GH

Thanks goldfish for the help.I think there may have been some structure maybe built to close to the waters edge in the old days.Hurricanes may have pounded it down, and the land washed away....But could also be a wreck many around the area.I took chagys advice (Follow the trail) Thanks again

Thanks goldfish for the help.I think there may have been some structure maybe built to close to the waters edge in the old days.Hurricanes may have pounded it down, and the land washed away....But could also be a wreck many around the area.I took chagys advice (Follow the trail) Thanks again

Some minds think along the same lines....I was just talking to Jason (ScubaFinder) the other day about your findings....I told him that your findings looked like if they were from some kind of structure, house, small fort, tradding place or wreck camp site, close to shore...Further research may answer some of your questions......

All the best,


Todays finds :wink:


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is that a coin I see in the center of the pic?

;D Spanish cob.Im not sure where it came from but ,i know where i found it..


Post a better pic of the coin that may give us a date....Also that iron thingy on top has a key hole...chest maybe?

Im going to try,this camera i have sometimes takes good pics.sometimes not....I think it maybe a chest also. Do you think the lock piece is as old as the coin?I know some of the buttons are from around 1820s,and the coin much older...... We have been turning up some stuff.I cant talk about all of it.But i would like to know how old this coin is....


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from items I see --I think you got one of two vessels ---either an english "lumber" trade era vessel---early 1810 to say 1830 ish era ---or a spanish vessel of that time frame that had english "trade" items of that era on her --- the mixed items tell me a bit --- the plate shard is of english manufacture and of style which was popular from about 1800 to 1830ish -- the flat button design again was popular from say about 1790 to about 1820 (england was a well known button maker at the time) -- so the over lap time wize is say 1800 to 1820 --- a 20 year window --- during that time two things occured that pushed a lot of english shipping into spanish florida ---the american 1803 anti importation of any more slaves from africa law--- lead to spanish florida becoming a illegal slave smuggling center thru its rather large border area with america ---- then the farther american "embargo" act of1809 that cut off american trade with "foreign" countries --(france / britain) --this pushed england into trade with spanish for the maritime wood based products she needed --- england sent masses of "lumber trade" vessels starting in 1809 to florida --- their peak time frame was from 1810 to about 1830ish ---the coin looks to be a spanish "pocket change" silver type coin which would not be uncommon since spanish money was used by all at the time in florida both the english and spanish.

heres a little sumpin you'll like - thru this link I am providing you can find help in dating you pottery finds time frame wize ---enjoy --Ivan

Thanks chagy and ivan great news and thanks for the help,thats right along what i was thinking.I have one question,with the smuggling of slaves.Would they try and hide this/slaves from each other say the english or spanish in this time frame ?Or did they work together on this?

oh in spanish florida no problem bring in slaves --while england "offically" banned the slave trade in 1803 there were still lots of english slave traders working at it in the early 1800's --spain had no such "ban" so the english slave traders brought the slaves into florida and then sold them to the local spanish and british loyalist that stayed in florida after the rev war was over (florida was under british control from 1763 to 1783-- it was the original 14th colony) during the war it stayed british loyal --and while most of the british loyalist left when spain regain control; in 1783 some britsh loyalist stayed swore an oath to spain and lived here on their "old english land grants" which the spanish honored. --these folks were the ones that often turned to the illegal smuggling of goods into georgia and alabama area of the USA as a means of hustling a buck.--many of them used the money made in the illegal slave trade to buy land and set up their own farms with slaves here in florida


Could you post a pic of the back of the lock.....

I send the pic of your coin to my good friend Mackaydon and he found this cooper maravedi...pretty similar


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found another one pretty similar but its also a maravedis....yours is silver,,,right?


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This are some Spanish colonial chest's so that you can compare them with your lock plate........


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I agree that the mark does look like a Maradevi but did you notice the assayer's notch? Would assayers notch out a copper coin? Just curious. Relicdude is on the case!!! And I'm gonna be on his rear! ;D


Man!!!!! Thanks chagy for the trunk pics.......It does look old like one of these.As far as the coin,it looks kinda copper looking but also reads high on a whites dfx #89 and minelab 58 to 60 i always just dig all the stuff that sounds good and this sounded like a silver coin ,very high pitch.But my friend did check the numbers on his dfx and said it sounds and reads like silver....I cooked it on a small charger to clean it..Thanks again bro ..And pcola we are going to find the loot in just a short time.We are very close,we can zoom in now on the location of the trade goods :wink: Chagy ? what does the symbol mean in the right hand corner of the spanish land grant? The one that has the circle in the middle of it........On the tip of the land.......


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They look to be more copper than silver as is typical of maradevis. Copper and silver are pretty close on the ranges of detectors.


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Thanks darren,I can tell most of the time on my minelab the difference/tone between the two.But this thing does have a strange color.I wonder if when i cooked it,if it may have done something to the metal.I used lemon juice and salt and water.Maybe the wrong way to clean.But i couldnt see what was on it....


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